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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 755-756:

James Warner Lillard

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 26, Post-office, Nevada).

   A plain, unassuming and widely known resident of Vernon county, one whose life thus far has been busily and worthily occupied with the duties and responsibilities his situation seemed to impose, Mr. Lillard is a man whose past is without reproach and whose career has been a creditable one for the enviable position he has attained, alone by his own exertions and merits, and by means that have never been called in question.  Thoroughly averse to even the appearance of empty commendation, the greatest difficulty met with in the preparation of a sketch of his life is to do him justice without giving offense.  His parents were Stephen and Rosanna (Hudgins) Lillard, the former of Kentucky and the latter of Virginia nativity, his paternal grandmother, whose name was Prather, having located at Harrod’s Station, Ky., in a very early day.  Of the 12 children born to them James W. was the second son and third child.  Naturally he was reared as a farmer, and besides this he was also engaged for a number of years in the manufacture of whiskey, though his principal interests were devoted to the stock industry.  In 1873 he came to Vernon county, Mo., bringing with him five head of thoroughbred cattle, and from this small herd grew stock the reputation of which was widespread.  For some 10 years he handled a superior grade of blooded Short-horns and throughout this portion of Missouri, as well as in other States, his stock became extensively and favorably known.  Instances almost without number could be recorded where premiums at fairs were awarded him.  In 1883 he disposed of his principal blooded stock interests, though at present he still attends somewhat to the feeding of cattle, his large place of 1,200 acres being well suited to such a purpose.  A considerable portion of his farm is rented.  Success seems to have attended him on almost every hand, but it has been obtained at the cost of strict perseverance and close application.  In January, 1857, Mr. Lillard was married to Miss Cynthia A. Ford, of Woodford county, Ky.  They have eight children: Stephen A., a graduate of Westminster College, Fulton, Mo., and now a hardware merchant in Texas; Zachariah P., Annie W., Patrick D., Laura, Rose, Foster and Blake.  Mr. L. is one of the county’s most progressive citizens; he exercises good common sense and keen judgment in all directions, and especially in educational and religious matters does he take great interest.  Besides the eldest son already mentioned another is a physician—a graduate of an allopathic school, since which time he has taken a course in homeopathy.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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