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Talks of His New Book That is Soon to Be Published.

    Jim Cummins, who was a member of Quantrell's band that played not a little part in border warfare in the early sixties, and who it is said was closely connected with the James Boys, was a Metz visitor last Saturday.  He has been with a theatrical company a short time, but during the past year he has divided his time with friends at Excelsior Springs and at the Confederate home at Higginsville.

    Jim has a new book almost ready for the press that he will sell at 25 cents, and it promises to bring him big returns.  An edition of 5,000 copies will be printed.  It will be a history of his life and will be his own words.

    Jim is not taking much part in politics.  Of course he is still loyal to his party, but he says he will in the future give the best man question more consideration.  His new book will tell of his meeting with W. J. Bryan when the Nebraska states man visited the Confederate home.  He says he has met a number of great men, including Gen. U. S. Grant, Gen. George B. McClellan and Senator Roscoe Conklin, but the Nebraska man was the greatest he ever had the pleasure of meeting.

    Incidentally Jim mentioned the time a reward of $5,000 was offered by the state of Missouri for his capture, then he proudly boasted of a namesake he had down in Arkansas, the mother of whom he had done a great favor and caused the law to punish a brutal man.

    Jim Cummins may have been pretty wild in his younger days, but he has been guilty of many kind acts that he will have credit for.

The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri.  Friday, February 7, 1908, p. 1.



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