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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 568:

C. J. Green

(Farmer and Stock-feeder, Section 38, Post-office, Deerfield).

   Mr. Green's principal occupation during life has been that of an agriculturist; as a natural result, therefore, he is acknowledged to be among the foremost of the prominent farmers of today, for long experience in farming and thorough familiarity with all its details are sure to place men in advance of those whose attention has been given to this calling later in life.  At this time he is the owner of 500 acres of land, the improvements of which are above the average, while everything about his comfortable place bears evidence of the thrift and enterprise of the proprietor.  Mr. Green came originally from Licking county, O., where he was born November 9, 1836.  Joel Green, his father, also of Ohio nativity, became a resident of Knox county, Mo, in 1843, and at present is living in Lafayette county; he has devoted himself to both merchandising and farming and has been successful in each of these avocations.  His (Joel's) wife was formerly Rose Ann Black, and she was a native of County Antrim, Ireland.  The subject of this sketch, the youngest of nine children in his parents' family, was reared to manhood in Knox, Lewis and Clark counties, this State, following which he went to Louisiana in 1857 and remained for several years.  In June, 1866, he returned to Missouri and made a settlement in Saline county, where his home continued to be until his removal to Vernon in 1871.  Since that period he has been numbered among the representative citizens of this county, and though having attended strictly to business, without making any demonstration, he as been none the less successful -- indeed the opposite has been true of his efforts.  Upon his place he is now engaged in feeding a number of head of cattle for the market, taking considerable pride and interest in the stock industry of the county.  June 25, 1867, Mr. Green was married to Miss Jennie C. Terry, of Ohio, to whose loving counsels and aid he is much indebted for his present situation in life.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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