Wilson, Mabel I. Preeo |
died |
1993 |
sb3949 |
Wilson, Mack |
died |
1992 |
sb3458 |
Wilson, Mae |
died |
1964 |
B |
Blockton, Ia |
sb1416 |
Wilson, Margaret |
died |
1985 |
#8881 |
Wilson, Marguerite Head |
died |
1992 |
M |
sb875, 878 |
Wilson, Marie E. |
died |
1993 |
Clarinda |
sb3965 |
Wilson, Marion Nathaniel |
died |
1995 |
Washington/Gravity |
sb4141 |
Wilson, Marion Nathaniel |
died |
1995 |
B |
Washington/Gravity |
sb4010 |
Wilson, Marjorie E. Wilhelm |
died |
1984 |
#8759 |
Wilson, Marnie Elizabeth of Kent [corrected] |
marr |
1993 |
license |
sb4999,sb5047 |
Wilson, Marsha Marie of Bedford |
marr |
1993 |
B |
license |
sb0585 |
Wilson, Martha Ann Stickelman |
died |
2009 |
B |
sb6635 |
Wilson, Martha R. White |
died |
1996 |
LM |
Allen Cem/Gower |
sb4870 |
Wilson, Martha R. White |
died |
1996 |
Allen/Gower |
sb4861 |
Wilson, Marvin Howard |
died |
1997 |
sb3645 |
Wilson, Marvin Howard |
died |
1997 |
sb2869 |
Wilson, Mary Belle Tindle |
died |
2009 |
B |
North Fairvew/Lenox |
sb6434 |
Wilson, Mary Eugene of Mvle |
marr |
1985 |
M |
license |
#9041 |
Wilson, Mary L. Lathrop |
died |
1967 |
Clarinda, Ia |
sb1380 |
Wilson, Mary Louisa Lathrop |
died |
1967 |
Clarinda, Ia |
sb1442 |
Wilson, Mary Parsons |
died |
1987 |
B |
#? |
Wilson, May T. Fowler |
died |
1992 |
M |
sb965, 974 |
Wilson, Melida Caceres |
div |
1984 |
M |
#8822 |
Wilson, Melissa of New Hampton |
marr |
1994 |
LH |
license |
sb4463 |
Wilson, Melvin "Woody" |
died |
2002 |
sb3308 |
Wilson, Melvin E. |
died |
1986 |
M |
Oak Lawn |
#9226 |
Wilson, Michael James of Clarinda |
marr |
1985 |
license |
#8867 |
Wilson, Michael Ray of Lincoln, Ne |
marr |
1986 |
license |
#9208 |
Wilson, Michael Wayne |
div |
1992 |
CC |
sb3790 |
Wilson, Michala Rae |
born |
1988 |
Council Bluffs, Ia hosp |
sb294 |
Wilson, Michelle Elaine |
marr |
1990 |
M |
Nodaway co, Mo |
sb1241 |
Wilson, Michelle Renee |
marr |
1990 |
M |
Nodaway co, Mo |
sb1239 |
Wilson, Michelle Renee of Mvle |
div |
1985 |
M |
#9020 |
Wilson, Milo |
died |
1985? |
B |
#8882 |
Wilson, Milo |
died |
1975 |
sb5619 |
Wilson, Minnie F. Triplett |
died |
Farm Creek/Henderson |
sb5771 |
Wilson, Mitchell E. of Mvle |
div |
1984 |
M |
#8819 |
Wilson, Naomi L. |
died |
1993 |
sb2936 |
Wilson, Naomi Lutz |
died |
1997 |
sb3648 |
Wilson, Nathaniel Paul of Bedford |
marr |
2002 |
B |
-- |
sb3245 |
Wilson, Nathaniel Wayne |
died |
1992 |
P |
sb2072 |
Wilson, Nicholas Bruce |
born |
1987 |
#9274 |
Wilson, Nina M. |
died |
1991 |
sb2092 |
Wilson, Norbert |
died |
1994 |
V |
near Elliott, Ia |
sb5380 |
Wilson, Normajean Marie Propes |
died |
1997 |
M |
Savannah Cem |
sb4049 |
Wilson, Odella |
died |
1945 |
sb3278 |
Wilson, Olive Esther Sell |
died |
2004 |
B |
Luteston |
sb3876 |
Wilson, Omar James |
died |
1939 |
Wilson, Opal Marie Riley |
died |
1995 |
H |
Hopkins Cem |
sb4397 |
Wilson, Opal Marie Riley |
died |
M |
1995 |
Hopkins Cem |
sb6314,16 |
Wilson, Opal Melody |
died |
1990 |
B |
sb760 |
Wilson, Oris Sylvester |
died |
1930 |
Wilson, Orlena M. Lucas |
died |
1968 |
Coyville, Kansas |
Wilson, Orris Franklin |
died |
1923 |
Wilson, Paige Elizabeth |
born |
1992 |
ES |
sb1950 |
Wilson, Paige Elizabeth |
born |
1992 |
sb3856 |
Wilson, Paul |
died |
1992 |
sb2037 |
Wilson, Peggy S. |
div |
1991 |
S |
sb2123 |
Wilson, Peggy S. |
div |
1992 |
S |
sb2141 |
Wilson, Polly Ann |
div |
1992 |
CC |
sb3790 |