1960 Shannon County Death Certificates

Asbridge, William Nelson  

Atkins, Cynthia Jane LaRue

Atkinson, Maude S. Sprinkle  

Barkley, William Harrod 'Billy'
(died at St Louis MO; from Winona)

Barton, Verdie D.  

Bond, Samuel  

Bowen, Charley M  

Bowman, Bessie Blanch Lovins  

Brawley, Allen 'Dwain'
(died at Howell Co MO; from Winona)

Chaney, Amos M 

Dunn, Walter Elmer

Fansler Rosey Vie Nichols
(died at Howell Co MO; from Eminence)

Farrar, Callie Dona Key 

Fisk, Anna Elizabeth Knight 

Heathley, Rosa Belle Hanley 

Heaton, Elizabeth 

Holden, Ivan Clay 
(died at Mountain View Howell Co MO; death certificate in error)


Honeycutt, Lelia Byrl Shelton 

Hurley, John Timothy
(died at Mountain View Howell Co MO; from Winona)

Huxtable, William B. 

Johnson, Ethel M Wilson 

Lanney, Grace Adeline Smith 

Ledgerwood, Michael Lee

Lewis, James Daniel 

Lindsey, John L.

Martin, Rhoda Elizabeth Herrin 

Maxwell, Samuel A 

Nicholson, William A. 

Norris, Lewis Jiles

Pogue, Robert M 

Pummill, Arthur LeeRoy

Randolph, Michael Raymond
(Carter County)

Roberts, Floyd M 

Robinson, Leonard Webb 


Rollins, Mattie Lee Morgan 

Rucker, William Albert 'Bill'

Russell, Martha Ella Loftin 

Salzman, Esther L Kennedy 

Smith, Jink 

Strain, Sarah Alice Conner 

Terrill, Della Ellen Smith

Vaugh, Henry Alexander

Voyles, Douglas Kenneth

Ward, Elmer Jackson 

Weaver, Jonathan Hezekiah
(Died in Howell County)

Weaver, Sandra Lynn 

Webb, Everett Lester 

White, David Lemuel 

Yardley, Robert Lee
(Died in Howell County)





Death Certificates Index




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