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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 664-665:

Robert J. McGowan

(Dealer in Boots, Shoes, Etc., Nevada).

   R. J. McGowan, one of the active public-spirited and successful business men of Nevada, has for a number of years been associated with the public movements and commercial interests of the Gem City, as Nevada has been called.  Born in Jefferson county, Ky., May 8, 1845, he was principally reared in Oldham county until the outbreak of the war, passing his youth and early manhood in common with other youths of the neighborhood in tilling the soil.  James McGowan, his father, also a Kentuckian by birth, was a contractor by occupation, and when a young man was married to Miss  Ellen Foulks, like himself of the Blue Grass State.  At the first alarm of battle young Robert joined the 9th Kentucky, under Morgan, and served in all of that gallant leader's raids until his (Morgan) capture, following which he was under the command of Cerro Gordo Williams up to the cessation of hostilities.  He was one of the last soldiers in the army to surrender and was one of those who helped to count the Confederate money on hand when the war closed.  After surrendering Mr. McGowan was taken under heavy guard to Chattanooga and thence to the penitentiary at Nashville, where he was confined two days and a night before being released.  Upon his return to Oldham county, Ky., he remained there until the next fall, attending school some of the time, and afterwards, up to 1870, gave his attention to farming, his settlement in this county dating from that year.  After coming here he was at first engaged in the cattle business, but five years later he became  agent for the Adams Express Company at this point, a capacity in which he served four years.  Then he was chosen to occupy public position, having been called by his fellow citizens to the office of treasurer and ex-officio collector, one of the most important within the gift of the people.  Thus he was occupied for one term and subsequently was elected collector for a term, and since his connection with this office ceased he has been engaged in the boot and shoe business, first under the firm name of R. J. McGowan, and afterwards, as at present, under the style of McGowan & Jordan.  This business is one of the most important in the city, and Mr. McGowan's establishment is the principal one of the kind in Nevada.  The stock carried is all that could be desired and the large amount of business transacted is the best attestation of the popularity of the house.  Mr. McG. was married October 21, 1874, to Miss Emma P. Williams, daughter of John W. Williams, of Oldham county, Ky.  They have five children living:  John R., Anna M., Lulu P., Douglass and Grace Harber.  One is deceased, Jesse.  Mr. McGowan is a member of the Masonic fraternity.  In social life he is universally respected and esteemed; he has labored, and not in vain, for the welfare of his adopted city, and enjoys in a marked degree that reward of the honest, upright citizen -- the confidence of his fellow-man.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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