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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 420:

George Harris

(Farmer, Section 13, Post-office, Rinehart)

   As one of the oldest settlers, in point of location, within the limits of Henry township and as one of its well known citizens, Mr. Harris deserves honorable mention in this volume.  Like other residents of the county he came originally from Indiana, having been born in Tippecanoe county, September 9, 1832.  His father, Roland Harris, was a native of North Carolina, but at an early day he moved to Indiana, there devoting himself to his chosen occupation of farming.  He married Miss Mary Walter, of Indiana, whose father has located in that State from Baltimore in a pioneer day of its history.  Young George was the third child and second son in his parents' family of 10 children.  He was brought up in the State of his birth upon a farm, subsequently spending three years in Illinois, during which time he worked at the carpenter's trade.  In 1857 a home was chosen in this county, and here he has closely applied himself since that time to his original calling of a farmer.  For upward of 30 years he has been identified with the interests of this locality--a period of sufficient length to render him of extensive acquaintance.  His present well improved homestead embraces 190 acres of good land.  In 1864 Mr. Harris was married to Mrs. Lucinda Job, formerly a Miss Dobbins.  She was born in Cooper county, and first married Abraham Job, of Tennessee, who died in 1862 at Fort Scott, leaving five children:  Mary and Robert V. are living, and Hamilton, Abraham and Edgar have since died.  Mr. and Mrs. Harris have had by their marriage three children:  William A., Ellen, wife of Charles Raines, and Charles R.  Mrs. H. is a member of the Christian Church.



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