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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 653-654:

James M. Jones

(Of the firm of Nelson & Jones, Grocers, etc., Nevada).

   Though the establishment with which Mr. Jones is connected is not as old as other houses in the same line of business in Nevada, it is but the truth to say that it is among the most popular in this community.  Mr. Jones is a native of Missouri and was born November 12, 1857, his parents being W. J. and Eliza Jones, née Duren, who became located in this county in 1866.  The former now occupies the position of Mayor of Nevada.  James M.'s entire business experience has been that of handling groceries, provisions, etc.  Six years of this time he was selling goods on the road and the experience thus gained and his familiarity with the wholesale trade have proved of inestimable value.  In March, 1885, he became associated with Mr. I. F. S. Nelson, under the firm name of Nelson & Jones, dealers in groceries and provisions.  They carry a large and complete stock and sell exclusively for cash, and the success of this new departure in business has proven satisfactory and has exceeded their expectations.  One reason no doubt of the substantial results which have attended them has been their straightforward, honorable course and kind obliging manners -- qualities which go far towards securing for business men the patronage they seek.  in 1885 he was married to an estimable young lady, Miss Kate Royston, who was born in Henry county, Mo.  Her father is George Royston, Esq.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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