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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 834:

John T. Mays

(Farmer and Stock-dealer, Section 1, Post-office, Milo).

   One of the best improved farms in Drywood township, and indeed in this portion of Vernon county, is that owned by John T. Mays—an estate embracing 740 acres.  This place he purchased upon removing to the county in 1882, and since that time he has been actively and successfully engaged in its management.  As a result it is known to-day for the excellence of its productions, and especially for the superior improvements which have been placed upon it, the dwelling especially being worthy of more than a passing notice.  Though he is one of the recent comers to this locality his residence here has been of sufficient length to establish him firmly in the estimation of those among whom his home now is as one of the county’s solid, substantial agriculturists.  Mr. Mays came originally from Marion county, Mo., where his birth occurred February 20, 1842.  John Mays, his father, formerly from Jessamine county, Ky., was married after reaching manhood to Miss Margaret Trotter, and to them a family of nine children were born, young John being the fourth child.  He passed his youth and early manhood in his native county, there acquiring a thorough knowledge of farming and the handling of stock, which he has made his life study and occupation.  In 1882 he left his old home and moved to Vernon county, Mo., where he has since remained.  June 4, 1872, Mr. Mays married Miss Callie Hickman, who was also born in Marion county, Mo., March 7, 1849, the daughter of Jacob Hickman of Virginia.  Personally Mr. M. and wife are highly respected.  Their home is the abode of taste and refinement, as all about it goes to indicate.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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