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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 662:

Charles N. Logan

(Surveyor of Vernon County, Nevada).

   Though perhaps there have been but few thrilling incidents or remarkable events in the life of Mr. Logan, still his success has been a constant and steady growth, and he has evinced in his association with mankind characteristics of that order which always command respect.  Born April 29, 1833, he came originally from Loudon county, Tenn., where he passed his early life occupied in agricultural pursuits.  Joseph B. and Sarah Logan, née   Cochran, his parents, also natives of Tennessee, moved to Missouri in 1856 and in 1857 to this county.  Both died here, the former in 1870 and the mother in 1874; the father was engaged in farming until the time of his death.  Charles N. was the eldest of eight children, and as such was actively employed about the home place.  On leaving Tennessee he came to Missouri in 1856, with his parents, and the following year found him a resident of Vernon county, which has since been his home.  At first and for a number of years he devoted himself to tilling the soil in Virgil township, but subsequently he commenced surveying, and so thoroughly did he establish himself in this calling that after four years' service as deputy surveyor he was elected to the position of county surveyor in 1874.  Having mastered the fundamental principles of surveying, Mr. Logan's long and extensive service in his present capacity has endowed him with an accomplished experience, and it is a fact worthy of mention that he has surveyed the larger number of towns now to be found in this county.  He has been twice married; first in 1859, to Mrs. Sarah A. Halley (formerly Butler), a native of Tennessee, who died in 1879.  In 1881, Mr. Logan married Miss Helen Smith, of this county, daughter of C. D. Smith.  They have two children, Charles and Harry.  Mr. L. is a member of the Masonic Order.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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