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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, pages 775:

Mordecai B. Brooks

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 17, Post-office, Garland).

   Without doubt one of the best farms in Vernon county is that owned by Mr. Brooks, not only celebrated for its extensive area, but for its general excellence, and its value is due not a little to the careful cultivation and attention bestowed upon it by the progressive owner. Mr. B. is of Ohio nativity - born in Columbiana county (now Mahoning) January 2, 1827. His parents were Isaiah and Deborah (Cattell) Brooks, both of Eastern birth, the father of New York State and the mother of New Jersey. They had in their family seven children, of whom Isaiah was the second, though the eldest son. He was reared in his native county upon a farm and to an agricultural experience, also working at the carpenter's trade, but later on upon moving to Morrow county, 0., he was engaged in other business. From that time on until locating in this county he remained a citizen of that locality, identifying himself with its varied interests, but since settling here he has taken a place, perhaps unconsciously, among the influential citizens of the county. His large farm contains 1,500 acres, and for stock purposes is not excelled by any land. Of the stock industry Mr. Brooks is making quite a specialty, meeting with the success that must always come of earnest, sincere effort and steady application. He has been twice married. His first wife, to whom he was married in 1851, was a Miss Eleanor Shoemaker before her marriage, also a native of Ohio. She died in 1854, leaving two children, Adolph and Frank A. Mr. B.'s second marriage occurred about the year 1859, when Mrs. Rosanna Pierson, nee Russell, became his wife. Five children have been born of this union: Mary Ella, wife of George Million; Ann L., now Mrs. Charles C. Laird; Walter B., Willie R. and Mordie C. Mrs. Brooks' only son by her former husband is named Benson Pierson. Mr. B. occupies a well merited position of esteem among his many acquaintances.



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