young mothers in Monroe City met and organized November 19,
1934, the Mothers Club. The charter members were:
B. O. Baker, Mrs. C. J. Collins, Mrs. Fletcher Crawford, Mrs.
Floyd Dean, Mrs. L. M. Dodd, Mrs. Dewey Johnson, Mrs. Howard
Kizer, Mrs. Edgar L. Knight, Mrs. E. E. Lawson, Mrs. Rucker
Lightbody, Mrs. Joe D. Mudd, Mrs. Ralph Reid, Mrs. Lee Selsor,
Mrs. E. C. Spalding, and Mrs. L.A. Van Dyke.
Howard Kizer was elected first president and served from
1934-1935. Other presidents have been:
C. J. Collins, Mrs. E. C. Spalding, Mrs. Dewey Johnson, Mrs.
Roy Carpenter, Mrs. Marvin Painter, Mrs. Paul Van Marter, Mrs.
Harold Ellis, Mrs. Oliver Blosser, Mrs. C. L. Gottmann, Mrs.
Edward Gottmann, Mrs. Jeff Trussell, Mrs. Marion Clawson, Mrs.
Robert Clark, Mrs. Charles Morgan, Mrs. George Hardy, Mrs.
Warren See and Mrs. Ben Barrows.
at the present time include: Mrs. Ben Barrows, president; Mrs.
Morrison Morthland, vice president; Mrs. Dee B. Creech,
recording secretary; Mrs. Robert Clark, treasurer, and Mrs.
Robert Bates, corresponding secretary.