Clubs & Organizations

Holliday 4-H Club

4-H Clubs began in Monroe County as summer and winter clubs. School teachers served as leaders for such clubs as health and first aid in winter. Clothing, beef, swine, and ewe and lamb clubs were held in the summer.

The first Holliday Club was in 1930 as a health club. Members were Myron Hartman, J.W. Johnston, Ralph Krummel, Cloyce Menefee, Jack Meals, Bruce Overfelt and Marvin Sparks.

Some of the earlier members were: Lois and Faye Blackaby, Mary Betty Atterbury, Frances Dry, Ruth Ann Evans, Mary Elam, Anna Mae Hartman, Helen and Virginia Krummel, Mary E. Littrell, Opal, Lois, Dallas, Howard, and J.D. Parrish, Betty Jean Summers, Opal Smelser, Theolia Turpin, Betty Williams, Hilly Blades, Russell and Robert Farrell, Bud Blades, Charles Glasscock, Betty Ruth Heathman, Hefty Ruth and Thelma Hawkins, Emily Harrell, Joda Menefee, Raymond Ragsdale, Bryan Vanskike, Peggy Curtright, Dorothy Chapman, Ivan Glasscock, Huet Houghton, Pat Hartman, Eva Mae Jackson, Billy Bob Overfelt. and Edward Thornton.

In 1940 Holliday was one of the first in the county to form a community club with several projects. It was named The Holliday Livewires.

In 1941 Jimmy Heitmeyer of the Holliday Livewires was one of two Missouri boys to attend the National 4-H Club Camp in Washington D.C.

In 1942 ten members collected 10560 pounds of scrap iron for the war effort. Fred and Vernon Heitmeyer led the group with 3010 pounds.

Because of the war, 4-H was dropped for several years. In 1947 it was reorganized as the Holliday 4-H Club. Parental interest had grown, with men and women as leaders.

In 1955 Holliday 4-H Club received a plaque from the American Institue of Cooperation in Washington D.C. for outstanding work done in their club. Mrs. Ruby Nobis was the community leader.

In 1960 Linda Blades received a trip to National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago for her outstanding Home Economics project.

In 1972 the club had grown to 58 members, taking 39 different projects, with 29 leaders, the largest ever in the county.

In 1976 there are 37 members, 35 projects, 27 leaders.

Evans Club

Evans Club was organized in October, 1928, at the home of Mrs. Lucile Million, with the following charter members: Virginia Heitmeyer, Glenn Glasscock. Dora Cauison, Mae Wiley, Dolly Houghton, Nannie Evans, Edith Davis. Magic Jones, Sallie V. Krembs, Ethel Whaley. Mrs. Henry Wood, Frances Decker, Lula Summers, Janie Durbin, Nelle Thompson, Grace Fields, Myra Morgan, Mrs. Enos Wood, Mrs. Ralph Nolen, Frances Harrell, Mrs. Chester Byars, Mrs. Forrest Clement. Ethel Whaley is the only charter member still belonging to the club- She has been a. member for 48 years.


At this time the community first had a Home Demonstration Agent and many worthwhile projects were presented. Some were food, clothing, health, home improvement, yard beautification, and all kinds of needlework.

Mrs. Dolly Houghton was elected the first president and Mrs. Sallie V. Krembs served as president for six years.

During these years Evans Club had the winning booth several times at the Paris Fall Festival, received many awards on Achievement Day, and captured several cash prizes with their work.

Present members of Evans flub are: Mrs. Prank Whaley. Mrs. Sam Akers, Mrs. Ralph Howe, Mrs. Mike Mallory. Mrs. Stan Fretwell, Mrs. Madge Curtright, Mrs. Nova Miller, Mrs. Ruth Durbin, Mrs. Guy Callison, Mrs. Stanley Ragsdale, bits. Johnny Ragsdale, Mrs. Gerald Ragsdale, Mrs. Harold Wilson. Mrs. Bill Cram, Mrs. Hurley Wiley, Mrs. Paul Callison, Mrs. Ben Shumard and Mrs. Clarence Johnson.

Holiday Suburbanites

The Holliday Suburbanite Club was organized in the fall of 1960 by Mrs. David Sudsberry. The eight members were Mrs. David Sudsberry. Mrs. leonard Sudsberry, Mrs. Roy Hall, Mrs. Raymond Hill, Mrs. (Joyce Menefee. Mrs. Mac Donovan, Mrs. Lewis Vaughan, and Mrs. Lylburn Johnston. At present only three of these are still members. Other present members are Mrs. Herbert Houghton, Mrs. Della Johnston, Mrs. Gary Menefee, Mrs. Gene Million, and Mrs. Lee Mitchell. The three charter members still in the club are Mrs. Mac Donovan, Mrs. Cloyce Menefee, and Mrs. Lylburn Johnston.

Holliday Homemakers Club

The Holliday Homemakers Club was organized in the early 1940’s, and most of the town women became members. It is believed that Mrs. Leah Phelps was the first president. This club participated in the county extension work for many years, but has now changed to a social club. This club is unique in that it has always had all-day meetings, with a carry-in dinner. The club now has only seven members--Mrs. Roy Blackaby, Mrs. Robert Farrell, Mrs. Naomi Olney, Mrs. Mary Smelser, Mrs. Madge Curtright, Mrs. Clara Stevenson, and Mrs. Sadie Maude Jackson. Mrs. Blackaby and Mrs. Jackson have been members of the club for more than thirty years.

Holiday Masonic Lodge

Holliday Masonic Lodge No. 660 AF & AM was chartered November 1923, with the following officers:

Perry Lenhart--Worshipful Master

Guy Gwyn--Senior Warden

Thomas Cunningham--Junior Warden

George Hill--Treasurer

J.D. Harrell--Secretary

Worshipful Master made the following appointments:

W.M. Delaney--Chaplin

Jesse McCreery--Senior Deacon

E.E. Curtright--Junior Deacon

Ti. Furnish--Junior Steward

Charter members of the lodge were Tom Webb, G.A. Callison, O.D. Moore, R.S. McCreery, W.P. Ellington, E.S. McDowell, J.G.H. Sherry, and Harry Stewart. Fifty year members are: Thomas Cunningham, S.D. Harrell, Thomas Sparks, R.G. Cram, Charles Smithey, and Vincil Wood.

Present members are: Paul Callison, Guy Callison, Amos Beinke, Charles Cochran, Robert Cram, Cloyce Menefee, Elton Morgan, Robert Shoemeyer, James Shumard, Lloyd Thomas and A. Russell Wood.

Odd Fellows Lodge

In 1902 the Odd Fellows Lodge, a fraternal organization, was formed. Charter members were Willis Cunningham, William Jackson, George Jackson, and Henry Anderson. The purpose of the organization was to forward friendship, love, and truth.

Present members are Joe Galvin, Shobe Gilbert, Blanc Hash, Nova Miller, Lee Mitchell, Riley Stevenson, David Sudsberry. Leonard White. Joseph Mackler, Cloyce Menefee, Willard Pilkington, Oscar Burnett, Tom Jones, Ralph Vanlandingham, Benny Ragsdale, Gerald Chirnside, Gerald E. Chirnside, Ronnie Morgan, Robert Ames, Kenneth Luckett, Howard Bramblett. Calvin Luckett, Cecil Fretwell, Stanley Fretwell, and Alvin Bradley.

Holiday Rebecca Ledge

In May of 1922. the Rebeccas, a branch of the Odd Fellows, was formed. Charter members were Esta Wilson, Myrtle Botts, Janie Durbin, Pearl Sanders, Annie Henderson, Martha Thornton, Emma Brooks, Matilda Baker, Leah Phelps, Mollie Solomon, Minnie Jackson, Mary Moore, Nell Lamme, Ella Flory, Myrtle Hemmings, Ruth Winscott, Lula Summers, George Jackson, John Wilson, Clyde Delaney, H.L. Winscott, J.W. Phelps, Harry Summers, Ella Flory, Ben Durbin, and Guy Brooks. Ben Weidle was Grand Secretary and J.J. Fulbright was Grand Master.

Some of the present members are Maude Hill, Ruth Durbin, Hattie Miller, Clara Stevenson, Susie Chirnside, Nell Cunningham, Madge Curtright, Mary Frances Reid, Lura Towles, Naomi Olney, Mary Burnett. Elizabeth Hash, Mildred Menefee, and Vera Doyle.