submitted by: Julia Johnson -

[Pierpoint, Nora Fakes]

Maryville Daily Forum

Saturday    December 18, 1954    p. 7

Mrs. Pierpoint Dies At Home of Daughter

Mrs. Nora Pierpoint, age 88, died at 8:30 p. m., yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Weber McMillen, 217 E. 7th St., following a several weeks’ serious illness.

Born Oct. 16, 1866, in the Shell Grove community east of Quitman, Mrs. Pierpoint was the daughter of the late Elwood and Susan Smith Fakes, pioneer residents of Nodaway County.  She had resided in this community all of her life.  On Oct. 26, 1898, she was married to the late Ralph Pierpoint, who preceded her in death on Oct. 13, 1939.

As a young girl Mrs. Pierpoint joined the Christian Church, and at the time of her death, belonged to the Maryville Christian Church.

Survivors include the daughter, Mrs. McMillen, one son, County Superintendent Claude Pierpoint, Maryville; one brother, Charles Fakes, Maryville; five grandchildren---Kenneth McMillen, Loren and Don Pierpoint; Miss Katherine McMillen, Kansas City, and K. R. Pierpoint, Peoria, Ill.; and six great grandchildren.  Three sisters preceded her in death.

Funeral services will be held Monday at the Price Funeral Home, where the body will lie in state before the service.  The Rev. D. Franklin Kohl, pastor of the First Christian Church, will be in charge of the ritual.  Burial will be in the Miriam cemetery.

[Neidel, Virginia George “Dolly”]

Maryville Daily Forum

Tuesday    December 15, 1931

Miss Virginia Neidel Dies—Rites Thursday

Miss (Dolly) Virginia George Neidel, fifteen-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Neidel died at 10:30 o’clock this morning at their farm home north of Maryville. The child has been an invalid all of her life.

She is survived by her parents, one sister, Mrs. Mildred Rhoades and three brothers, Harry, Burton and James Neidel all of Maryville, and her grandmother Mrs. Louisa Neidel.

The funeral services will be held at the Price Funeral home at 1:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Burial will be made at Oak Hill cemetery. Further arrangements will be announced later.


 [Neal, John William]

Maryville Daily Forum

Wednesday    January 30, 1957    [p. 1]


John W. [illiam] Neal, Maryville barber, died at 6:45 a. m. today, at a hospital In Kansas City following surgery. He lived at 522 E. 1st St.

Mr. Neal was born Sept. 11, 1882, at Pickering, the son of the late Lewis J.[ohnson] and Nancy [Jane] Webb Neal. He was married to Miss Lola M. Strong in 1908. He had lived in Maryville 11 years and was a member of the Christian church, the Odd Fellows and Rebecca Lodges and the Lions Club.  

Survivors include his widow, of the home; a brother, George Neal, Oklahoma City, Okla.; seven sisters: Mrs. Lizzie Hanna and Mrs. George [William] Smith [Dorrit], St. Joseph: Mrs. Mary Wysong and Mrs. Edith Judah, Oklahoma City; Mrs. Dollie Baum, Mill Valley, Calif.; Mrs. John [Oliver] Collins [Edna], Barnard, and Mrs. Charles [Levi] Hinton [Ethel], Pickering.

Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Friday at the Price Funeral home. Burial will be In the Miriam cemetery. There will be Odd Fellows services.   


[Hinton, Ethel Neal]

Maryville Daily Forum

Saturday    July 16, 1977    p. 3

Ethel N. Hinton

Ethel N. Hinton, Pickering, died at 5:40 pm. Friday at St. Francis Hospital following a long illness.

She was born Jan. 10, 1886 in Maryville. Her parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. [Lewis] John [son] Neal [Nancy Jane Webb]. She was married to Charles L.[evi] Hinton in Maryville on Nov. 21, 1908 [November 21, 1906]. Her husband died Nov. 23, 1962.         

Mrs. Hinton was a member of the Pickering Christian Church and was past Worthy Matron of the Order of the Eastern Star.

She is survived by one son, William Henry Hinton, Bond, Colo.; three daughters, Mrs. Mary Early, St Joseph; Mrs. Gladys Mock, Kansas City and Miss Lola Hinton of the home. She is also survived by a brother George Neal, Oklahoma City, Okla., a sister, Mrs. Dollie Baum, Mill Valley, Calif., Mrs. Dorrit Smith, St. Joseph, and 13 grandchildren and several great and great-great grandchildren.

Services will be held Monday with burial in White Oak Cemetery, Pickering.

[Missouri Marriage Records, 1805-2002 database gives the date of the marriage as November 21, 1906.]


[Hinton, Charles Levi]

Maryville Daily Forum

Saturday    November 24, 1962    [p. 1]


Charles L. [evi] Hinton, 81-year-old retired Pickering farmer, died at 3:20 p.m. Friday at St. Francis Hospital after a long illness. He had been hospitalized since Oct. 1.

Mr. Hinton, who spent his entire life in and near Pickering, was a member of the Pickering Christian Church and the Pickering AF&AM.

He was born May 26, 1881, at Pickering, the son of William H. [enry] Hinton and Louise [Louisa Elizabeth] Conklin Hinton. He was married Nov. 21, 1906, at Maryville to Ethel Neal, who survives.

In addition to his wife of the home, survivors are two sons, William Henry Hinton, Radium, Colo., and Lewis J. Hinton. St. Joseph; three daughters, Mrs. Arthur Early [Mary], St. Joseph; Sgt. Lola G. Hinton, Carswell Air Force Base, Ft. Worth, Tex., and Mrs. Floyd E. Mock [Gladys], Kansas City; a brother, Frank Hinton, Pickering; four sisters; Mrs. Addie [May] Neil, Tampa, Fla.; Mrs. Sarah [Elizabeth] Hellier, Magna, Utah; Miss M. [abel] Blanche Hinton, Maryville; and Mrs. Charles Taylor, Hopkins; 13 grandchildren and seven great-grand children.

Services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday at the Pickering Christian Church by the Rev. Delbert Dick. A Masonic service also will be conducted. Burial will be in White Oak Cemetery, Pickering.

The body, which is at Price Funeral Home, will lie in state from 1 to 2 p.m. Monday at the church.


[Carmichael, William David]

Maryville Daily Forum

Saturday    November 24, 1962    [p. 1]


Mr. and Mrs. Eldon [Elton Cecil] Bruner, Conway, Ia., and Homer Carmichael and son, LeRoy Carmichael, Maryville, attended funeral services Friday in Kansas City, Mo., for William D. [avid] Carmichael, a brother of Mrs. Bruner  [Ethel Clara] and Homer Carmichael. Burial was in Mt.  Moriah Cemetery, Kansas City.    

 Mr. Carmichael, 87, died Tuesday at his home. Born in Indiana [September 25, 1875], he spent many years in Nodaway and Holt Counties before moving to Columbia in 1928. He had lived in Kansas City since April.  Survivors include his wife, Mrs. [Ve] Nila Carmichael, and four sons.   

 [Source of birth date:  World War I draft registration card]


[Butler, Maude Agnes Shrubshell]

Maryville Daily Forum

Saturday    November 24, 1962    [p. 1]


Mrs. Maude Agnes Butler, 75-year-old Maryville resident for most of her life, died at 11:10 a.m., today at St. Francis Hospital after a brief illness.        

Mrs. Butler was born Aug. 10, 1887, at Loup City, Neb., to James Shrubshell and Agnes McLarnan Shrubshell. She was married Nov. 19, 1912, at St. Joseph to William Lawrence Butler, who preceded her in death. She was a member of the First Christian Church, Rebecca Lodge and the Royal Neighbor Lodge.

She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Morris Garetn, Mrs. William. D. McMahon and Mrs. Robert Loch, Maryville; a brother, Walter Shrubshell, Maryville; five grandchildren and six great grand children. She was preceded in death by a sister, Mrs. Florence Armstrong, Maryville.

Funeral arrangements have   not been completed, but the body is at Price Funeral Home.


[Neal, Nancy Jane Webb]

Maryville Daily Forum

Monday     December 5, 1938

Mrs. Nancy Neal, Age 90, Dies, Funeral Tuesday

Mrs. Nancy [Jane] Webb Neal, 90 years of age, widow of Lewis Johnson Neal of Pickering, died at 10:30 o’clock Saturday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. [ohn] H. [enry] Hanna [Elizabeth], and granddaughter, Mrs. Harry Seiler [Nancy Edith], 421 West Halassy Street in this city.  Mrs. Neal, who was taken ill in August when she was stricken with a heart attack, was brought to her daughter’s home here a week ago from her home near Pickering.

Funeral services will be held at 1 o’clock Tuesday afternoon at the Christian church in Pickering of which Mrs. Neal was a charter member. Burial will be made in the White Oak Cemetery at Pickering.

Mrs. Neal, who was born August 8, 1848, in Putnam County, Ind., had returned to Indiana to visit her childhood home just before she became ill.  She had lived in and near Pickering for sixty-five years.

Married October 7, 1869, Mr. and Mrs. Neal lived near Rockville, Ind. until coming to Missouri in 1873.  After Mr. Neal’s death, February 4, 1914, Mrs. Neal had lived with two sons on the family farm, one and one-half miles northeast of Pickering.

Surviving are ten children.  They are Marion Neal, George W. [ashington] Neal and Mrs. Roy Judah [Edith], Pickering; Mrs. J. [ohn] H. [enry] Hanna [Elizabeth], Maryville; John W. [illiam] Neal, Laguna Beach, Calif.; Mrs. J.[oseph] P. Baum [Dollie], Mill Valley, Calif.; Mrs. E. [lza] G. Wysong [Mary], Oklahoma City, Okla.; Mrs. J. [ohn] O. [liver] Collins [Edna], Albany, Mo.; Mrs. Charles [Levi] Hinton [Ethel], Bolckow, and Mrs. G. [eorge] W. [illiam] Smith [Dorrit], Savannah. Four sisters, Mrs. Lina Thomas, Rockville, Ind., Mrs. Addie Mater, Thorntown, Ind., Mrs. Mary Collings, Rockville, and Mrs. Lottie Watkins, Crawfordsville, Ind., and two brothers, Harry Webb, Wheatland, Ind., and Spotsard Webb, Hallmore, Ind., also survive.  There are thirty-six grandchildren, fifty-six great grandchildren and one great great grandchild.

Mr. and Mrs. Wysong of Oklahoma City arrived last night for the funeral.  The other children, with the exception of Mrs. Baum, were here during her illness.

Bedford Times-Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, December 15, 1938
Mrs. Nancy Neal of Pickering Dies
Mrs. Nancy Neal, 90, of Pickering, Mo., died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. [ane] Hanna in Maryville Saturday night, after an illness of several months. She was taken to her daughter's home a week previous to her death.
Mrs. Neal is survived by ten children, one of whom is Mrs. Elza Wysong of Oklahoma City, Okla., a former resident of Bedford.
The funeral services were held at the Christian church in Pickering Tuesday afternoon. Burial was in the White Oak cemetery near Pickering.

 [Collins, George William]

Maryville Daily Forum

Monday    February 23, 1948    [p. 1]

George W. Collins Dies; Funeral to Be Tuesday

Funeral services for George W. [illiam] Collins of Skidmore will be held at 2 o’clock Tuesday afternoon at the Skidmore Christian church of which he was a member. Mr. Collins died at 4 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Crawford of Maryville.  Mr. Collins was a retired farmer and had lived in the Skidmore community since 1871.  He had been ill four months.

The Rev. Mrs. R. W. Emerson, pastor of the Skidmore Christian church will conduct the services.  Burial will be in the Oak Hill cemetery of Maryville.

He was born March 1, 1856, in Hartyville, Ky., the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Collins.  He was married to Rebecca F. [lorence] Colwell, who died in 1927.

He is survived by one son, Frank W. Collins, Skidmore; one daughter, Mrs. Nellie L. Barrett, Albany, four grandchildren and two great grandchildren.

[Collins, George William]

Maryville Daily Forum

Wednesday    February 25, 1948     p. 5

Rites for George Collins

The Rev. Mrs. R. W. Emerson conducted funeral services for George William Collins at 2 o’clock Tuesday afternoon at the Skidmore Christian church.  Mr. Collins died Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Crawford in Maryville.

Mrs. Hannah Bramble, Mrs. H. C. Hofer and Dr. Walker composed a trio who sang “In the Garden” and “Nearer My God To Thee.”  Dr. Walker sang a solo, “City Four Square.”  They were accompanied by Mrs. Mable Dysart.

Pallbearers were Johnny Hart, Ted Deffenbaugh, Homer Newton, Frank Coston, Dr. Bert Strickler and Earl Jordan.

Burial was in Oak Hill cemetery at Maryville.

[Neeley, Albert Winston]

Maryville Daily Forum

Monday    February 23, 1948    [p. 1]

Albert W. Neeley Dies; Was Quitman Resident

Albert Winston Neeley, 79-year-old Quitman resident, died at 4:40 o’clock Sunday morning at the Martin Landfather hospital here where he had been a patient the last ten days.   Mr. Neeley was a retired farmer and had lived in the Quitman community 40 years.

Funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock Tuesday afternoon at the Quitman Methodist church.  The Rev. William Thompson will conduct the services.  Burial will be in the Quitman cemetery.

He was born April 12, 1868, in Illinois, the son of the late Wilbur and Elizabeth Neeley.  He was married to Miss Hannah Elkin at Maryville 54 years ago.

Besides his wife he is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Mary Virginia Agee, Fort Worth, Tex.; one son, Donald Neeley, Topeka, Kas., and one grandson, Donald Elkin Neeley.

[Baker, Joseph B.]

Maryville Daily Forum

Monday    February 23, 1948    [p. 1]

Joseph B. Baker, Barnard Resident, Dies Saturday

Joseph B. Baker, 82 years of age, died at the home of his son, Fred Baker of Barnard, at 11:45 o’clock Saturday morning.  Mr. Baker, a carpenter, had been ill some time and spent all of his life at Barnard.  He had been at the home of his son the last year.

He was married to Evelena Brinkman, who died in 1935.  His second wife was Mary Alice Gray.  She died in 1943.

He is survived by two sons, Fred Baker, Barnard, and Ervin Baker of California; one daughter, Mrs. Edna Reed, Leonardville, Kas.; ten grandchildren and five great grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock Tuesday afternoon at the Barnard Methodist church.  The Rev. V. R. Skinner, pastor, will conduct the services.  The body will be taken from the Campbell funeral home to the home of his son, Fred Baker, this afternoon.  Burial will be in the Masonic cemetery at Barnard.

[Baker, Joseph B.]

Maryville Daily Forum

Wednesday    February 25, 1948     p. 5

Baker Rites Held Tuesday

Funeral services for Joseph B. Baker were held Tuesday afternoon at the Barnard Methodist church.  The Rev. V. R. Skinner, pastor, conducted the services.  Mr. Baker died February 21 at the home of his son, Fred Baker of Barnard.

Music was furnished by the Misses Ruth and Hulda Lunte, Bert Icke and Hal Turner, accompanied by Mrs. Clyde Hoshor.

Pallbearers were Orville Lawson, Orville Tompkins, Elvet McBride, Lark Mendenhall, Frank Maffie and Clifford Ogier.[[

Flowers were in charge of Mrs. Minnie Dougan, Mrs. Myrtle Nelson, Mrs. Harry Schmitt and Mrs. Clarence Lincoln.

Burial was in the Masonic cemetery at Barnard.

[Walker, Emma Summa]

Maryville Daily Forum

Wednesday    February 25, 1948    [p. 1]

Mrs. Emma Walker Dies

Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon for Mrs. Emma B. Walker, mother of Mrs. Charles Roark of Maryville, at the Brooks funeral home in Albany.  Mrs. Walker was born and lived most of her life in Gentry County.  She died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Natalie Wade, in Denver, February 17 at the age of 72 years.

She died of a heart attack, although her health had been failing for several years.  She spent a winter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roark three years ago.

Besides her two daughters, she is survived by one son, P. L. Walker, Denver; one brother, [Homer] Roy Summa, Albany; one sister, Mrs. A. [ngeline] L. [uvada] Maxwell, King City, a granddaughter, Mrs. Robert Mitchell, and great granddaughter, Linda Lee Mitchell, Bedford, Ia.

The Rev. George Manning, pastor of the Christian church of Albany, conducted the services.  Burial was in the Grandview cemetery at Albany.

[Gray, David McClain]

Maryville Daily Forum

Wednesday    February 25, 1948    [p. 1]

D. M. Gray, Ponca City, Dies at Age of 92 Years

Word was received Monday by Mrs. [Sarah] Alwilda Davison of the death of her brother, D. [avid] M. [cClain] Gray, 92-year-old oilman of Ponca City, Okla.  He was born at Clearmont and was known as “Little Mac.”  He lived at Clearmont until he was 21 years of age when he went to Oklahoma.  He died Sunday night.  Funeral and burial were held Tuesday at Ponca City.

He was married to Miss [Hannah Cassandra] Cassie Gray.  She died 21 years ago.

He is survived by three children:  Will [liam Thomas] Gray, Mrs. Lorena [May] Kiser and Mrs. Stella Bidwell, Ponca City; his sister, Mrs. Davison of Maryville, and two nieces, Mrs. Eva Davis, Maryville, and Mrs. O. [liver] O. [tis] Gregory [Annie Lizzie], Clearmont.

[Davison, Sarah Alwilda Gray]

Maryville Daily Forum

Friday    July 23, 1954    [p. 1]

Aged Maryville Resident Dies this Morning

Mrs. [Sarah] Alwilda [Gray] Davison, almost 94 years of age, and lifelong resident of Nodaway county, died at 7:20 o’clock this morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Eva Davis, 203 West Seventh street, with whom she had made her home.  She had been ill for a number of years and bedfast for the last two and one-half years.

 Mrs. Davison was born Aug. 8, 1860, near Clearmont.  She was married Feb. 6 1881 to Samuel T. [homas] Davison, Clearmont, who died July 23, 1926, at Clearmont.  Besides the daughter with whom she made her home, Mrs. Davison is survived by another daughter, Mrs. O. [liver] O. [tis] Gregory  [Annie Lizzie], Clearmont, who has been assisting in the care of her mother; five grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren.  Another daughter, Mrs. Bessie [Viola] Matlock, Clearmont, died in [Feb. 12] 1927.

Funeral services will be held at 3:30 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the Methodist church in Clearmont.  Burial will be in the Clearmont cemetery in charge of the Price funeral directors.

[Smith, George Tilford]

Maryville Daily Forum

Saturday    February 21, 1948    [p. 1]

George T. Smith Dies; Funeral to Be Monday

George Tilford Smith, 80-year-old resident of Quitman, died at 4:40 o’clock this morning at the St. Francis hospital where he had been a patient one week.  He had been in failing health the last year.

He was born November 6, 1867, in Andrew County, Missouri, the son of the late John W. and Talitha [Turpin] Smith.  His wife, Mary [McDonald], died August 30, 1946.

Funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon at the Price funeral home. Burial will be in the Maitland cemetery.

His only survivor is his daughter, Miss Atweil Smith, a teacher at Quitman.

[Smith, George Tilford]

Maryville Daily Forum

Wednesday    February 25, 1948     p. 5

Funeral Services Are Held For George T. Smith

At 2 o’clock Monday afternoon the funeral services for George T. [ilford] Smith of Quitman were held at the Price funeral home.  The Rev. Guy Prather of Kansas City conducted the services.  Mr. Smith died Saturday.

A quartet composed of Fred Wright, Byron Williams, Dick Brooks and Mrs. Lester Hall sang “Going Down the Valley” and “There Will Be No Tears in Paradise.” They were accompanied by Mrs. Leonard Houston, pianist.

Pallbearers were Don Donahue, Roy R. Davis, Glenn Palmer, Wayne McDonald, Douglas McDonald and Joseph E. McDonald.

Flowers were in charge of Mrs. Duane McCollam, Shirley Davis, Donna Pierson, Wilma Wright, Katherine Wright, Patsy McDonald and Gayle Frankum.

[Smith, Mary McDonald]

Maryville Daily Forum

Saturday    August 31, 1946    [p. 1]

Mrs. Mary Smith, Quitman, Dies At Hospital Here

Mrs. Mary Smith, 72 years of age, wife of George T. [ilford] Smith of Quitman, died at 5:15 o’clock Friday afternoon at St. Francis hospital.  She had been a patient there for the last two days.  She was married to Mr. Smith September 1, 1897.

She was born May 24, 1874, in Nodaway County, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald.  Her mother, Mrs. Nancy A. [nn Simmons] McDonald, died on Mrs. Smith’s birthday anniversary last May.

Besides her husband, she is survived by one daughter, Miss Atweil Smith of the home; three brothers, Hugh D. McDonald, Skidmore, and Earl and James McDonald of Quitman; two sisters, Mrs. Charles Donahue, Maryville, and Mrs. Alma Johnston, Kansas City, Mo.

Funeral services will be conducted from the family home, one mile northeast of Quitman, at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon.  The Rev. Guy Prather, Kansas City, a former pastor of the First Baptist church of Maryville, will conduct the services.

Burial will be in the Maitland cemetery.

[Smith, Mary McDonald]

Maryville Daily Forum

Tuesday    September 3, 1946    p. 3

Rites Are Held Monday For Mrs. George Smith

Funeral services were conducted Monday afternoon by the Rev. Guy Prather of Kansas City for Mrs. George T. [ilford] Smith [Mary McDonald] who died Friday afternoon at the St. Francis hospital.  The rites were held at the family home one mile east of Quitman.

Music was furnished by a trio composed of Mrs. Ed Gibson, Miss Alice Gibson and John Smith, accompanied by Mrs. Ralph Riley.

Pallbearers were Douglas, Joseph Earl and Wayne McDonald, and Francis Dale, Don and Charles Alfred Donahue. The flowers were in charge of Mrs. Duane McCollam, Mrs. Joseph Green, Mrs. Arnold Parshall, Miss Alice Gibson and the Misses Katherine and Wilma Wright.

Burial was in the Maitland cemetery.

[Eckhouse, Christina Anderson]

Maryville Daily Forum

Friday    February 20, 1948    [p. 1]

Mrs. Morris Eckhouse Dies at Shenandoah, Ia.

Word has been received in Maryville of the death of Mrs. Christina Eckhouse, 84 years of age, the widow of Morris Eckhouse.  She died last night at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bickett of Shenandoah, Ia.  Mrs. Eckhouse fell New Year’s Eve and broke her hip and has been confined since that time.

For many years she resided on a farm north of Guilford.  She moved to Maryville about nine years ago and lived here until she went to Shenandoah a few months ago.

She is survived by six children, Albert Eckhouse, Maryville; Arthur Eckhouse, Illinois; John Eckhouse, St. Joseph; Mrs. Anna Floew and Mrs. Lettie Lawson, Roseburg, Ore.; Mrs. Mary (Cleveland) North, Seguin, Tex.; and a brother, Gus Anderson, Maryville.

Burial services will be at Guilford.

[Eckhouse, Christina Anderson]

Maryville Daily Forum

Saturday    February 21, 1948    [p. 1]

Eckhouse Rites Sunday

Funeral services for Mrs. Christina Eckhouse will be held at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the Methodist church at Guilford.  Elder Abe Heinrich will conduct the services.  Mrs. Eckhouse died Friday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bernard Bickett, at Shenandoah.

She was a member of the Lutheran church.  She was born November 13, 1863, in Engleholm, Sweden.  She came to the United States in 1882 and was married to Morris Eckhouse in 1888.  Mr. Eckhouse died in 1914.  Mrs. Eckhouse spent most of her life in this country.

Burial will be in the Graves cemetery near Guilford.

[Eckhouse, Christina Anderson]

Maryville Daily Forum

Wednesday    February 25, 1948     p. 5

Eckhouse Services Held Sunday at Guilford

Funeral services were held at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon for Mrs. Christian [Christina] Eckhouse at the Guilford Methodist church.  Rev. Abe Heinrichs conducted the services.  Mrs. Eckhouse died February 20 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bernard Bickett, where she had resided for the last several months.

Pallbearers were Oscar Anderson, Herbine Anderson, Herschel Anderson, Ernest Mattson and Clifton Mattson.

Those in charge of the flowers were Mrs. Norma Gilbert, Mrs. Neola Copeland, Mrs. Evelyn Maxwell, Mrs. Don Bickett and Mrs. Don Smith.

Among those attending the services from out-of-town were Arthur Eckhouse and son, Norbert, St. Louis; John Eckhouse and Mrs. Roy Maxwell, St. Joseph; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lemaster, Griswold, Ia.; Mr. and Mrs. Edmonston, Council Bluffs, Ia.; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bickett, Farragut, Ia.; Mrs. George Lawson and Mrs. Gunder Floew, Roseburg, Ore.