Douglas County, Missouri

Dora Odd Fellows

MOGenWeb Site, Johnna Quick -- Coordinator


Dora Odd Fellows Picnic
Photo submitted by Mary Ruth (Luna) Sparks

This picture was taken in 1910 at the Odd Fellows picnic which was always held on July 25 at Dora, Mo. Shown sitting are Hays McMurtry, Goodall Harrison, Fredie Myers, Bud Bartlet, Ed Kirkman, Jim Bumer, John Hallie and unknown. Standing are John Southards, Sam Hammond, Essau Fox, Unknown, Laussy Halley, Mun Biggs, Sam Scott, Henry Scott, Henry Tetrick, Clarence Pease, Tom Freer, Delbert Bragg, Bill Moody, Albert Russell, a Mr. Carter who helped Hammond at the mill and Mort Reary. Shown at left in the buggy is Jim Rieger and Ruth Wheat. On the right is Benny Pitcock’s blue mule and new Springfield wagon. He bought so many new wagons that Davis-Ross gave him a two seated back as a premium. This picture and information was given to Inez Harrison Barker by her Aunt Esta, daughter of Goodall Harrison. Picture courtesy of Noble Barker.

This was probably the first Dora Odd Fellows picnic. Bess Sweeton Cropper, writing about Dora, in A History of Ozark County 1841 – 1991, said the picnic began either in 1910 or 1912. Madge Harlin Brown also wrote about enjoying the annual picnic at Dora. Bess Cropper said the Dora lodge was numbered 555 and was active from 1898 to 1937.

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