The Lewis & Clark Corps of Discovery Descendant Project
To honor all the participants of the Lewis & Clark Corps of Discovery, The
Clatsop County Oregon and The Pacific County Washington Genealogical
Societies are offering a "Corps of Discovery Descendant Certificate' to any
person that can document they are a descendant to any member of the 1804 -
1806 Lewis & Clark Corps of Discovery. The confirmed genealogical data
accepted will be stored permanently in the genealogy archives of The Lewis
& Clark Trail Heritage Foundation Inc. Library in Great Falls, Montana. A
book will be published by the Clatsop and Pacific County Genealogical
Societies and will be available for purchase after May 22, 2004, the 200th
anniversary of the official start of the Expedition. The book will include
all of the accepted genealogical data, a copy of the certificate artwork,
and other accepted items. If you are interested in receiving your
certificate, please visit our Societies' websites for a complete
description of this project, all pertinent details for receiving your
certificate, and the Official Roster List.You may visit our society websites for a complete description of the
project including rules for documentation, and download all required forms
if you wish.
News Article: LA Times
Lewis & Clark site of PBS online
Reunion: 2004 [WebSite]
Page Updated: 20 February 2025