Winans, Anthony Lee |
marr |
1990 |
M |
Nodaway co, Mo |
sb1229 |
Winchell, Marion W. of Parnell |
marr |
1984 |
M |
license |
#8499 |
Windecker, Madison Dae |
born |
1987 |
#9293 |
Windel, Marylee Ann Swanson |
died |
2001 |
sb1671 |
Windhorst, Gary Wayne |
div |
1991 |
Lx |
sb1959 |
Windhorst, Gary Wayne |
div |
1991 |
B |
Taylor co, Ia |
sb544 |
Windhorst, Gary Wayne of Sharpsburg |
marr |
1988 |
B |
license |
sb0675 |
Windhorst, Luella Ann of Lenox |
marr |
1984 |
B |
license |
#8713 |
Windhorst, Marie Janet |
div |
1991 |
Lx |
sb1959 |
Windhorst, Marie Janet |
div |
1991 |
B |
sb544 |
Windle, Betty L. McAuley |
died |
1997 |
M |
Columbus, Ks cem |
sb4917 |
Windle, Richard K. |
died |
1997 |
Salem, Ne cem |
sb5199 |
Windmeyer, Terri's DAU |
born |
1992 |
SJ |
sb2212 |
Windsor, Edward, 5th gen |
IA |
1997 |
M |
sb4079 |
Windsor, Elizabeth Anne Morgana of Savannah |
marr |
1993 |
-- |
sb2946 |
Windsor, Justin, 5th gen |
IA |
1997 |
M |
sb4079 |
Windsor, Teresa, 5th gen |
IA |
1997 |
M |
sb4079 |
Winebrenner, Wade Lemuel |
died |
1992 |
sb2028-29 |
Wineinger, Earl Elvin |
died |
1985 |
B, CHJ |
#?, 8934 |
Wineinger, Lois Sybil |
died |
2001 |
B |
sb1995 |
Wineland, Amber Jo |
born |
1992 |
M |
Des Moines, Ia hosp |
sb904 |
Wineland, Brittany Louise |
born |
1990 |
M |
Maryville, Mo hosp |
sb1206 |
Wineland, Thomas Max of Mvle |
marr |
1985 |
M |
license |
#8912 |
Winell, Carl Raymond |
died |
1991 |
M |
sb1328, 1330 |
Winell, Harry Edward |
died |
1988 |
M |
NMG/Mvle |
#9546, #9547 |
Winell, Pearl |
died |
1990 |
M |
sb1260,-61,-63 |
Winell, Pearl Dougherty |
died |
1990 |
sb454 |
Winemiller, Carl Walter |
died |
1962 |
sb3297 |
Winemiller, Craig Alan of Diagonal |
marr |
1991 |
license |
sb2017 |
Winemiller, Devin Scott |
born |
1992 |
sb2035 |
Winemiller, Evelyn Ceola McAlister |
died |
1998 |
B |
Fairview/Bedford |
sb5077 |
Winemiller, Kevin of MtAyr |
marr |
1991 |
license |
sb2016 |
Winemiller, Kevin Scott of MtAyr |
div |
1996 |
sb3616 |
Winemiller, Lois June |
marr |
1958 |
-- |
sb3290 |
Winemiller, Myrtle Cooper |
died |
1983 |
M |
Sheridan Cem |
Winemiller, Shelley Lee of MtAyr |
marr |
1996 |
license |
sb2764 |
Winemiller, Shelley Lee of MtAyr |
div |
1996 |
sb3616 |
Winemiller, Tucker Irvin |
born |
1996 |
sb3646 |
Winemiller, Vivian Victoria Smith |
died |
1984 |
Winemiller, Wilbert "Jack" |
died |
1987 |
B |
#9270 |
Winfrey, Dorothy Mae William |
died |
1993 |
sb4218 |
Wing, Amanda E. Donaldson |
died |
1924 |
Wing, Amelia E. Donaldson |
died |
1924 |
Wing, Charles Cuthbert |
died |
1890 |
Wing, Elizabeth Ottis Button |
died |
1872 |
Wing, Erastus Darwin |
died |
1913 |
Wing, May D. |
died |
1886 |
Wing, William Russell |
died |
1879 |
Wingate, Darlene Witthoft |
died |
1990 |
sb430 |
Winger, Beatrice Mabel |
died |
1999 |
B |
Clarinda Cem |
sb5123 |
Winger, Bernard O. of StJo |
marr |
1991 |
S |
license |
sb2125 |
Winger, Carl |
died |
1994 |
B |
sb3542 |
Winger, Carl |
died |
1994 |
M |
Clarinda Cem |
sb4584 |
Winger, Carl |
died |
1994 |
H |
Clarinda Cem |
sb4289 |
Winger, Carl |
died |
1993 |
sb3503 |
Winger, Donald Jack |
died |
B |
2002 |
Clarinda Cem |
sb5842 |
Winger, Eva Anna |
died |
1984 |
#8715, 8716 |
Winger, Floyd C. |
died |
1983 |
#8577 |
Winger, Marjorie Irene McCune |
died |
1995 |
B |
sb4024 |
Winger, Marjorie McCune |
died |
1995 |
H |
Clarinda Cem |
sb4349 |
Winger, Marjorie McCune |
died |
1995 |
Clarinda Cem |
sb5259 |
Winger, Rachel Pauline of Tarkio |
marr |
1995 |
Fx |
-- |
sb4082 |
Winger, Wain O. |
died |
1997 |
M |
sb2844 |
Wingerd, Bernard Loren |
marr |
1991 |
Page co, Ia |
sb494 |
Wingerd, Michelle Diane of College Springs |
marr |
1991 |
license |
sb0494 |
Wingert, Alice M. |
died |
1988 |
sb254 |
Wingert, Fr LaVern |
died |
1999 |
B |
Omaha, Ne hosp |
sb1470 |
Winget, Anthony James Patrick |
born |
1995 |
H |
sb4333 |
Winget, Ashley Diane |
born |
1984 |
M |
#8522 |
Winget, Ethyl "Betty" |
died |
1991 |
M |
sb829 |
Winget, Norma E. Funderburk |
died |
1985 |
#8782 |
Winghart, Megan Marie |
born |
1998 |
M |
sb4271 |
Wingo, Evelyn L. |
died |
1996 |
Barry Cem/KC |
sb4858 |
Wingo, Evelyn L. |
died |
1996 |
LM |
Barry Cem |
sb4874 |
Winiarczyk, Aaron Adam |
born |
1986 |
#9195 |
Winiarczyk, Nathan Adam |
born |
1989 |
Anoka, Mn |
sb312 |
Wininger, John Tyler |
died |
1995 |
Lx |
sb4482 |
Wininger, John Tyler |
died |
Lx |
1995 |
sb5787 |
Wininger, Ryan Jeffery |
born |
1996 |
sb3646 |
Winkelman, Ruth Shinker |
died |
1994 |
M |
Dalton, Ne |
sb4582 |
Winkelmann, George |
died |
1985 |
M |
#9033 |
Winkler, Joy Ilene |
born |
1986 |
B |
#9217 |
Winkler, Madge Pauline |
died |
1991 |
sb509 |
Winkler, Melissa Mariw |
born |
1995 |
sb4141 |
Winkler, Nellie Marie |
died |
1993 |
Mt Zion/Prescott |
sb4119 |
Winn, Donald L. |
died |
1992 |
SJ |
sb2559 |
Winn, Inez |
died |
1985 |
M |
#9048 |
Winn, Jamie Anne |
born |
1987 |
M |
#9406 |
Winnett, Hadda E. |
died |
1972 |
Carroll Co, Ia |
sb4480 |
Winney, Cora Dorothy Williamson |
died |
1994 |
V |
Rose Hill/Shen |
sb5359 |
Winney, Dorothy Williamson |
died |
1994 |
V |
Rose Hill/Shen |
sb5346 |
Winser, Grace Parle |
died |
1987 |
M |
StPats/Mvle |
#9437 |
Winslow, Bessie |
died |
1989 |
M |
sb1119 |
Winslow, Darlene M. Leedom |
died |
2000 |
B |
Clearfield, Ia |
sb1397 |
Winslow, Edgar L. |
died |
1996 |
B |
sb3112 |
Winslow, Edith Dorthea |
died |
1992 |
SJ |
sb2553 |
Winslow, Edith Dorthea Swarthout |
died |
1992 |
S |
sb2146-47 |
Winslow, Evelyn Woods |
died |
1998 |
B |
Trenton, Mo cem |
sb5053 |
Winslow, Fred Ellsworth |
died |
1931 |
Winslow, Joseph Pope |
died |
1886 |
Winslow, Lawrence Dale |
died |
1992 |
M |
sb1022 |
Winslow, Leanna Ann Smith |
died |
1897 |
Winslow, Lola Mae |
died |
1996 |
M |
Ohio/BJct |
sb5444 |
Winslow, Mattie Pearl Howard |
died |
1923 |
Winslow, Maxine |
died |
1992 |
M |
sb887 |
Winslow, Maxine |
died |
1992 |
M |
sb884 |
Winslow, Maxine |
died |
1992 |
SJ |
sb2228 |
Winslow, Naomi C. Grantham |
died |
1879 |
Winslow, Paul Adam of Lenox |
marr |
1994 |
B |
license |
sb3993 |
Winslow, Ruth Almira |
died |
1895 |
Winslow, William J. |
died |
1998 |
M |
sb2667 |
Winstead, Clifford |
died |
1994 |
TA |
sb1838 |
Winstead, Clifford |
died |
1994 |
V |
Tarkio Home Cem |
sb5397 |
Winstead, Deborah Lee of Tarkio |
en |
1994 |
TA |
sb1817 |
Winstead, Lucinda of Westboro |
div |
1983 |
M |
#8543 |
Winstead, Ralph's DAU |
born |
1960 |
sb3335 |
Winstead, Terry Lee of Westboro |
div |
1983 |
M |
#8543 |
Winstone, Leta Frances Templeton |
died |
1995 |
Nodaway Cem |
sb4169 |
Winter, Earl Curtis |
died |
1993 |
sb3976 |
Winter, Glenna J. Taylor |
died |
1997 |
B |
sb4738 |
Winter, Kenneth Dean |
died |
2002 |
sb3229 |
Winter, Martha M. Crain |
died |
1988 |
sb286 |
Winter, Susan Carol of Clarinda |
marr |
1987 |
#9290 |
Winter, Wain |
died |
1997 |
M |
sb2848 |
Winterhof, Andrey Lynn |
born |
1992 |
sb5034 |
Winterhof, Gracie May |
born |
1995 |
sb4138 |
Winter-Miller, Samuel Stephen |
born |
1991 |
sb3803A |
Wintermute, Agnes Pauline |
died |
2006 |
Wintermute, Agnes pauline Moore |
died |
B |
2006 |
Fairview/Bedford |
sb6188 |
Wintermute, Bertha Shapley |
died |
1974 |
sb5598 |
Wintermute, Charles Edward |
died |
1996 |
Fairview/Bfd |
sb5138 |
Wintermute, Charles Edward |
died |
1996 |
B |
sb3107 |
Wintermute, Hampton |
died |
2001 |
B |
sb2172 |
Wintermute, Kacie Ann |
born |
1993 |
B |
sb3534 |
Wintermute, Mary Ellen of Bedford |
marr |
1991 |
B |
license |
sb0804 |
Wintermute, Robert Dale |
born |
1986 |
B |
#9253 |
Wintermute, Ruby Jones |
died |
1996 |
B |
sb3095 |
Wintermute, Ruby Lee Jones |
died |
1996 |
sb3293 |
Winters, Edith F. Gray |
died |
1992 |
ES |
sb3693 |
Winters, John Claude |
died |
1992 |
CC |
Shenandoah |
sb3789 |
Winters, L.'s Child |
died |
1881 |
Winters, Louise Fouraker |
died |
1992 |
S |
sb2133 |
Winters, Ruth M. |
died |
1990 |
M |
sb1183, -184, -185 |
Winters, Susan Marie of KC |
marr |
1988 |
M |
license |
#9528 |
Winterscheidt, Nicolette Sherry |
born |
1992 |
M |
Tulsa, Ok hosp |
sb990 |
Wintersteen, Ethel |
died |
1986 |
#9071 |
Wintersteen, Zelda Thompson Ellsworth |
died |
1986 |
#9253 |
Wirick, Julia A. |
died |
1920 |
sb5571 |
Wirka, Leroy Dave of Fremont, Ne |
marr |
1992 |
TA |
-- |
sb1546 |
Wirka, Leroy Dave of Fremont, Ne |
marr |
1992 |
Fx |
-- |
sb2975 |
Wirth, Arloa Karel Milligan |
died |
1993 |
sb2739 |
Wirth, Arloa Milligan |
died |
M |
1993 |
sb6257 |
Wirth, Charles H. |
died |
1967 |
B |
Phoenix, Az |
sb1386 |
Wirth, Floyd H. |
died |
1990 |
sb411 |
Wirth, Floyd H. |
died |
1990 |
B |
sb755 |
Wirth, John Joseph |
died |
1989 |
M |
sb1176, -179 |
Wirth, Mabel Ellen Linebaugh Schrader |
died |
1987 |
M |
StColumba |
#9472, #9474 |
Wirth, Mable |
died |
1987 |
#? |
Wirth, Virginia Walters |
died |
B |
2007 |
Maple Hill/Osceola, Ia |
sb6135 |
Wirtz, Freddie |
died |
1880 |
Wirtz, Nancy L. of Red Oak |
marr |
1994 |
V |
license |
sb5363 |
Wisdom, Dustin James |
born |
1994 |
LH |
sb4404 |
Wisdom, Elizabeth E. "Ella" Briggs |
died |
1930 |
Wisdom, Franklin D. |
died |
1999 |
B |
Long Beach, Ca |
sb1392 |
Wisdom, King Huey |
died |
1993 |
B |
sb3522 |
Wisdom, Mary L. |
died |
1992 |
SJ |
sb2564 |
Wisdom, Raymond Arthur |
died |
1991 |
B |
sb802 |
Wisdom, Veronica Morrissey |
died |
2002 |
B |
sb3411 |
Wisdom, William Russell |
died |
B |
2003 |
Redondo Beach? Ca |
sb5890 |