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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 422:

Dewitt Hoover

(Dealer in General Merchandise, Hoover).

   This portion of the county is not without its mercantile establishment, and at Hoover the subject of this sketch is engaged in conducting a general store, where he is receiving a good patronage.  His father, William Hoover, for several years located in this community, was well known hereabouts and a short sketch of his life in this connection will not be inappropriate.  Born in Hardin county, Ky., in 1823, he was reared in the Blue Grass State as a farmer, living there until coming to Vernon county, Mo., in February, 1871.  Here he died in January, 1877, leaving besides his wife, formerly Miss Pamelia E. DeWitt, six sons and six daughters:  Lou A., wife of B. H. Gray; Elizabeth, wife of H. Richardson; Lucretia, now Mrs. P. M. Fink; DeWitt, Robert E., James W., Kitty A., wife of Rev. A. G. Moore; John H., Owen, C. Lee, Ida and Alice.  DeWitt Hoover, a representative son of a honored father, was also born in Hardin county, Ky., his natal day being December 25, 1854.  His early life was passed in attending to the duties of the home farm, a calling with which he became very familiar, and in 1871 he accompanied his parents to this county.  Up to 1881 he was engaged in agricultural pursuits, but since then he has applied his energies to the conduct of the establishment above referred to, where, as already mentioned, he is enjoying a liberal custom--a result due largely to his personal popularity and courteous manner towards all.  May 7, 1877, Mr. Hoover was married to Miss Nannie A. Norman, of Moniteau county, Mo., and the daughter of A. R. Norman, Esq.  Three children are in their family:  Luther, Ethel and Bennett.  Mr. H. is a member of the M.E. Church South, while his worthy wife belongs to the Baptist Church.



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