Public School
of Honor
"Below we give the Roll of
Honor of the Madison Public School, as
furnished us by the Principal. The Times is sorry that every pupil in
the school is not on the roll, and hopes it will contain them all next
Room No. 1. Miss Cunningham, Teacher
97 Minnie Branham
97 Jas. Sublett
97 Jewell Thomas
97 Bess Baker
97 Alleen Scruggs
96 Neta Frageman
96 Ruth Hall
96 Harry Brown
96 Hiram Brownfield
95 Jno. Farrell
95 Flossie Davis
95 Ruth Bloodsworth
95 Harry Harpham
95 Mahone Broaddus
Room No. 2. Miss Lenhart, Teacher.
98 Lizzie Sublett
97 Stanley Brown
96 Alma Farrell
96 Russell Blankenship
96 Gus Leftwich
95 Erma Harper
95 Homer Harpham
95 Jno. Baker
95 Captola Donaldson
Room No. 3, Miss Waller, Teacher.
96 Edna Harper
95 Norma Atterbury
95 Martha Eubank
95 Lessie Davis
95 Sallie Leftwich
95 Zada Winscott
Room No. 4, H.F. Smith, Teacher.
97 Essie Pendleton
96 Anna Yeager
96 Sam Wade
96 Nell Baker
95 Ruby Eubank
95 Inez Pendleton
95 Fred Owings
95 Morris Leftwich
95 Mary Chowning
95 Brenda Leftwich
95 Claude Overstreet
95 Corbin Wiggington
H.T. Smith, Prin."
Source: Untitled, undated article
from unnamed newspaper. Extracted from the collection started in 1879
by Mrs. Nannie Brown of Madison, Missouri; provided by Kathleen Wilham.