From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 459
George W. Adcock
(General Merchant and Dealer in Hardware, Notions, Etc., Goodrick)
The little village of Goodrick is not without its mercantile establishment, and the one which is presided over by Mr. Adcock ably meets the demands made upon it by the surrounding community. He is a young man who thoroughly understands his business, and in his store will be found a full and complete stock of general merchandise, selected with a view to the wants of his customers. That he is a popular man is seen by his candidacy and undoubted appointment to the position of postmaster at this place. Mr. Adcock was born in Cedar county, Mo., October 1, 1855. Burgess Adcock, his father, was born in Tennessee in 1821, and in 1848 married Miss Harriet E. Overbay, of the same State, born March 3, 1829. Their children besides George were: Lois, born July 14, 1851, and Matilda J., born February 17, 1860, now living; and Millie L., born April 11, 1849; Malinda L., born August, 1853; Mary A., born July, 1857; and Priscilla, born June, 1862, now deceased. Upon leaving Tennessee, Burgess Adcock settled with his family in Jefferson county, Ill., moving thence to "American Bottom," near St. Louis, from which locality they moved to Cedar county, Mo., in 1854. A location was selected two and a half miles southeast of the famous Eldorado Springs, and there he entered and improved a farm, residing upon it to the time of his death in 1862. George W. was brought up to a farm experience, remaining on the old homestead until his marriage, October 18, 1881, when Miss Mary V. Thurmond became his wife. She was born in Callaway county, Ky., February 3, 1859, and was the daughter of B. J. and Martha (Crowder) Thurmond, the former from Virginia and the latter originally of Murry county, Tenn. Mr. Adcock soon started in business life as a grocer at Eldorado Springs, and in a short time became identified with the interests of Clintonsville in a like capacity. There he remained for four years (during which time he was postmaster), but finally, purchasing the stock of Mr. Isaac Goodrick at this place, he resigned his official position, moved here, and has since continued to attend to the wants of the many hereabouts. Mr. Adcock's future is promising, for he can be depended upon and is enjoying a good trade. His political preferences are Democratic. Two bright and interesting children are in his family: Lelia V., born September 18, 1882, and Bertha G., born May 3, 1885. 1/
1/ Since the above was written Mr. Adcock has been succeeded by Mr. Mobley in the conduct of this store, the former having returned to Eldorado
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