The Maryville Daily Forum, Maryville, Missouri,
August 19, 1940
Emerson, Mr and Mrs Rex who reside at 1009 East
First Street in Maryville are the parents of a son, weighing eight pounds
and fifteen ounces, born at 9:30 o'clock this morning at St Francis
Scamman, Mr and Mrs Mark of Rock Port announce
the birth of a son, weighing eight pounds and nine ounces, at 12:35
o'clock this morning at St Francis hospital.
Graves, Mr and Mrs Oscar of Guilford are the
parents of a seven-pound son, born Saturday evening, who they have named
Edsel Fay. Mrs Graves was formerly Miss Inez Brosious.
Deen, Mr and Mrs Francis of Maryville announce
the birth of a son, August 8, to whom they have given the name Francis
Alonzo. Mrs Deen was formerly Miss Phyllis Brunk of Quitman.
Armstrong, Mrs William left Friday night for
Oakland, Calif., where she will visit her sister. Later she will go
to Medford, Ore., to visit a daughter, Mrs Ray Wilfley, for several
Battery "C" Camp is Ghost Town letter
from Sgt. Dick Stephenson, Battery "C"
Clark, Mr and Mrs L.U. and children of St Louis
came today to visit her parents, Mr and Mrs J. Benefiel, of Wilcox and
other relatives.
Wells, William Robert died at 11:45 o'clock
this morning at his home, eight miles southwest of Maryville, where
he had lived for the last thirty-five years. He would have been 70 years
of age the twenty-eighth day of this month.
Mr Wells' birthplace was Ontario, Canada. He was married June 22, 1898
to Myrtle Esther Wells, who died January 31, 1936. Mr Wells was a member
of the Presbyterian church.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs D.A. Hart of Burbank, Calif., and
Mrs Roger Miller of Salina, Kas., both of whom were here at the time
of their father's death; one granddaughter, Jean Miller; four brothers,
C. Edwin and J.T. Wells, Maryville, Norman Wells, Boise, Idaho, and
Dr J.A. Wells, Boise, Idaho, and Dr J.A. Wells, Shawnee, Okla; and two
sisters, Miss Edith Wells, Compton, Calif., and Miss Mabel Wells, Shawnee.
The funeral will be conducted at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the
Price funeral home by Dr W.S. Insley. Burial is to be in Miriam cemetery.
Leeper, Mrs Gay and Charles Heryford returned
yesterday from a week's visit in Oklahoma and Arkansas with former Maryville
residents. At Miami, Okla., they visited Judge Hatton Wilson and at
Okmulgee they visited Misses Stella and Ella McDowell. En route home
they were guests of Mrs Grace Donoghue at Fort Smith, Ark and of Miss
Kate Willis of Gravett, Ark.
Kirk, Mr and Mrs C.I. and Mrs Sophia Longnecker
of Maxwell, Ia., came Sunday to visit Mr and Mrs J.H. Knox. Mrs Kirk
is a sister and Mrs Longnecker the mother of Mrs Knox. Mrs Longnecker
remained for a longer visit. Mr and Mrs Kirk returned today.
Gex, Donald - Mary Gex Brown, Graham, has been
appointed curatrix over Donald L. Gex, a minor, by the probate court
of Nodaway County.
Marriage License - Frank Calek of Clearmont
and Evelyn Clester of Clearmont
Hopper, Frank M. - Asa E.
Hopper, Clearmont has been appointed administrator of the estate of
Frank M. Hopper by the probate court of Nodaway county. Hopper died
in Monte Vista, Colo., Dec 2, 1927.
Krause, Mr and Mrs Chester and children left
yesterday for Flandreau, S.D. to visit Mr Krause's parents Judge and
Mrs W.A. Krause.
Prettyman, Margaret Ellen married John Green
Davison and Carr Reunion
Wiley family reunion
Pierpoint, Woodburn and Archer reunion
Pittsenbarger-Giffin reunion
Lavelle, Mrs Walter of Casper, Wyo visits sister
Mrs Charles Smith in Maryville...
Honer, William, 75 years of age, a resident
of Maryville twenty years, died at 8:55 o'clock yesterday morning at
his home, 415 West Twelfth street. Mr Honer had been in ill health for
two years and had been bedfast the last three weeks.
Funeral services will be held at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at
the Campbell funeral home, conducted by Dr W.S. Insley. Burial will
be in Miriam cemetery.
Mr Honer was born April 14, 1865, at Danville, Pa., the youngest of
seven boys. He came west to Kansas in 1885, and in 1920 moved to Maryville.
Mr Honer married Susan Young November 7, 1889 at Brookfield and they
celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary last November.
Surviving besides the widow, are three sons, Clarence Honer, Holton,
Kas., Joe Honer, Denton, Kas., and Harry Honer, who lives in Illinois;
two daughters, Mrs Homer Davis, Aurora, Mo., and Mrs Raymond Hainline,
Maryville; eleven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Addition data in August 21, 1940 - gives pallbearers, out-of-town relatives,
and survived by two brothers, Frank and Henry Honer, Robinson, Kas.
Faulkner, Eldon Lee and Ralph Qualls of Eldorado
Springs are visiting Mr Faulkner's grandmother, Mrs Betty Porterfield,
and other relatives.
Marich, Miss Margaret married John Scott Lutz,
both of Des Moines [Iowa] at Arkoe...
The Maryville Daily Forum, Maryville, Missouri
August 20, 1940
In the 10 Years Ago column- Barnard will no
longer have dirt roads in the business and residential sections of the
town. This was decided by the citizens yesterday when the $1,000 bond
issue for the graveling of the streets carried with 137 votes cast in
its favor. There were but 19 votes in opposition.
Parnell - Mr and Mrs George Lucas and their
guests, Dr and Mrs W.T. Utter and son, Billie Lucas, of Grandville,
Ohio, and Mrs Charles Finley of Hobbs, N.M., visited Sunday with Mr
and Mrs George Wilson of Mound City and Mr and Mrs James Lucas of Barnard.
The Utters left Monday morning for Grandville.
The Maryville Daily Forum, Maryville, Missouri,
August 21, 1940
McCullough, Mary Wilma Jacobson - As a result
of burns suffered the night of July 27 when a quantity of gasoline exploded
in a cave in which she and her family sought shelter from a severe rain
and wind storm, Mrs John M. McCullough, age 27, died at 2:30 o'clock
yesterday afternoon at St Francis hospital. The family home is situated
three-fourths mile northwest of Hopkins.
Also injured in the explosion were Mr McCullough, their son Charles,
age 21 months, and daughter, Mary Joan, age 3, whose condition remains
serious although she was removed to the home the last of last week.
The gasoline was ignited by a lantern after the jug containing the
fluid was broken by a box overturned by one of the children. Suffering
from burns himself, Mr McCullough carried his wife and children from
the cave and then ran a half mile to a neighbor's home for assistance.
All were brought to the hospital. The father and son were dismissed
a few days after the accident.
Mrs McCullough gave birth to a stillborn child last week.
Mrs McCullough, the former Mary Wilma Jacobson, was born April 3, 1913,
at Clearmont. She and Mr McCullough were married December 28, 1935.
Besides the husband and children, her parents, Mr and Mrs Charles Jacobson
of Clearmont, survive.
Funeral services are tentatively set for 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon
at the Methodist church in Clearmont, conducted by Dr W.A. Pollock of
College Springs [Iowa]. Burial will be in Clearmont cemetery.
Hartness, Martha Williams - Mrs Sally Hartness
and son Harry[?] and daughter Mrs Melvin Neal attended the funeral of
Mrs Jess Hartness of Mount Moriah which was held yesterday at High Point
church near Mount Moriah.
Mrs Hartness who died Sunday night of a heart attack was 66 years of
age and formerly lived at Burlington Junction. She was Miss Martha Williams.
Surviving are three sons and three daughters, Arthur Hartness of the
home, James and Jess Hartness living east of Mount Moriah, Mrs Bernice
Jones and Mrs Nellie Stockwell of Ridgeway and Mrs Millie Howell of
Burlington Junction.
Burial was at Ridgeway.
Mozingo, William Allen, 69 years of age, a
resident of Nodaway county all of his life, died at 10:05 o'clock this
morning at his home 516 East Fourth Street. In ill health for some time
he had been seriously ill since July 26.
Mr Mozingo was born July 23, 1871. He had been a resident of Maryville
eight years living at his present home for four years. He was a retired
Surviving are the widow Mrs Bertha Mozingo and the following children,
Robert Mozingo, Maryville, Ora Mozingo, Sedalia, Dewey Mozingo, Wichita,
Kas, Mrs Fred Denham, Ravenwood, Miss Lula Mozingo Denver, Colo and
Misses Nellie and Velma Mozingo, Maryville. A brother George Mozingo,
Bedison and a sister Mrs John Rogers of Maryville also survive.
Funeral arrangements have not been completed. Burial will be in Miriam
Bramble, Mildred, Maryville, filed for divorce
against George Bramble, Maryville. Desertion, ask for custody of minor
The Maryville Daily Forum, August 22, 1940
Wells, Will R. - Funeral services were held at the Price funeral home
yesterday afternoon for Will R. Wells, who died at his home, southwest
of Maryville, Monday morning. Dr W.S. Insley conducted the services,
assisted by RevCarl Hackman, pastor of the Rockford church. Burial was
in Miriam cemetery.
Pallbearers included E.H. Bainum, Cal Williams,C.G. Hogan, Charles
Kime, J.L.Kime and Bert Williams. Mrs Henry Zimmerman sang two selections,
"Jesus Savior Pilot Me" and "A Charge to Keep I Have."
Out-of-town relatives attending were the two daughters, Mrs D.A. Hart,
Burbank, Calif., and Mrs Roger Miller, Salina, Kas.; a granddaughter,
Jean Miller, Salina, and a sister, Miss Mabel Wells, Shawnee, Okla.
Marriage license - Don Wyman
of Griswold, Ia and Neoma Gerlach, Atlantic, Ia |
The Maryville Daily Forum,
August 23, 1940 |
Horn, Henry James, 65 years of age, a life-long resident of Nodaway
County, died late yesterday afternoon at his home in Elmo after a long
illness. Mr Horn, a retired farmer, had lived all of his life in Lincoln
township and had lived at his present home the last two years.
Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the
Methodist church in Elmo, conducted by Rev W.E. Akers and Rev J.R. Campbell.
Burial will be in High Prairie cemetery.
Mr Horn was born August 4, 1875. He married Phoebe Alexander in 1894.
Surviving are the widow and the following children: Roy and Ray Horn
of the home; Lester Horn, Skidmore; Mrs Galen Neff, Elmo; Vernal Horn
and Mrs Alverda Bishop, College Springs, and Mrs Flora Worthan, Clearmont.
His parents, Mr and Mrs A.J.Horn of Elmo, and a brother, Clark Horn,
Elmo, also survive.
Smith, Dr R.D., 59, superintendent at the state hospital for insane
at Clarinda [Iowa] since 1933, was found dead in his apartment this
morning. Dr Smith apparently died after a heart attack.
On June 18, Dr Smith was wounded by a laborer at the state institution,
but apparently had completely recovered. The laborer who attacked the
doctor committed suicide.
Montgomery, Mrs Julia Ann, 83 years of age, mother of Joseph Montgomery
of Graham and Thomas Montgomery of Maitland, died yesterday afternoon
at the home of another son, Floyd Montgomery, in St Joseph [Missouri].
She was the widow of James L. Montgomery and had lived in St Joseph
thirty-two years.
Other survivors are three daughters, Mrs Pauline Hall, Little Hocking,
Ohio , Mrs Lillie Gourley, Butler, and Mrs Lena Longstreth, Meeker,
Colo., a brother, Segal? Haston, residence unknown, and a sister, Mrs
Amanda Mathis, Portland, Ore.
Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at Rupp's mortuary
in St Joseph. Burial will be at Graham.
Wells, M.K., was named administrator
of the estate of his uncle, William R. Wells, Maryville, by the probate
court this morning. William Wells died August 19, 1940. |
Marriage license - Arthur Robbins of Bedford, Ia and Dorothy Burch
of Maryville
Pascal Sappington and Juanita Hinkle of Tishomingo, Miss
Guilford News - Mrs J.H. McClanahan
received word Tuesday morning that her niece, Miss Alverta Boyd, 20 years
old, Oklahoma City, died following an appendicitis operation. |
The Maryville Daily Forum,
Aug 24, 1940 |
Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at thePrice
funeral home for Mrs Sarah E. Lowry, a former Nodaway county resident,
who died yesterday at the home of a daughter, Mrs Harry B. Rutledge,
at Hinsdale, Ill. She had been ill the past year.
Mrs Lowry was the widow of William Lowry, who died twenty years ago.
From 1924 to 1927, she lived with her daughter, the former Miss Nellie
Lowry, at Burlington Junction where the daughter taught in the schools.
The last six years Mrs Lowry had lived at Hinsdale.
Mrs Lowry was born September 5, 1854, in Kentucky. She was first married
in 1876, to John Bowen at Bowen, Ky. After his death, she married Mr
Lowry at Bowen.
Surviving are four daughters, Mrs Rutledge, Mrs Ferd Masters, Trenton,
Mo., Mrs Sylvester Kindred, Phoenix, Ariz., and Mrs Frank Rogers, Bowen,
Ky.; three sons, Albert Bowen, Stanton, Ky., Roy Bowen, Indianapolis,
Ind., and Hubert Lowry, Abilene, Kas.; thirty-one grandchildren; twenty-one
great-grandchildren, and two brothers, E.J. Kirk, Osborn, Mo., who will
be here for the funeral, and Joe Kirk, Houston, Tex.
Mrs Lowry's body will arrive in Maryville tomorrow morning. Burial
will be in Miriam cemetery.
The case of Iva Bell Sharp,
Stanberry against Homer Marion Sharp, Stanberry, for a divorce was filed
this morning in circuit court. In the petition Mrs Sharp alleged non-support. |
Mrs Sarah Catherine Bishop, 93 years of age, died at 4 o'clock this
morning at the home of her niece, Mrs George Walker, north of Barnard.
Her death followed a week's illness.
Mrs Bishop had lived at her niece's home the last eight years. She
previously lived in Harrison county. The last several years a dinner
had been held annually at the Walker home in Mrs Bishop's honor at the
time of her birthday anniversary.
Mrs Bishop was born July 14, 1847, in Lee county, Va. She was married
September 2, 1869, to William Preston Bishop, who died August 4, 1914.
She is survived by one son, Edward W. Bishop, Jefferson City; two grandchildren
living in Kansas City, and several nieces and nephews.
Short funeral services will be held at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon
at the funeral home in Guilford after which the body will be taken to
Martinsville for funeral and burial services.
Marriage licenses: |
Slagle, Ivan H. of Ravenwood
and Virginia Walton of Stanberry |
James, Minnie B. of Maryville
and Jonathan Cryder of Skidmore |
Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary |
Mr and Mrs O.O. Herndon...his wife, the former Miss Mollie Thackery,
were married at Ballstown, Ind., in 1880 and moved to Missouri in 1881.
Since then, with the exception of two years' resident near Sheridan,
they have lived at their present home, east of Parnell.
Mr Herndon is 81 years of age. Mrs Herndon will be 75 in December.
Children present were Mr and Mrs Clarence Herndon and family, Pasadena,
Calif; Mrs Emma Orth, Minot, N.D.; Mr and Mrs Harlan Herndon and family,
Rawlins, Wyo; Mr and Mrs Ralph Allison and family, Bedford [Iowa], Mr
and Mrs Ed Herndon, jr and family, Mr and Mrs W.A. Wilson, Mr and Mrs
William Scadden, Mr and Mrs Clifford Herndon and family and Mrs Della
Herndon, all of Parnell. Other relatives and friends present...
Mr and Mrs Robert Nicholas and
son, Bobby, of Salem, Ill., Mrs J.J. Battles and son, Joda, and Mrs Elizabeth
Nicholas of Denver, Colo., and Mrs J.O. Roller and son, Harris, and daughter,
Virginia, of Circleville, Kas., are visiting this week-end with Mr and
Mrs Chester Lyle and family. Mrs Lyle is their sister, and a daughter
of Mrs Elizabeth Nicholas. |
The Maryville Daily Forum,
August 26, 1940 |
Miss Lois Kate Halley...died at home of her mother, Mrs Vada Halley,
120 South Mulberry Street. ...
Miss Halley, who was born at Clearmont, had lived in Maryville since
she was a young girl....Miss Halley's father was the late Boone C. Halley.
Surviving besides her mother, are a brother, Gilbert K. Halley, Sheridan,
Wyo.; a niece Katherine Halley, Sheridan and an uncle Dr S.S. Bever,
Amazonia. ...[additional from the next day's, August 27, newspaper]
Burial will be in Miriam Cemetery.
Marriage licenses |
Miller, John Jr of Corning,
Ia and Bettie Irene Ferrin of Carbon, Ia |
Still, Eugene C. of Maryville
and Beulah Irene Crenshaw of Parnell |
Diggs, Roscoe Lee Roy of Graham
and Joyce Virginia Ward of Skidmore |
Bills, William R. of Maryville
and Mary Lucile Powell of Gallatin |
Smith, Roger of Creston, Ia
and Lorraine Hofstetter of Creston, Ia |
The Maryville Daily Forum,
August 27, 1940 |
Marriage licenses: |
Schmitz, Orley and Lavena Baker,
both of Parnell |