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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 826-827:

Dr. Michael Earhart

(Physician and Surgeon, Section 6, Post-office, Milo).

   The name of Dr. Earhart needs no introduction to the people of this section of Vernon county, for throughout the entire vicinity it is as familiar almost as a household word; and this statement is made in an honest, candid manner, without any attempt at empty words of compliment.  The following outline of his life will serve to show something of the position which he occupies both as a physician and citizen, among those in whose midst he makes his home.  Originally from Athens county, O., he was born September 16, 1822 one of 14 children in the family of his parents, and the second eldest of those who reached maturity.  Samuel Earhart, his father, was a native of Maryland, but grew up in Ohio; he was a farmer and mechanic by occupation.  The maiden name of his (Michael’s) mother was Dorcas Gabriel, and she was a Virginian by birth.  Young Earhart passed his boyhood days and early manhood in the county of his birth, remaining there until 16 years of age occupied in farming pursuits, when he commenced a mercantile experience – a calling to which he gave his attention some years.  Afterwards he went to school and attended the Ohio State University, following which having decided to enter upon a professional career, he chose medicine as his calling, and then commenced a course of reading with Dr. E. G. Carpenter, as preceptor.  Later on he attended medical lectures at Pittsfield, Mass.  About this time the Mexican war broke out, and he became a member of the 2d Ohio infantry, enlisting as a private, but soon after he was commissioned first lieutenant by Gov. M. Bartley, of Ohio.  For six years he was actively engaged in military service finally being discharged, after which he returned to Ohio, remaining there until 1848.  Going thence to New Orleans and then to Texas, Dr. Earhart settled at Pine Bluffs, Red River county, of the latter State and lived there until 1860, when he went to Paris, Lamar Co., Texas.  In 1866 he moved to Henry county, Mo., and in 1870 to Vernon county, where he has since been actively engaged in the practice of his profession, together with farming.  As a physician he has attained a reputation highly complimentary to his skill and ability.  Of gentlemanly deportment and pleasing appearance, his very presence in the sick room is welcome at all times, often proving of invaluable good even where medicine seems to fail.  Besides being a skillful practitioner he is a good farmer owning 100 acres of land.  The surroundings about this place indicate neatness, thrift and an intelligent appreciation of comfort.  February 14, 1850, the Doctor was married to Miss Virginia Caudle, who was born in Alabama.  They have six children: Samuel, George, Annie, wife of B. E. Ferry; Geneveva, Katie and Ollie.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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