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Picnic Held in Pasture on Ralph Woods Farm

Ca. 1895

Picnic was given by Six-Hand Euchre club for members and their families. In the picture are: Prof. R. S. Nichols, Catherine Wainwright, Mrs. R. S. Nichols, Mrs. M. B. Carson, Anna Boulware, Mrs. Robert E. Lear, Mrs. Herman Levy, Nell Purnell, Mrs. Frank Pettit and twin daughters, Aileen and Gladys, Bertha Nichols, Elizabeth Boulware, Carrie Stewart, Mrs. W. G. Barger, Mrs. Aaron Boulware, Mrs. B. G. Moss, Alice Fay Pettit and nurse, Mrs. B. 0. Wood, Mrs. James L. Lyon, Mrs. Hugh Clark, Mrs. E. L. Anderson, Mrs. Alex Woods, Mrs. D. R. Davenport, Alice, Elva and Miller Clark, Mrs. J. H. McClintic, Mrs. J. J. Rogers, Adelaide Lear, Zaida Boulware, Rebecca Woods, Mrs. A. Jaeger, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Torrey, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Proctor, Harold Davenport, Hunter and Monroe Anderson, Jamie Proctor, Roy Nichols, Louis Lear, B. 0. Wood, Howard and Walter Lear.

The picture was taken by Miss Belle Johnson.