Teachers Meet Most
Successful Meeting Yet Held in Monroe County November 22, 1907 The most successful meeting of the Monroe
County Teachers’ Association yet held, both in point of interest and
attendance, closed at Paris last Saturday noon, having continued through
Thursday and Friday. The number enrolled was 97 and the program brought
out many interesting discussions profitable to all present. Thursday was
given over to routine of school work, with talks by Commissioner Rogers
and Professors Christian, Coleman, Hardesty, Stephens, Davis and Carter,
and a paper by Miss Mary Eller. On Thursday night the auditorium was
crowded with teachers and town folks to hear Hon. Walter Williams of
Columbia in his lecture, “Reading from the Book”. The lecture which
was a literary apotheosis of the Bible, was a finished and polished
effort, abounding in bursts of eloquence and bits of refined humor, and
held the big audience in thrall. Mr. Williams has always been a favorite
with Paris people, but his lecture of Thursday night was unusually
enjoyable. The feature of Friday morning was an
address by Miss Longnecker, the bright and interesting representative of
the Kirksville Normal. Prof. Godby discussed the subject of teachers’
salaries, and Miss Amanthus Wallace followed in one of the most enjoyable
papers of the week on the province of the school in promoting morals and
manners. Papers on class subjects by Misses Eureth Grant and Mary Giddings
and by Mrs. Mollie Newton and Minnie Wallace followed. On Friday night a reception and lunch,
served in the school building, was tendered the visiting teachers, which
was highly enjoyed by all. This was preceded by a heated discussion in the
auditorium anent county supervision, led by Commissioner Rogers, following
speeches by Col. Bodine and Mr. Boyd. Prof. Rogers took a fall out of the
newspapers and the politicians and the later were called upon by Prof.
Godbey to enliven the discussion. Saturday before noon was devoted to class
work discussions by Misses Angie Reid and Essie Hill and an able address
by Prof. Hugley, a former Paris boy now in the office of the State
Superintendent. Prof. Muir was present and discussed the text book law. The visiting teachers, along editor
Williams, expressed themselves as delighted with Paris’ new school
building. The following resolutions were adopted
Saturday morning: We, the teachers of Monroe county,
appreciating the many courtesies extended by the Paris people during our
short but profitable stay with them, and all the good things provided for
by the management of the association do therefore resolve: That we extend
to the Paris people a vote of thank for many courtesies shown, and
especially do we appreciate the interest which the Mercury and Appeal have
taken from time to time in the educational affairs of the county. That we,
as teachers, thank Hon. Walter Williams and Miss Longenecker, for the able
lecture and address, also for instructive talks from Dr. Muir and Mr.
Hugley. Also we further wish to express our gratitude to Hon. R. N. Bodine
and Attorney J. P. Boyd for their readiness in espousing the cause of
supervision. Resolved, that we appreciate the efforts
of the Paris teachers and make special mention of the high class paper on
the Faust Legend by Supt. Christian. In as much as we believe that county
supervision is the paramount issue in the betterment of the educational
affairs of Monroe county, therefore, be it resolved, That we do hereby pledge our influence,
support and active cooperation in carrying same at the April election.
That we congratulate Monroe county on the selection by the State
Superintendent of one of her sons, C. B. Hugley, to fill the position of
examiner of schools. That we commend him to the teachers whose schools he
shall visit, as one who is competent to help them, patient with the
conditions that handicap us in our associations and instinctively honest
and fair toward the teachers and the State. Lastly, we recognize and appreciate the
active interest of our worthy commissioner, J. B. Rogers, in his
successful efforts in furthering the educational interest of the county. G. L. COLEMAN J. W. HARDESTY MARY ELLER COMMITTEE The following is a list of teachers and
where they teach: