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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 396:

 Robert S. Anderson

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 36, Post-office, Ketterman)

    Mr. Anderson, still comparatively a young man, but an agriculturist thoroughly familiar with his calling and of advanced views, has had a career unmarked by any particular experience outside of his chosen channel of farm life.  To his present occupation he was reared and this he has always followed, with that success which must ever attend earnest, energetic effort.  A native of Lee county, Ia., Mr. Anderson was born October 24, 1851.  His parents were Joshua Anderson, a native of Ohio, and Sarah (Corhan) Anderson, a Virginian by birth, people of high esteem wherever known.  The former was engaged in farming until 1877, when he moved to Nevada, where he is now living a somewhat retired life, enjoying the fruits of his industry.  Robert S., the fourth of nine children, was, as intimated, brought up to an agricultural experience and received a good common school education.  In 1878 he was united in marriage with Miss Katie Dodsworth, of Kansas, who died in 1879.  In 1881 Mr. A. was again married, Miss Amanda Foland becoming his wife.  Her father, Erasmus Foland, an old and respected pioneer of Vernon county, now resides at Nevada.  Mr. and Mrs. Anderson have had two children, one of whom survives.  The former, in his political preferences, is a Democrat.  His farm is a good one, containing 180 acres, and is well managed.



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