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The Masonic Hall - Santa Fe

Santa Fe Lodge No. 462, A. F. and M. --Was set to work under a dispensation from Samuel Owens, Grand Master, in April 1873, by Col. Theo Brace, Past Master.

On the 16th day of October, 1873, the Grand Lodge issued a charter with Dr. J. S. Drake, W. M., Dr. W. R. Rodes, S. W. and Jas. B. Davis, J. W. The Hall was dedicated and the officers publicly installed by Deputy District Master L. R. Downing, in November, 1873. The charter members were J. W. Bates, Jan. Bledsoe, Jas. Bridgeford, J. S. Drake, Geo. W. Edmonston, W. S. Forsyth, Jan. McCutchan, A. H. Moore, Isaac Hanna, Irvin Powell, W. R. Rodes, Urid Rouse, J. M. Travis and G. A. Wilson.

The present officers are:

Dr. John S. Drake, W. M.

C. C. Davis, S. W.

Geo. D. Massy, J. W.

J. P. Brownlie, secretary

Jas. B. Davis, treasurer

G. W. Stuart, S. D.

D. Mcllhany, J. D

L. A. Creigh, tyler.

The membership is 24 and the night of meeting is the Saturday before the full moon. The lodge is out of debt and own the hall and is in good working condition.