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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 734-735:

George W. Landes

(Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, Millinery, etc. also Brick Manufacturer and Contractor, Schell City).

   The mercantile interests of Schell City, as well as its building interests, are substantially and faithfully represented among others by Mr. Landes, the pioneer in the general merchandise line in this place, and whose connection with its affairs, therefore, forms a not unimportant part of the town’s history.  Opening a general stock of goods here in the year 1878, he has continued to enjoy a trade which has constantly increased, and not only this but in the meantime his own reputation as a business man has become thoroughly and firmly established.  His enterprise and public spiritedness have led in many ways to the development and improvement of this section.  In 1884 in connection with Mr. Lewis he built a brick business block, the upper story of which is devoted to an opera-house, with comfortable seating capacity; below is his store.  A short sketch of the life of this successful business man may prove of interest at this place.  Born November 30, 1842, in Muskingum county, O., he was the second of four children in the family of his parents, Samuel and Margaret Landes, née Porter, both natives of Pennsylvania.  The father being a farmer naturally brought up his son to the same occupation, and this the latter was engaged in following at the outbreak of the war when he enlisted in the 32d Ohio volunteer infantry, in 1861, entering upon a military campaign through West Virginia.  He was taken prisoner at Harper’s Ferry and after being exchanged joined the Army of Tennessee and was assigned to the 17th army corps, participating in the Vicksburg campaign, during which, between Jackson and Raymond, he was taken prisoner, but escaped.  After taking part in the Atlanta campaign he was mustered out finally, then locating at Streator, Ill., where he lived until 1876.  In 1878, as stated, he chose a home in this place and since then, besides attending to his store, he has been actively engaged in the manufacture of brick and contracting.  Most of the better class of business houses in the town are specimens of his skill, and reflect credit upon his ability as a builder.  At this time he is also engaged in the manufacture of brick at Independence, Mo.  In 1866 Mr. Landes was married to Miss Jennet Woolley, of New York.  Five children have been given then: Cora, Milo, Chester, Ross and Russell.  Mr. L. is a member of the Masonic Order, in which he is a Knight Templar.  He also belongs to the A. O. U. W. and G. A. R.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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