(as written; punctuation added and enclosed by parentheses)

October the 11th 1884
Bado P O  Texas Co  Mo

Mr Wash Pitt(,) 

Dear friend(,) 
I recived your kind letter the 9th of this month and was glad to know that I had one friend that had not forgotten me and was glad to hear from you(.) this leaves us all well at this righting and hope those few lins will reach and find you and family well(.) well(,) Wash you wanted to know what kind of a country this was(.) you told me nearer what kind of a country it was than I can myself(.) this is a very rough rockey broken country but some as good land here as I ever saw and a splendid range for hogs and cattle and spring water and generly good and is a very healthey country(.) I have not had any doctor bills to pay(.) cence I have bin here havent bin to but one burying and have not heard of but few deaths(.) Wash(,) I have the best crop I ever made this year(.) you can buy land from $1 to $10(.) there is not many well improved places in texas Co fro sale but plenty of unimproved(.) there is a place here clost to me that the oner offers to sell any amount a man wants from 10 to 200 acars at 10 dollars per acar(.) there is too of the 40 that has a log house on each one of them(.) Wash (,) if you would come out here and have a little capital(,) you would manage rite(.) Wash(,) I bought $44 worth of hogs and sold $100 worth and I have 18 head now(.) I have only had 2 to die(.) they was pigs(.) hogs is worth from 3½ to 4 cts goss (may be gross or guess misspelled) that is stock hogs(.) fat hogs is a little hier(.) Milk Cows from 25 to 35 dollars(;) very good horses and Mules from 75 to $100(.) So I must cose by saying right soon and let me know what you are going to do(.) excuse bad righting and spelling(.)

yours truly,
T. J. Traughber

To Mr Wash Pitt

Submitted by Anne Lawrence

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