Civil War Request

Dear Ms. O'Dell:

As a member of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW), Department of Missouri, I am interested in obtaining information related to the Civil War.

In particular, what we as a group are in search of within each county of Missouri are: 1. Locations of Civil War monuments and memorials, which may include cannons, plaques, sculptures, markers, etc. 2. Locations of Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.) meeting sites, and records kept during their meetings (i.e. meeting minutes, rosters, etc.). 3. Locations of burial locations of Civil War veterans in addition to information that may not be recorded on their headstones. 4. The name of the last living Union veteran in the county, and the Union military unit to which he belonged. 5. Contact information (address, phone, email) of any living sons of Union veterans and/or their families.

If you know where we may obtain any of this information for Atchison and Nodaway Counties, Missouri, whether it be from research locations, reference materials such as books, compilations or websites, or even notable local historians that we may correspond with, your input would be greatly appreciated.

I may be contacted anytime by email at If you would like to add a link to the SUVCW, Department of Missouri website, feel free to do so. The new and improved site is located at

In F C & L,

Brian Smarker,

Signals Officer SUVCW, Department of Missouri