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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 415-416:

William Bodley

(Farmer and Proprietor of Coal Mine, Section 36, Post-office, Sprague)

   This upright, honorable citizen of Henry township has had a career devoid of startling events, and yet his entire life has been passed in a manner above reproach, attending steadily to the duties of his adopted calling. He has been located in this county for a number of years, and though his present farm of 78 acres is not as large as many surrounding it, its value can hardly be estimated, for underlying the land is a vein of coal, which, for quality, cannot be excelled by any in Vernon county. Mr. Bodley was born on October 8, 1836, in Steuben county, Ind. His father, John Bodley, and also his mother, whose maiden name was Charity Van Fleet, were natives of Ohio, and the parents of four children. Those besides William, who was the second child, were Jane, Louisa and Daniel. The father devoted himself to the duties of farming and very naturally, therefore, the son was brought up to a knowledge of the same calling. After leaving Indiana in May, 1858, he went to Barnesville, Kas., remaining there until 1866, when he came to this county and this has continued to be his home. During the War he had but limited military experience, serving only in the Home Guards. In November, 1871, Mr. Bodley was married to Miss Hettie Corey, originally from New York State. Two adopted children are in their family, and upon these two, James and Minnie Alice, the same care and affection is bestowed as though they were their own. Mr. Bodley and wife have many warm friends, whose esteem they highly prize.



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