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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 895-896:

John A. Hauser

(Merchant, Post-office, Temple)

   Though Mr. Hauser’s connection with the mercantile interests of the county is of somewhat recent date, he is by no means a stranger here, for previous to embarking in his present business he was located in this vicinity, having come here from Texas county, Mo.  In 1886, when the post-office of Temple was established, he was made its post-master, the duties of which position he is now discharging in a manner acceptable to all.  His mercantile establishment meets a want long felt throughout this region, and is well patronized, a stock being carried which is best suited to the demands of the trade.  Mr. Hauser was born in North Carolina January 25, 1843, the son of Alexander Hauser, of the same State.  The latter was brought up a farmer and continued that calling after removing to Jackson county, Mo., in 1869.  He remained there, however, but a short time, going thence to Cass county, which was his home until his removal to Vernon county in 1875.  Here his death subsequently occurred in 1881.  When a young man he had married Miss Henrietta McBride, a native of the same State as himself, who, with twelve children, still survives.  John A. Hauser was reared in North Carolina and afterwards went to Georgia, where he learned the art of photography, subsequently giving it his attention for many years.  January 15, 1870, he located in Texas county, Mo., there carrying on farming in connection with his photographing interests, and as above stated, he finally located here.  For a while, however, he divided his time between this county and the State of Texas (sic).  In 1873 Mr. Hauser married Miss Margaret Gardner, of Tennessee, who died in 1877, and one child of this union now survives, Henrietta Tennessee.  Mr. H. has had not a little experience in his intercourse with the world, and has made considerable of the opportunities thus afforded him.  Politically he is a Democrat.



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