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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 729-730:

Thomas C. Hambaugh

(Attorney at Law, Schell City).

   Both professionally and personally Mr. Hambaugh enjoys the respect and esteem of the entire community in whose midst he has made his home for upwards of nine years, as well as having the reputation of a safe, judicious counselor and successful advocate.  His location at this place dates from the year 1878, and here he has since devoted his attention and energies to the prosecution of his legal studies.  In 1886 he was elected justice of the peace and has filled this position in an impartial, upright manner and with becoming dignity.  His practice has been a good one and in the conduct of cases he has shown deep thought and extended familiarity with the details of the law, never stooping to an act unbefitting the position he has occupied as a lawyer.  Mr. Hambaugh was born in Breckinridge county, Ky., August 7, 1838, the son of Thomas M. and Margaret Hambaugh, nee Cunningham, the former of Virginia nativity, a carpenter and contractor by occupation, and the latter a Kentuckian by birth.  In 1841 the parents removed from the Blue Grass State to Missouri, settling in its northern portion, and living a large part of the time in Hannibal.  Thomas C., of course, accompanied them on this move and, therefore, grew up in this State, first learning the trade of jeweler, after which he commenced the study of law.  Subsequently he was admitted to the bar at Plattsburg, Clinton county, in 1868, and then lived for a time in Cameron, afterwards moving to Kansas City and thence in 1874 to Nevada.  His home continued to be in the latter place until his removal to Schell City in 1878, where his career since has been noted.  In 1863 Mr. Hambaugh was married to Miss Mary J. Conduit, of Lewis county, Mo., daughter of Dr. Thomas Conduit.  She died August 22, 1885, leaving five children:  Charles M., Margaret B., wife of L. A. Sandoe; Anna C., Mary W. and Thomas A., all residents of the county.  Mr. H. is a Knight Templar in the Masonic Order.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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