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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 832-833:

Frank G., James W. and Harry R. McCutchen


   These brothers, representatives of one of Missouri’s worthy families, are deserving of prominent mention in the present volume as influential and substantial residents of this county.  They are sons of John M. and Fannie (Tutt) McCutchen, the former of whom, though a Kentuckian by birth, became settled in Cooper county, Mo., in an early day, moving there with his parents’ family when quite young.  The mother was a native of Virginia.  Ten children were born to them.  At this time Judge John M. McCutchen is a representative farmer of Cooper county, and in the past has been prominently identified with the interests of that locality, having frequently been called to occupy positions of public trust and honor.  The duties of these offices he discharged with care and fidelity and to the entire satisfaction of his constituents, and his career while a member of the State Legislature is only one indication of the faithfulness which has attended his public service.

   Frank G. McCutchen, the eldest child in the family, was born in Cooper county, Mo., May 15, 1848, and there grew to manhood, dividing his time between working on his father’s farm and attending school.  To the instruction which he received while in attendance at the common schools he added a course at the renowned Kemper’s Institute at Boonville, and on starting in life for himself adopted his former calling of tilling the soil and stock raising.  In 1883 he came to Vernon county and now owns a valuable farm of 320 acres, well improved and with good surroundings, the appearances of which indicate beyond question, thrift and refinement.  In connection with farming his attention is directed quite extensively to the raising of thoroughbred cattle, at the head of which (and he has an excellent herd) is one of the finest animals in Southwest Missouri.  In 1877 Mr. McCutchen married Miss Mary S. Tucker, of Cooper county, a daughter of J. J. Tucker, Esq., who has long been identified with the interests of Vernon county.  They have three children: Johnnie T., Anna L. and Frank Tutt.

   James W. McCutchen was born in Cooper county, Mo., in 1853.  After attending the common schools, James finished his education at Columbia, Mo.  In 1882 he came to Vernon county, and engaged in farming and stock raising on his farm of 320 acres adjoining his brother Frank, on the north.  In March, 1886, Mr. McCutchen was married to Miss Rose E. Moreman, of Shelbina, Mo.  They have one child, Welton M.

   Harry R. McCutchen was also born in Cooper county, in August, 1855, like his brother growing up there and obtaining a common school education.  Later he entered Bunceton Institute, of that county, and at the age of nineteen he, too, became a pupil in Kemper’s Military Institute.  Going to Ellis county, Texas, in 1877 he became engaged in the drug business, following it during his residence in that section until 1881, when he returned to Cooper county, Mo.  In February, of the following year, he came to Sheldon, Vernon county, soon entering upon his present business—that of drugs, medicines, etc., and from that time to this his efforts have all been directed to the building up of a substantial trade in his line.  In this he has not been disappointed, for a good patronage has been accorded him, and better than all else, those among whom he lives have long since learned that the confidence reposed in him is not misplaced.  September 9, 1885, he was appointed Sheldon’s postmaster, the duties of which position he is now discharging.  In 1883 Mr. McCutchen was united in marriage with Miss Carrrie Williams, and two children have blessed this union: Waldo F. and Fannie May.  Mr. McC. Is a member of the I. O. O. F.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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