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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 737:

William H. Martin

(County School Commissioner and Principal of the Public School of Schell City).

   He whose name heads this sketch is a native Missourian, born in Randolph county, March 15, 1860.  He is, therefore, only little passed the age of 27 years, and though a young man occupying a position as principal of the second most important school in the county, he is by no means too young to faithfully and thoroughly discharge the duties connected with this important calling.  Commencing to teach at the age of 17 years, he has had an experience covering a period of almost 10 years—sufficient time, surely, to render him a capable, efficient instructor.  Mr. Martin comes of Scotch-Irish parentage on his father’s side, his grandfather, Henry Martin, a Kentuckian by birth, springing from these two nationalities.  His parents, Bailey and Martha E. Martin, née Davis, were both born in Missouri.  They had a family of 13 children, William H. being the fifth, though the eldest son.  As he passed through youth and boyhood he was taught the principles of agricultural life, receiving his education at the common schools, but even at the early age mentioned a desire to enter into more of a professional life led him to adopt teaching, and this has been continued with signal success.  Coming to Vernon county in 1881, he taught one year at Moundville and also one at Nevada, then moving to Schell City, where for two years he taught here.  He has served as school commissioner for four years—a fact that indicates in itself a thorough fitness and success as an educator.  Personally and socially he is esteemed as much as in professional life—an excellent example for those whom he seeks to instruct.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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