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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 571-572:

Henry E. Manzer

(Farmers and Stock-raiser, Section 1, Post-office, Deerfield).

   Henry E. Manzer came originally from Susquehanna county Pa., a locality which he left when two years old to accompany the family further west.  A home was finally selected in Lake county, Ill., and there, surrounded by all the influence of agricultural life, he, too, grew up to be a farmer, becoming familiar with the calling in all its varied details until capable of conducting a place of his own.  These years of experience have not been without their substantial results, for, as one of the practical go-ahead farmers of Coal township, Mr. Manzer is well known.  Shortly after his marriage in Lake county, Ill., November 1, 1865, when Miss Fannie Morley became his wife, he left there and moved to this county, settling upon the place which he still owns.  This contains in all some 685 acres, the improvements of which are among the best farm improvements to be found in the county.  It would be hard to find a more progressive, methodical or practical agriculturist than Mr. Manzer.  As a natural consequence his success has been steady, but none the less deserved.  Besides the benefit he has been to the community as a farmer, he has rendered equally as much aid in identifying himself with all movements having a tendency to forward the interests of those among whom his home has been cast.  Mr. M. is now a little past the age of 50 years, having been born July 3, 1836.  Christopher Manzer, his father, of New York nativity, was a farmer by occupation; his mother, whose maiden name was Liva Potter, from Pennsylvania originally, bore her husband four children, of whom Henry was the eldest.  His career from infancy has been briefly noted.  Mrs. Manzer is a native of England.  She came to the United States when 15 years of age, and is a daughter of Joseph and Ann Morley.  Mr. and Mrs. M. have on daughter, Annie.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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