Shannon County Death Certificates

Akers, Carl Collins, George W. Haycroft, Glen Alfred Pankey, Infant of Homer and Ressie
Allmon, Jarvis Edgar Connally, Myrtle Enlow Hines, Marvin Clell Prater, David M.
Apitz, Julius Conway, Alva Holloway, John David Ramsey, Thomas J.
Atkins, Fern Conway, Ruthene Jones, Lucinda Lowery Rightnowar, Henry B.
Baker, Mark Cooper, Audrey Maxine Knuckles, Sterling Riley, James Louis
Ballew, Matilda Tippy Cooper, Stella Ferguson Lake, Chandler Earl Rosenburg, Bessie
Barnes, Sarah J. Mahan Coulter, Elman Lee, Martin Leander Russell, Hubert V.
Barnes, Troy Glenford Creek, Mary Walls Lehman, Albert Russell, Infant of Virgil & Ruby
Barnett, Tapitha Thomas Cryder, Walter C. Lowery, A. A. [see note] Russell, William J.
Barnhart, Lewis Drewel, Joseph Christopher Lutes, Lou Jenkins Smith, Infant of Carlos & Maud
Belew, James Grant Duncan, Alice Farrar Lynch, William A. Sullivan, James Kipling
Blakesmore, Vernon G. Dyer, Truston Martin, Damon Thompson, Revin Wahmer, Jr.
Bramball, Nancy Williams Fahr, Kenneth J Mash, Bessie Tucker, Evelyn Florene
Branson, Lee Frazier, James Baine Mclaughlin, Nathan Booker Van Kirk, James C.
Buffington, John Wesley Gardner, Silas Campbell McNeil, James Carel Van Winkle, Polly Ann Mayberry
Carr, Oliver Hatchett, Hubert Miller, James Louis Williams, Sarah Bradley
Coleman, Leo P. Harper, Joseph Edward Myers, Dorothy Lee Wilson, Melissa Medley
    Neal, Sam Zellars, Alwilda E. Rhoads



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