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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 673-674:

Harry C. Moore

(Of the firm of H.C. Moore & Co., Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, Carpets, Boots and Shoes, Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Etc., Nevada).

   A truth that must be everywhere regarded is that keen perception, sound judgment and a determined will, supported by persevering and continuous effort, will surely result in success in whatever occupation one may be engaged; and their possession is sure to accomplish the aims hoped for.  The career of Harry C. Moore, especially so far as his connection with the mercantile interests of Nevada is concerned, bears out the truth of this statement, for at this time he is the head of one of the most substantial and extensive retail establishments in the Southwest.  It was in 1870 that he came to this place and in that year he opened a business house, carrying on a general merchandising trade at first, but increasing in growth and extent as his patronage increased, until now it is recognized as one of the largest and most complete dry goods houses throughout this section of country.  The reputation which it enjoys is second to no similar mercantile establishment in Southwest Missouri, and the magnitude of its transactions and the completeness of its mammoth stock cannot be excelled in places outside of the largest cities.  To Mr. Moore’s superior business ability is due almost entirely the remarkable growth of his house.  He has proven himself to be a man of strict integrity, fair and honorable in all his dealings, and has thus drawn around him a trade most complimentary to his standing as a business man and citizen.  Mr. Moore was born at Paris, Monroe county, Mo., June 9, 1849, the youngest child of three children in the family of his parents, Judge William and Nancy Moore, née Duncan.  The former was a Virginian by birth and at an early day removed to Missouri, where he died in 1856.  His wife, originally from Nelson county, Ky., preceded him to the grave a number of years.  Harry C. was reared in his native county, his early life being uneventful, though he was brought up, it might be said, to a knowledge of mercantile business.  For five years he was in the large house of W. H. Johnson & Co., at Quincy, and upon coming here, in 1870, as stated, was well qualified to enter upon a career which has since been so successful.  In January, 1871, he was married to Miss Mollie McKay, of Chicago, Ill., and to them one child has been born, Glessie Moore.  Mr. Moore is a Knight Templar in the Masonic Order.  Too much cannot be said of his identification with the interests of both Vernon county and the town of Nevada.  No worthy movement, tending to their moral or financial advancement, has failed to receive his earnest support.  The various improvements which are to be seen in so many portions of the county were largely aided by him, though all his actions have been done in a manner devoid of notoriety.  He is the present president of the Board of Trade of Nevada, and is connected with other interests of the place.  Surely such a man richly merits the success and esteem which have crowned his efforts.

[Transcribed by Julia Brown ]


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