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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 650:

Harvey W. Isbell

(Editor and Proprietor of the Noticer, Nevada).

   The life of the editor as best seen in the columns of the press indicates him to be the brief chronicler of the age, though at last he must pass away, perhaps to be forgotten.  Such is the fate of all able newspaper writers of the past half century, and from this inevitable destiny we can claim no exception for one, the peer of any in this vicinity, a sketch of whose life is here given, Harvey W. Isbell, was born in Mason county, Ky., April 27, 1849.  His father was Rev. E. D. Isbell, of Paris, Bourbon county, Ky., for many years an able and successful Baptist minister in the Blue Grass State and now a resident of Boone county, Mo.  Harvey's mother came originally from the same place as her husband; she was formerly Miss Sarah E. Wheat.  He is the only son living born of his parents' marriage.  Spending the greater part of his youth in his native State, he grew to manhood there and obtained a good classical education, attending the college at Georgetown, Ky., from which he graduated in the class of 1870, and it was during this time that he gave proofs of talents of an unusual order.  While living at Louisville, Mr. Isbell was engaged in teaching school and also commenced his journalistic experience there.  In 1878 he came to Vernon county, Mo., resumed his former occupation of teaching for some time, and in March, 1886, started the Noticer, a paper whose success has been almost phenomenal.  Entering upon a field already liberally supplied with three good journals, it has steadily increased in favor and circulation, and through the excellent management and perserving [persevering] determination of its editor has taken a front rank among the newspapers of this portion of Missouri, gaining a reputation well deserved.  In October, 1882, Mr. Isbell was married to Miss Ruth Wilson, who was born in Callaway county, Mo.  Two children are in their family, Rush Darwin and Judith E.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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