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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, pages 792:

Shelby Brockman

(Of the Firm of Pierce, Brockman & Co., Dealers in General Merchandise, Moundville).

   Though Mr. Brockman has only been established in his present business but a comparatively short time, a sufficient period has elapsed to render him widely and favorably known as a merchant. The firm of which he is a member is composed of Mr. Brockman, John N. Pierce and W. E. Jones, all men of energy, determination and good business characteristics, and the trade which has been accorded the house speaks well for its reputation as well as its management. Mr. Brockman owes his nativity to Adair county, Ky., where he was born October 14, 1844, the fifth of eight children resulting from the union of his parents, Carey and Rebecca Brockman, formerly Perkins. The father was a farmer by calling, and a representative Kentuckian, his wife also being a native of that State. Most naturally, therefore, young Shelby was early taught the rudiments of agricultural life. Growing up in the Blue Grass country, he finally left there and came to Missouri, settling in Johnson county, from whence in 1872 he moved to this county. A location was chosen in Moundville township and here he devoted himself to farming for a number of years, or until removing to town, where he entered into the butchering business for one year. In 1886, as stated, the present firm was organized, and since then all his efforts have been placed towards the successful conduct of this establishment. It is the truth to say that as a merchant Mr. Brockman is held in high esteem. He has done considerable to give the house the large patronage which it now enjoys, striving at all times to keep well stocked and to sell at prices which will come within the reach of all. Besides his connection with the affairs of Moundville in a business capacity Mr. B. has also held official positions, and at this time is mayor of the town. He is a member of the A. O. U. W. In 1872 Miss Harriet Glenn became his wife, and to them four children have been given: Dora A., Clemmie H., Franklin and Tenia W. Mrs. R. was born and reared in Johnson county, Mo.



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