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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 822:

Robert G. Campbell

(Editor of the Sheldon Enterprise).

   Robert G. Campbell, the present efficient editor and publisher of  the journal above referred to, came originally from Brown county, O., where he was born June 17, 1847, being the fifth of nine children born of the union of his parents, Shelby and Mary (Chambers) Campbell.  The former was a native of Maryland, the latter of Ohio.  Robert G. was reared and educated in the county of his birth, remaining there until after reaching manhood.  While growing up he entered a printing office in a town just across the river from his home, and there learned the trade of printer, becoming familiar with it in all its details.  In 1870, like many other young men, he formed a desire to go further West, and accordingly located in Fort Scott, Kas., where he engaged in the grocery business.  He was also occupied in clerking for his brother in the post-office at that point until 1878, when he settled in Vernon county, and here he has since remained, his attention having at first been directed to the drug business at Nevada.  Later on he came to Sheldon and embarked in the newspaper business, as editor of the Enterprise, which he has since continued to publish.  Mr. Campbell has secured for his paper a reliable, satisfactory circulation.  His endeavor is to print a journal not for the benefit of any one individual but for the good of all, and in this his publications show that the county’s interests are first considered.  April 27, 1880, he was married to Miss Annie L. Hendrix, daughter of James D. and Sallie E. Hendrix, of this county.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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