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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 470-471:

John R. C. Hill

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Post-office, Hardwood.)

   Mr. Hill is one of the native-born residents of Missouri and as such is a son whom the State is proud to claim.  Though still less than 30 years of age he has reached a position in material affairs which reflects much credit upon his energy and industry, and shows him to be possessed of more than ordinary executive ability.  He was born in Macon county, February 25, 1857, and has passed his entire life within the borders of this State.  His father, Dr. Isaac N. Hill, a physician of decided merit and reputation, was born in Kentucky in August, 1819, and when young was brought by his father to Boone county, Mo., where he remained until removing to Howard county in 1833.  While there he studied medicine and subsequently attended the Louisville Medical College, from which he was afterwards graduated.  Following the completion of his professional course he became located in Middle Grove, Monroe county, Mo., for a short time, then moved to Bloomington, thence to Woodville, Macon county, and from there to Shelby county, settling on Otter creek.  In 1865 he took up his permanent residence at Clarence, Shelby county, where he has since remained.  The doctor was married June 15, 1848, to Miss Eliza Menefee of Palmyra, and to them were born six children:  Ella V., Arch. W., John R. C., Virgil P., Sallie B. and Annie E.  John R. C. accompanied his father to this location on Otter creek, in Shelby county, and obtained his education at the schools of Clarence, completing his schooling at the age of 18.  In March, 1876, going to Howard county he remained there some three years, moving then to Nevada, but in November, 1879, he located on the place which he now owns, a beautiful tract consisting of 400 acres, and which in a short time will be classed among the most valuable pieces of property in this vicinity.  The natural advantages which it possesses as a stock farm should not be lost sight of, and to the stock industry Mr. Hill is giving no little attention.  In politics he is a Democrat.  He is a young man of pleasing address, cultured and refined, and stands high in this community.



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