Missouri Civil War Military Queries


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Diane Siniard

2nd Mo Cav "Merrill's Horse"  leethoma@uswest.net Seeking information,photos, purchase of books on the 2nd MO Cav. Great Grandfather served Sept 1862 to Sept 1865 in Merrils Horse.

18th Missouri Volunteers, Company G and the Mississippi Marine Brigade Sandra Dube'
I am looking for photos, regiment history or other information for the18th Missouri Volunteers, Company G and the Mississippi Marine Brigade. My gggrandfather was Captain E. (Ezra) S. HAVENS. Thank you for any help or information.  wdube@cancom.net

3rd Division Missouri State Guard Clay W. Nichols  I am seeking any and all information about the 3rd Division Missouri State Guard; including officers, roster, organization, battles and skirmishes. I believe my g-g-grandfather fought in one of the Division's units. Thank You. Regards,Clay
Clay W. Nichols 5814 Yarwell Houston, TX  77096  CW-Nichols@worldnet.att.net

Battle of Mingo Swamp  Adruain Cato   I am looking for any information on the Battle of Mingo Swamp Feb.3 1863. The Union Army rode into Simeon Cato farm and killed 9 outright and left 20 mortally wounded. It was Dan McGee's outfit (CSA) they were after, and they were at the Cato farm. Many of these individuals are buried in a mass grave nearby in the Greenbriar cemetery at Greenbriar Mo. Thanks in advance cato3240@aol.com

26th Missouri Infantry Company I and Company A   Jim Holloway   Where did these companies recruit their troops, i.e. particular Missouri or Illinois counties?  Looking for John Holloway Co. I  to find out the county he was living in prior to enlistment.

Civil War Carving found in Atlanta  Bill    I live in Atlanta, am a computer programmer and as a hobby I search Georgia Civil War sites for artifacts with a metal detector. I have been doing this for years.  Well, this past week I found a mini-ball ( a Civil War bullet) that a soldier had carved his name and unit on. Some of it is legible and some is hard to make out as he squeezed alot of info on this one bullet.  His name is J. W. Smith. Now, the J. W. is very easy to make out, as is the S, but the mith is hard to make out and so it may not say mith. So I'm not sure his name is Smith, but his last name definitely starts with letter S.  So at the minimum, I know his initials are  J. W. S. but it could be J. W. Smith. He carved his regiment as 29th MO VOLS which I assume to be 29th Missouri Volunteers.  SO basically I am trying to find info on him to go with the bullet he carved on in 1864 near battle of Kennesaw Mountain (metro atlanta now). If I could first find the muster roll or some regimental list of names during the 1864 campaigns, I might could find his name or someone with initials J. W. S. .  Then maybe I could trace the battles he was in and if he survived after the war. hope you can help Thanks.

Cemetery Forest Hill in Kansas City, MO. Researcher
I have a certificate that was sold in 1896 to raise money to build a monument to the confederate dead at the forest hill cemerty. The cemerty is on troost ave. in kansas city. The certificate was sold for 25 cents and the monument was built around the turn of the century. Can you tell me the value of something like this. From
what i can find out the soldiers buried there came from the battle of westport. thanks for your help.

Confederate S.S. Kentucky Kelle Metz  I am looking for descendants of the survivors of the Confederate S.S. Kentucky shipwreck 9 Jun 1865 on the Red River below Shreveport, LA.  Several passengers were from the Monroe Co, MO. area.

Need help in finding info on a commisioned officer  J. Corley  My family is in possession of an old commisioned officer's sabre and sash.  The sabre indicates that it belonged to Captain E.T. Eubanks (the Cases reads Major though) the unit on the sabre indicates "Commisary 2nd Regt. Pittsburg, KS" on the brass sash buckle are the initials "U R". Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

J.T.Co 18th MO Infantry. Bob  GGGrandfather Calvin ( Cavil ) Freeman was in the J.T.Co 18th MO Infantry. Could anyone tell me anything about this. Can't find any thing on-line and
don't  know if this was Confederate or Union. Any help will be appreciated.

MO 6th Infantry, Co. K.   Susan Hudspeth    Would like any information on this group.  I believe Byron Francis (Frank) Breeding and possibly his brother James M., served this this unit.  Thanks for any help, especially where in MO he enlisted and the history of this regiment.  Also, would like to know where this unit was mustered out.

CO B of the 9th MO Cav   mailto:Sugurfoot@aol.com
I dont know what county Lexington, MO is in.  My Great Grandfather was in the CSA.  CO B of the 9th MO Cav.  He joinned in April 1862 under Capt. Mosby and Col. Jeff Jones.  He was later with the West Virginia 18th Cav.
I cant find anything out about any of these units.  It's as though they don't exist.

Stone Prairie Home Guard     David E. Casto    I am seeking info on this early war Union militia company from Barry co. Mo. The Stone Prairie company was commanded by John Sexton & was in existence from May-August, 1861. My gr-gr-grandfather, John G. Casto was a member. Would like to here from people who had ancestors in the company. Thank you,

 4th Missouri Cavalry     Liz does anyone know anything about the 4th Missouri Cavalry, co. F? My great-great grandfather, Henry Ritter (or Reuter) belonged for the entire war.

I am seeking any information, including photos, letters, diaries or artifacts related to the Third Missouri State Militia Cavalry (US), or the Fifteenth Missouri Cavalry Regiment (CSA) for the purpose of building a website presenting the conflict between these two regiments in Southeast and South Central Missouri. Thank you, Lou Wehmer Technical Director, South Central Area Network 5104 County Road 2660 Willow Springs, MO  65793 1-800-568-5517

48th MO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY (USMichael D Watkins    I am seeking information (preferably online) about this unit including names, diaries, photos, or letters. Any help is appreciated. Mike Watkins

River Runners    Jim Miller 20 Apr 1998 I have a yellow,fringed,ribbon with the Inscription Blockade Runners Reunion.  Can you tell me what this may refer to.

I am searching for any and all information on civil war engagements or events in Franklin, Washington, Crawford, Gasconade, and all surrounding counties in Missouri.  I know such things happened in or near Washington, Leasburg, Union, Herman, Cuba, Salem, and Owensville. If you know of battle maps, this would be the most helpful, but anything is welcome.  Please E-Mail me at Civil War Historian  or write me at 44 N. Mansion St., Sullivan, Mo, 63080.

8th Mo. Volunteer Infantry USA     I am interested in any information that anyone may have about the 8th Mo. Volunteer Infantry USA.  Thank you, Mike Brautigam

Howell Jackson Taylor was a Corporal in the 64th Missouri Infantry in Southwest Missouri and Arkansas (1865).  Do you know anything about the 64th Missouri Infantry.  I got the above information from he wife's civil war widow's pension in the Missouri Archives.  Would like to know what the 64th Infantry did during the Civil War and any other information you might thinkwould be helpful. Dr. Robert M. Taylor, 7837 Route D, Jefferson City, Mo 65109

Need first hand accounts of the Battle of Fredericktown, MO, fought on 21 October 1861 between the Missouri State Guard under Gen. Jeff Thompson and Federal forces under Col. Joseph Plummer.  Any information from letters, diary entries, to letters about the battle from newspapers would be appreciated. Jim McGhee

Does anyone know of any published history of CO. A. 2nd Mo. Cavalry (CSA). I think they were mustered in from the Mo. State guard. Thanks John Ellis

49th Missouri Volunteer Infantry (US).  I am writing a book about this unit and am seeking copies of letters, diaries, photos of anyone who served with them.  Blake Sasse

PRICE'S ARMY I had 3 uncles from MO in Price's Army, all three died in ississippi...Champions Hill (Bakers Creek) and Corinth. I've been told those graves are mass and unmarked. Do you know of any info on such? Researcher


10th and 16th MO Calvary units   Do you know who might have rosters for 10th and 16th MO Calvary units? I had BIAS and TABOR's in them. LOUISE

11th Missouri Cavalry. I am trying to get  information on the Regiment as well as possible description/drawing of the Regimental colors.  Thanks Pat Garman

39th Ohio volunteer Infantry,  I know some of the men settled in Missouri after the war.  Is it possible to find them by unit or name?  One of the officers of my unit was Christopher A. Morgan.  Just curious.  Brad Miklosovic

6th Missouri Cavalry,  Ann  Company L...  Are they Union or Confederate? I am  searching for information on an E. Harrison, Private, who served in it and died on April 29,1864. I would like to know how old he was  when he died. According to the Roll of Honor, this man is buried in Ironton, Mo. Thanks, Ann

Missouri Confederate Unit ResourcesJim McGhee      I am compiling a list of Missouri Confederate Unit Resources for each known Missouri unit.  I am seeking references such as unpublished letters, diaries, memoirs, newspaper articles, etc., that deal with a specific unit for inclusion in the listing.  I do not require copies, merely a description of the source and where it may be located for use by researchers.

Missouri/ Union/Company "C"/10th Missouri Cavalry VolunteersLen Eagleburger        Seeking any persons having relatives who served from this Company.

1st Missouri Light Artillary Battery H  ken mcveigh I am looking for  1st missouri light artillary battery H. I found its name in places but found no information on the group hope you can help me thanks

Morristown, MO? Mary L. Solomon    I am trying to find out where Morristown, Missouri is. That is where our ancestor said he enlisted in the 3rd Missouri Regiment, Company E. Cavalry in 1862, commanded by General Sterling (Pap) Price and Captain Elliott. He also stated in his Pension Application that his brother (first name unknown) was taken prisoner and died in prison in St. Louis, Mo. Can you shed any light on this or advise where to look for this information? Help desperately needed.

Camp Herron David C. Andress     I want to know where Camp Herron was in Missouri.  The 9th Iowa infantry was there in Jan. 1862.

Missouri State Guard. Diane Warneke    Looking to find out about the Missouri State Guard.  What was its purpose? My g.g.grandfather served June 1861 to Sept 1861, Compan C (or E?), Pacific Battn (?) under Captain William HAAGS (?). G.G. name: Charles Schueller. Thank you.

10th Missouri Cavalry Volunteers Research Len Eagleburger    Am researching the 10th Missouri Cavalry Volunteers for a regimental history.  Please contact me if you have any input.

16th Missouri Cal. Co. G. and 24th Missouri Inf. Co. G  Nathan Weaver I would like any information on the 16th Missouri Cal. Co. G. my grandpa William W. Weaver, Private served and any rosters, unit info, battles, etc would be helpful.  I would also like any information on the 24th Missouri Inf. Co. G my grandpa Abraham Weaver, private served and I would like any info.  I would like the same information.  I have tried in vain to search on the internet and have found nothing on these units.

Company G of the 7th Cavelry Joan Bell     I am seriously trying to find out what Company G of the 7th Cavelry was. Were they Confederate or Union and where in Missouri did the fight? My great grandfather Cyrenus Bane was in that unite, but I haven't been able to prove or disprove it. Cyrenus was only in it for 6 month's, from 1861 to 1862. He was from Princeton or Modena, Mercer, Missouri.

Fifteenth Missouri Infantry. Jeannine Ewing    I am looking for information on the Fifteenth Missouri Infantry.  My ggrandfather, WILLIAM WILLI fought in the battle at Missionary Ridge, under then Second Lieutenant MacArthur.  Years later William Willi received the Distinguished Service Medal from the government.  That is all of the information I have, and would like to find more in-depth info.  Any help is appreciated.

How To Locate Confederate Records Diane    Does anyone know where I can get copies of a Confederate military record?  My ancestor served as a Private in Freeman's Regiment, Company A-B.  He was from Dent County, Missouri.  He was captured in Fulton County, Arkansas in Jan, 1864 and was sent to a prison in Little Rock, Ark.  He died December 1, 1864. I know very little about him and was hoping that maybe his military records might reveal some clues. Thank you.

Disfranchisment? Carolyn Gang   My ggg Grandfather Allen Rouse was disfranchised in Boone Co, MO in 1870 for being a "southern man".  Allen was 70 years old at the time and had been a permanent resident of Boone Co, MO since 1839.  he wrote a letter to the editor of the Columbia paper which was printed about him being disfranchised. Can anyone tell me the circumstances for disfranchisment?  I am familiar with the Drake Act of the Missouri Constitution and supposibly there were a list of things that would cause one to be disfranchised.   Secondly, what penalty went with being disfranchised---loss of voting rights? loss of land?? Additionally, I picked up somewhere that Boone County was the Confederate Headquarters in Missouri.  I know there was some skirmish at Hallsville which is where Allen's farm was in Boone County.  All leads appreciated.  THANKS

65th Enrolled MO Militia/ Brents Rodney E. Brents  4/9/98   Looking for information on the history of the 65th EMM.  My G-Grandfather, Thomas P.J. Brents was mustered in and out of service several times during the war.  Any information on battles, skirmishes, etc would be most appreciated.  Thank you  Rodney E. Brents, HMC(SW), USN Preventive Medicine

Co.K,9 Reg't Missouri Infantry C.S.A. mailto:GHam847345@aol.comMy gg-grandfather William Riley(Chariton Co. Mo.) appears on a roll of prisoners commanded by Lieut.H.Ferril,surrendered at New Orleans La. by Gen.E.K. Smith to Gen. E.R.S. Canby U.S.A.I'm having trouble finding a history of this Reg't. any bit of help would be deeply appreciated as this is the easiest of my ancesters to track.

SPECIAL ORDERS Jim Parris      I am trying to find out what this special order (S.O. #258 Headquarters "Department of Mississippi", dated St. Louis, Mo. June 24,1862) contained. My wife's G Grandfather used it to accept a promotion from Private to serve in the Pay Department as Additional Clerk. He was a private in Co. F of the 23rd MO. Infantry prior to accepting this promotion (Nov 22,1861 to May 31,1862). I know most of the 23rd was taken prisoner at Shiloh. I do not know why he was not captured. He may have been ill or ran faster than the others. He stayed in the service and retired as a Lt. CL. in 1907.

17th MO Vol. INF  Philip R. Hinderberger  Researching the 17th MO Vol. INF. Seeking soldier's diaries, letters or other information on the 17th Missouri Volunteer Infantry mustered in at St. Louis in August,1861 and mustered out at St. Louis in August, 1864.

8th Missouri Cavalry Regiment (Jeffers'), CSA, Marmaduke's Brigade, Jim McGhee
Seeking any and all information on the 8th Missouri Cavalry Regiment (Jeffers'), CSA, Marmaduke's Brigade, to include diaries, letters, memoirs, biographical information on soldiers, photos, etc.  Copies will suffice.

11th Missouri Infantry, 2nd Brigade, 1st Div, 16th Corp Rob Fowler.
Looking for any info regarding 11th Missouri Infantry, 2nd Brigade, 1st Div, 16th Corp. Can't seem to find it in available online records. Greatly appreciate any assistance. Thanks,

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