Leesburg Community Club

1943—unknown date

Our January meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Willie Eyer, with 24 members present. The meeting was opened by reading the club collect in unison.

Mrs. Eyer read the standards of achievement for 1942. Mrs. Joel Johnston, Mrs. Eyer, and Mrs. Warren Westfall were appointed committee to decide an achievement work for the year. Mrs. Johnston expressed thanks to the club for cards sent her during her recent illness.

Roll call was answered by “Something I’ll Never Forget.” Roll call for next month is of each ones own choosing, but if anyone just answers present they will be fined 5 cents which will go in our treasurer.

The club donated one dollar to the mile of dimes Infantile Paralysis fund and also bought an $18.75 defense bond.

Our February meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Marshall Wood at which time we plan to have the county nurse with us.

The following songs were sung with Mrs. Omer Hendricks song leader and Mrs. Snyder pianist. “Star Spangled Banner”, “Blest Be the Tie”, and “The Good Old Fashioned Way.”

Congratulations and suggestions for names were sent Mrs. Stanley Overfelt on the arrival of her new daughter which was born Thursday Morning January 29th. Mrs. Overfelt is one of the clubs most willing workers.

Mrs. Snyder was in charge of our entertainment program which was a quiz program won by Norine Wood. Readings by Mrs. Emmett Embree, Mrs. Cecil Rogers, and Norine Wood. Mrs. Westfall, Mrs. Frank Dean and Norine Wood were elected program committee for our February meeting.

Our meeting was closed by singing “America.”

Mrs. Ira Roe
