1913 Shannon County Death Certificates

Adams, Beulah Depriest, Lois Gosnell Kirkman, Merton Adrain Ramsey, Clara E. Lingo
Armstrong, Mary Elisabeth Dillard, Everett 'Eugene'  Kiser, Alice M. Stuart Renfow, Mrs. Francis Tabers 
[Died Jan. 02, 1913 Cert.#15470 says requires more information]

Armstrong, Mary Stubblefield

Dooley, Harry Bryce Koogler, Hugh Elliot Richardson, Gertrude

Atchison, Milley Hurley

Dowdy, Alice A. Bentley Lancaster, Clyde Ray Richardson, Milford Elliot Jr

Barrett, Sherman

Dyle, Lutta Lawson, B. H. Richey, Cora 

Barton, Rosella Nettles?

Eaker, James Watson Leach, Sada G. Rosa, Viola Randolph

Baskett, Mary Valeda

Ennis, John Isaiah Ledgerwood, Amicity McCutchean
Ross, Ida May

Biver, Margarett

Ferguson, Benjamin Leroy Lindsey,  George Roush Ross, Julia Rumburg

Blackwell, Wilma E.

Foster, James Lovan, Sarah Lovins Sallee, Mishie Deweese 

Bland, James Wesley

Gales, Lucy C. Dotson Lusher, James Henry Sharp, Infant of James & May
Bowman, Nancy Bridger Gentry, Joseph Dink Major, Infant of Henry &
Malinda Shrum Major
Shedd, Howard Lee

Boyd, R. 'Luna' Keeling

Geren, Rosa Ann McAllister, Infant of Andrew
& Cora Mooney McAllister
Shelton, Elmer

Brawley, Thomas Jefferson

Green, Angeline Starks McClellan, Rilley Shockley, Hiram

Brooks, Roy C.

Hankins, Alma Pauline McEntire, Joseph Short, Menda
Bryant, Fleecie Beatrice Hanna, Sarah A. Coats Miller, Ezella Davis
Smith, Matilda Bolding

Busby, Elijah Luther

Hart, John A. Logan Miller, Robert H. Smotherman, Sarah E. Smith
Carr, Infant of James & Maude Haskett, Nancy E. Tusing Mills, Thomas Govan Stout, Eldora Evans

Chitwood, Lillie E. Knuckles

Hasty, Charles A. Norton, Missouri Catherine Whitworth Stovall, Floyd
Cleveland, Malissa Bundren Henry, Sintha Stanley Parcel, Albert Anderson Strain, Infant of Leo
& Mendia Short
Clever, Sarah Birdsall? Hetrick, B. F.  Parcell, Clarence Stroup, George Washington
 Conley, Permelia LaGrand Hurt, Infant of WJ &
Birtha Blake Hurt 
Patrick, Joseph Preston Thomas, Infant of John
& Anna Rose
 Cooley, Lillie Bartle Huskey, Tim Patterson, Otho Tohline, Marvin Ross
Counts, Luticia B. Norris Huxley, William Patterson, Otis Van Winkle, Bessie Cleo
Crafton, Lydia V. Starks Jackson, Agnes Thornton Pulliam, Clara Evelyn Van Winkle, Cora Christine
Crandall, Anna Dempsey Johnson, Sterling Price Pyle, Rosie May Vaughn, Ida Bell Hodge
Cupler, Perry Alfred Jones, Mary D. Lilly Fox Pyles, Mildred May Wright, Putnam
Deering, Harrison Julian,  Elizabeth Corbet
Rader, Ada May Pummill Wright, Ralph
      Yates, Eumarta Franklin
      Yearwood, Samuel Bartley
      Young, Leslie Joe



Death Certificates Index







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