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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 486-487:

Richard S. Brown 

(Farmer, Section 10, Post-office, Nevada).

   In the brief sketch which here appears will be found the record of a man whose life has been passed in a manner devoid of display or excitement, but who has attended closely to his chosen calling and has gained for himself an honored name among his many acquaintances. Richard S. Brown was born in Prince William county, Va., May 12, 1840, his parents being William and Helen (Atkinson) Brown, also natives of the Old Dominion. The former was a shoemaker by trade but afterwards adopted farming as his pursuit. In 1849 he left Virginia and located in Adams county, Ill., where he remained but two years, going thence to Hancock county, and there he died in 1866. His widow still resides in that locality. She became the mother of seventeen children, fourteen of whom reached mature years, two dying in infancy and another at the age of eleven years. Richard S. was the seventh child and from an early age he was accustomed to hard toil. Besides working about home he managed to secure a good common school education and afterwards supplemented this training with a course at the high school in Warsaw, which he left well prepared to enter upon the realities of life. In 1864 he took unto himself a wife in the person of Miss Sarah V. Fry, daughter of Thomas Fry, and she has borne him three children, only one of whom, William, is now living; the others died in infancy. Since 1868 Mr. Brown has been a resident of Vernon county, proving himself to be progressive and enterprising in all practical movements. He owns a good farm lying five miles and a half northeast of Nevada, which is being managed to the best advantage. Politically he is a Democrat and stands high in the esteem of his party, having served in several positions of trust and responsibility. He was deputy sheriff of Hancock county, III., and also served in the capacity of assessor several years. Since his twenty-fifth year he has been a member of the Masonic order and now belongs to Argyle Lodge No. 451, of Nevada.



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