Vital Records Hunting
Where To Write for Certificates
Missouri Department of Vital Records P. O. Box 570 Jefferson City, Missouri 65102 - 0570
Cost: $15.00 for birth record, $13.00 for death record.
birth and death records became mandatory in 1910. marriage records became mandatory in 1881.
Where To Write for Obituaries
The State Historical Society of Missouri 1020 Lowry Street Columbia, Missouri 65201-7298
Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War,1861-1865, Missouri Department c/o Mrs. Sue Ladage 2615 Porter Avenue Brentwood, Missouri 63144
Historic Madison County 122 North Main Stret Fredericktown, Mo. 63645
Membership: Mrs. Ruth Skaggs 1519 Hwy. OO Fredericktown, Mo. 63645
Veterans Books and Information: Mrs. Glenna Bollinger 904 E. 72 Hwy Fredericktown, Mo. 63645
MAGIC (Missouri Afro-American Genealogy and HistorySociety) Joan B. Fletcher, President 3700 Blue Parkway Kansas City, Missouri 64130
Missouri Historical Society Jefferson Memorial Building Forest Park St. Louis, Missouri 63112
Missouri Territorial Pioneers 3929 Milton Drive Independence, Missouri 64055
Missouri Department of Health
Bureau of Vital Records:
Health & Senior Services 930 Wildwood P.O. Box 570 Jefferson, MO 65102 Tel: 573-751-6400
Births - 1910 to present Deaths - 1910 to present Certified copies of most Missouri birth and death records are also available from local county health departments or the St. Louis Cityor Kansas City Health Departments. Depending on the agency, these recordsmay predate the records at the Missouri Department of Health. Marriages - July 1, 1948 to present Divorces - July 1, 1948 to present Information prior to this date may be obtained for marriages from the Recorder of Deeds of the county that issued the license and dissolution of marriages from the Circuit Clerk of the county that issued the decree.
Missouri State Archives 600 West Main Street P.O. Box 1747 Jefferson City, MO 65102 Tel: 573-751-3280 Email:
Note: Captcha
Missouri State Library 600 West Main Street Jefferson City, MO 65101 Tel: 573-751-3615
Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence Genealogy and Local History Department 317 West 24 Highway Independence, MO 64050 Tel: 816-252-0950 Email: [Note:
Subscription Site]
State Historical Society of Missouri Ellis Library Building 1020 Lowry Street Columbia, MO 65201 Tel: 573-882-7083 Fax: 573-882-4950 Email:
Missouri Historical Society Jefferson Memorial Building 225 S. Skinker P.O. Box 11940 St. Louis, MO 63112 Tel: 313-746-4510
Missouri State Genealogical Association Dept. W P.O. Box 833 Columbia, MO 65205-0833
Northwest Missouri Genealogical Society Buchanan County Research Center 412 Felix Street P.O. Box 382 St. Joseph, MO 64502 Tel: 816-233-0524
Genealogical Society of Central Missouri P.O. Box 26 Columbia, MO 65205 Tel: 573- 443-8936
Ozarks Genealogical Society/Library 534 West Catalpa P.O. Box 3945 G.S. Springfield, MO 65808 Tel: 417-831-2773
Missouri USGenWeb Project
County Information
Current Missouri Map
County Links
County Founding Dates
This page includes founding dates and parent counties
County Courthouses
Historical Missouri Maps
Showing the creation of counties and movement of county lines overthe years.
Various Useful Links
Association for Gravestone Studies
Genealogical Glossary
defines many terms both technical and/or ancient
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites onthe Net---lots of links
Cyndi's Adoption Page
Page Updated: 20 February 2025