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Vintage Views of Monroe City

Business & Industry

belair1000.jpg (33538 bytes)

Belair Motel

rainbowmotel1000.jpg (25530 bytes)

Rainbow Motel

spalding1000.jpg (72517 bytes)

Spalding Pharmacy

maddoxmotel.jpg (29012 bytes)

Maddox Hotel

Public & Government Buildings

postoffice1000.jpg (40499 bytes)

Post Office


churches1000.jpg (48717 bytes)

Monroe City Churches

holyrosary1000.jpg (40499 bytes)

Holy Rosary

christianchurch1000.jpg (71641 bytes)

Christian Church

cathchurch1000.jpg (19069 bytes)

Catholic Church

stjudeschurch1000.jpg (18898 bytes)

St. Jude's Church

moncity385.jpg (72611 bytes)

Monroe City Churches


monroecityschool1000.jpg (25093 bytes)

Monroe City Elementary

holyrosary100.jpg (46014 bytes)

Holy Rosary School

monrcitypsch.jpg (35341 bytes)

Monroe City Public School

007799.jpg (46884 bytes)

Public School Building

monroepublicsch100.jpg (26678 bytes)

Monroe Public School with students


monroecitystreet1000.jpg (56649 bytes)

Main Street

clevelandst1000.jpg (37906 bytes)

Cleveland Street

clevelandst1000.jpg (37906 bytes)

Stanton Avenue

downtownmonroecity.jpg (37393 bytes)

Downtown Monroe City

monroecity888.jpg (92467 bytes)

Older view of Monroe City

mcview1.jpg (34531 bytes)



monrcitybridge.jpg (45858 bytes)

Monroe City Bridge

monroecitygrt.jpg (47609 bytes)

View of Salt River near Monroe City