Query Express Page for Missouri Veterans in the Civil War
Older Queries
1999 - 2001

NOTE: The following older queries may not have current e-mail addresses, they will eventually be archived and available on another page. They have not been indexed at this time.


James Forsythe Adams b. 1842 d.1902   Please help me find information on my great-great grandfather: James Forsythe Adams, born in Cooper County, Missouri, June 7, 1842, he served with the Fourth Missouri Cavalry.  I would like to know anything you could pass on to me.  We are trying to trace our family line through James and do not know who his parents were or where they were born.  As an interessting side-light, James Forsythe Adams and his son, James Perry Adams, were the treasurer and assistant-treasurer of the city of Denver from 1891 to 1893. Thank you so much for your help!  Sincerely, Mary Copeland Meza (my mother's  name is Marie-Elise Adams Copeland)
SHADWICK or ALLEN Looking for the 43rd EMM Mo Milkitia and any reference to a surname SHADWICK or ALLEN Plus looking for the 10th reg Inf of MO and any reference of same.
 Gary D. Barnes
Manson Rothborn Anthony. Looking for regimental history on Manson Rothborn Anthony.  Chaplin, 1 st Missouri Infantry / Regiment Arny of the Gulf. / buried Greenton Cemetary, Lafayette County, Mo.   Robert Eckhoff

John G. Bauerlein (On his discharge spelled Bourlein) was a 1st Lieutenant, in Company B 51st Regiment of U S Colored Infantry.I'm not sure if this was a Missouri Regiment or not, as I only have his discharge, which lists this information. He was born in St Louis in 1841, so the discharge says, but I am inclined to believe he was born in Germany and came to St Louis to join. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My great grandfather, Vince Bauerlein,
Anameim Hills, CA
Richard Beasley  We have a 5xGreat Grandfather who came to Texas from Missouri during the Civil War.  He is listed with only the first and last name, no middle initial. He returned home on furlough. He fled Missouri after being arrested by Yankee sympathizers who had confiscated his family's live stock.  He suffered severe frostbite and was later tried for desertion by the Confederacy and released. He was born about 1835 in Kentucky, and the family was from the Virginia and North Carolina border area.  We know that they lived in Missouri at the beginning of the war.  Do you have any references on him? Charlie Weinert
Henry H. Bennett. I am wanting to find info on Henry H. Bennett.  He came from Illinois in the 1830 to Osage county where he and his wife lived.  he married Elizabeth Jarvis from Gasconade county, Mo.  My ggrandfather Henry H Bennett enlisted with the Union Army and served for three years.  I do not know  any more now.  Also I have info that my Joseph L. Crain came from Ky.  He also served in the Civil war.  He was Private and Corporal in F50 Regiment Missouri Vol. Inf.  He was married to Jane (Havens)  Joseph would be my ggrandfather also. B. Bennett
Constantine P. Berry enrolled March 24, 1862 in the 14th reg.M.S.M. Calvary, commanded by Capt. Beard and later served as a Sgt. when consolidated with Co. L 8th Reg. M.S.M. Calvary and was discharged April 12, 1865 in Springfield, Mo.Where would I find the history of the 14th or 8th Calvary?  Appreciate any help. Norma Brashear
John BIAS   Company B, 16th MO Calvary. I would like to know who the commander of that company was and iif a list of the soldiers in the company exists somewhere.  Any stories about their war efforts would also be appreciated. LOUISE HILL
Thomas M. Blakely, Blakley.  Ken   5/14/98 I am seeking information on my gggrandfather Thomas M. Blakely, Blakley. He supposedly served from Missouri in the Civil War and was killed at the Battle of Shiloh, Tennessee. He supposedly enlisted from Daviess County, Missouri. His parents were John W. Blakely and Susan. Any one who can help me will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Ken
BOLEN, BOWLIN Hope McClure  I am seeking information about George Cook Bolen/Bowlin who enlisted in the Confederate Army on August 27, 1862 in Ripley Co., MO.  He was a Pvt. in Co.K, 3rd Reg't Missouri Volunteers.  This Regiment was also known as White's Reg't, aka Ponder's Regiment Missouri Volunteers.  He was captured Feb. 27, 1863.  I have two documents listing him as a POW, one spells his name Bolen, the other Bowlin, same surnames, dates and regiments.  He was released from the Gratiot Street Prison, Dec. 10, 1863 after signing the Oath and paying a $1,000 bond.  Where were these regiments and what encounters were they in?  Where did he enlist?  Any information would be appreciated.
BOLLINGER Mike Killian  " I am looking for any info. on operations in Bollinger county. also any info. on Rebs, Guerillas, Federals, or Missouri State Milita members with the names of Killian (Killion) or Bollinger." Thanks,
William Leander Brewer, James Zell: Seeking informaiton on William Leander Brewer, my great grandfather, who died a Civil War casualty at the military hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas. William died May 23, 1865 which means he was either wounded or became ill at the end of the war.  He named a son after General Schofield, whom was born during the war.  I suspect that William was serving under Schofield.  I have no information on what unit he may have served in, but believe it might have been a cavalry unit.  Thanks, in advance, for any help.
BREWER Jim Zell    William L. Brewer served First in the Missouri State Milita 4 Regiment Company E under a Captain Reid.  He mustered in on November 2, 1861 in Perryville, Mo. and mustered out on February 2, 1862. Second in the 64th Regiment of the Enrolled Missouri Militia under a Captain Seibel or Deibel.  He enrolled on August 10, 1862 in Perryville, Missouri.  He was ordered into active service from 4/23/1863 until 5/20/1863.  He served again in 1864 Finally, he served in the 1st Regiment Cavalry Volunteers Company E.  He mustered in on December 26, 1863 in Ironton, Missouri. He remained in that unit until his death.  He died a Civil War casualty in Little Rock, Arkansas on 5/23/1865.  He is reported to have died of scurvy. If you have can point me to any information on the service of any of these units, particularly the cavalry unit, it would be appreciated.
Benjamin F. Brooke served in the 4th Missouri Infantry during the Civil War & was wounded.  Is this regular union or Missouri Militia??  He had been in Andrew County since 1859 and died there Sept. 28, 1905, although as of yet, I have not been able to find where he is buried.  Thanks!  Ginny
John Bailey Brown, fought with for the confederacy with the Missouri State Troops.  I'm not sure of what unit.  My great-great-grandfather, Joel Neill
William Brumfield  Gary Jones    My g-g-grandfather, William Brumfield fought in the 43rd Missouri Infantry, F Company, during the Civil War. I am trying to find the roster for the regiment, especially F Company. Any assistance would be much appreciated.
"Dr." Robert Henry Burns - He is my great-great-great grandfather.  I am told that he was originally from Scottsville, MO.  He married was married to Sarah Shrock(?)of St. Louis.  He was a doctor in the Civil War, but I do not know what unit(s) he was in. After the war he moved to Texas, eventually settling in Graham (Young CO.)  If anyone knows of or has any information regarding Dr. R.H. Burns, please reply. Sara M. Burns
Augustus BUTZ   Rick Butz  I've been searching and searching the web for a place to request this information and can't seem to find anything that answers my specific question.  Perhaps you could help, or maybe steer me in the right direction.  My husband's ggrandfather, Augustus BUTZ was with Company A, 8th Iowa Infantry.  On March 8 or 9, he died at a field hospital in Sedalia, MO of disease.  There is no record that I can find on where he was buried.  I did get a nibble that it would be Crown Hill Cemetary, but I telephoned them and they have no record of this.  Is there anyone anywhere who might have a record?  Any help would certainly be appreciated.  Thanks.
Byron Francis Breeding.  Susan Hudspeth     Byron (Frank) Francis Breeding was b. 1836 in Rhea Co., TN.  His family moved to Saline Co., IL bet. 1855-1860.  He served in the MO 6th Infantry, Co. K, acording to  the Roster of Confederate Soldiers in the CW.  He married Mary Jane ? abt 1865 either in MO or IL.  They had
four children:  Lucinda Jane, Louisa, Mary and Samuel.  They were all b. in MO except Lucinda, and the last was b. 1875.  I have not been able to find him on the 1870 MO census, and do not know when or where he died.  I'd like to have any info. on him, including where he signed up for the MO 6th Infantry and the history of this regiment.  Thanks very much for any help.
Barkley's   John and Jan Spencer    from Gentry County Mo. - John W. (lst Sergeant) and Frank (2nd Lt) lst Cav, MSM.  Both enlisted in March 1862 for three years.  Company E.  I am researching any personal accounts of men in this regiment and/or this company. Co. commander - Capt. John Little - throughout the War.  Have O.R. reports. Also would like any pictures of men of this regiment during the  war. Also interested in information or accounts from men of 4th Cav. MSM, and 7th Cav. MSM, all who made up Gen. EB Brown's brigade of Pleasonton's Division in Oct. 64.  Esp. interested in accounts of men in these regiments during the Price campaign - Westport, Byram's ford, Mine Creek.
ANDREW JACKSON BAUGH   Carolyn  Hi all.  I am trying to find Civil War Info on ANDREW JACKSON BAUGH.  He may have fought for the Union in the 15 Regiment MO Cav, but don't know for sure. Can anyone help me.  THANKS

Searching for service record of John Carson. He was from Shoal Creek Township, Barry county Missouri. He and his brother Robert Gaston Carson both served in the Federal Army. Probably in the State Militia or Enrolled Missouri Milita but I don't have his unit information. He was killed in 1862-63 family history says near Gadfly, MO by bushwackers. Does anyone know of companies formed in Barry county or that served in southwest Missouri during the war? Scott Carson   11375-3 East Alameda Norman, OK 73026
I am interested in any information of Lt. Col. James Thaddeus Cearnal a cavalry office in the Second Missouri.   Need place and date of death.....we know he survived the war. Amanda Sefton
CEARNAL, JAMES THADDEUS A. Sefton   I need ANY INFORMATION on my ancestor, James Thaddeus CEARNAL, Lt. Col. 2nd Mo Cavalry, Missouri State Guard.  He enlisted in Newton Co., Mo.in 1861, served first as a Drillmaster, fought at Wilson's Creek (Oak Hills) and led the cavalry charge up the Telegraph Rd. which opened the Battle of Pea Ridge (Elkhorn Tavern). He was an Aide-de-Camp to General Sterling Price and fought with Price throughout the war. The last reference to him is a dispatch which was sent from Ft. Towson, Ok. November 20, 1964.  There is a chance he may have gone to Mexico with Price following the war.  Would especially appreciate finding info on a place of burial.
Levi Coble   Would like to find more information on Levi Coble who was born in 1830 and was killed at the end of the war in 1865 on the Confederate side.  I would like to know if there are any details about this as to whether his wife Susan was able  to get a pension.  The family legend is that he was hanged for not disclosing where some ammunitions were and this was done in the presence of his little wife and small children.  My husband is his direct descendent. Thank you for any information at all. Sincerely, Jean Kimble
William Clevenger, who died either in '39 or '40, when he was in his late '90s.  He was born and raised, and died, in Coffey MO, and served in the MO Union forces during the civil war.  Where can i write for his service records and vital records. Donald A Jaffa  Maxdorfer Str 69   67071 Ruchheim GER
COBBS > Pettis & Mercer Co. Jack Glasgow      John Calvin Cobbs lived and enlisted in Union Army in April 1862. Died in Pettis Co., Mo. of ruebella on 7 June 1862. Seek his burial site. Do not find in Mercer Co., so think he may have been buried where he died in Pettis Co. Appreciated any assistance.
 Ramus M Cole,I am looking for information on Ramus M Cole,  Company D, Mennil's Horse. R.M.Cole lived  in the Daviess county,Missouri area. Thank you for your time and trouble    Ione Taylor
Captain Samuel Cole, Cooper County , Mo. Want information, battles, where buried?  Needto know where buried and if he served in any battles, he was a captain, I believe.    Ruth Ensor
SUSAN JANE COOK MICHAEL ANN COKER My ancestor SUSAN JANE COOK was born in 1849 but her family soon moved to MO.  She recalled swimming in the Miss River as a child w/ her 2 brothers (names unknown.)  She also remembers being raided by Yankees several times and hiding the family valuables.  Her father was a merchant in MO; her mother's maiden name was Plant.  Any idea what county(ies) I should be searching in MO?  What section would have had Confederate sympathizers and be on the River?
CORNEAU was my grandmother's maiden name. Of her most proud memberships, Hazel Corneau was always talking about the Daughters of Union Veterans, of which she was a member after she and her husband, Alexander Ollerman, moved to Portland OR. I believe her father served from Missouri, but I do not know his name or unit. If anyone has any information on the name or the organization, please help out. Nancy (Ollerman) Myron
Isaac Cupp  Marge     I am looking for information on  Co. H,  10 Missouri Cavalry. (Union I believe ) Isaac Cupp
Andrew Jackson Crawford  Suzanne Crawford I'm looking for any trace of Andrew Jackson Crawford born ca 1850 in Tennessee.  He was married Feb 21 1875 to Mary Ann Cantrell in Webster Co. Missouri.  Children listed on the 1880 Census in Webster Co. Missouri were John A. b ca 1876 and James R. b ca 1879.
Where did they go when they left Webster Co. Missouri??  Various family members say: Wright Co. Missouri, Texas Co. Missouri, Arkansas and Texas!!!

DILL, STRODE, Clyde Miller   4/9/98  Seeking information (roster, battle details, letters, unit information) for the 71st EMM (Neamiah Dille, Pvt) and the 1st Provisional EMM Cavalry (Lt. John Garret Strode)  Any assitance would be greatly appreciated.  Also I have a photograph (tintype etc) of a young man in waist length Union blue with the only distinquishing detail being M.S.U on his Kepi.  No insignia, buttons indescernible under magnification. The name Grady has been penciled in.  Picture taken in Miami, MO Saline county.  Timeframe unkown.  Any help on M.S.U. would be appreciated.
DOBYNS, DOBBYNS, DOBBINS Patrick T. Dolan, I would be extremely grateful for any information about the (probably Confederate) service of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN DOBYNS (also spelled DOBBYNS, DOBBINS).  He was a country doctor in  Columbus, Johnson County, b 1817, d 1869.  He had two Confederate cousins with his same exact name in different counties who have war records, but I have been unable to find his.  His church in Columbus had Hiram Bledsoe the Confederate artillarist as its pastor, and his son studied law in the office of F. M. Cockrell in Warrensburg.
Alex Downing-US Calvary.  Webster County, Marshville, MO.  Want to know info on his wife- a Native American don't know from what tribe or where she's buried. Thanx,  Lise Waugh
DUDLEY - Jeptha Geiger Dudley b.1838, John Parker Dudley b.1840, and Benjamin Winslow Dudley b.1843.  Jeptha and John were infantry, we think, and Benjamin was in the Calvary.  These 3 brothers, from Lincoln County, Missouri, fought for the south.  Only Benjamin survived the war.  We are interested in any information concerning these boys.  Even though Benjamin survived until 1930, we don't know much else about him either.  Thank you. Brian Bashaw
Nicholas Dunard  Monte E. Dunard LtCol USMCR   Or: MONTE E. DUNARD I would be interested to know if you have any information on my great great grandfather Nicholas Dunard who was with  H Company 3rd Missouri SM, calvary I think and then later as a  2nd Lt with C company  14th R Missouri
Thomas Huston Duncan bartholowI am looking for any information regarding Thomas Huston Duncan who was according to family history killed by Quantrille's Raiders.  He and his young son were taking a load of grain that had been harvested from the neighboring farms into town, when they were surrounded and Thomas was killed.  His son was left unharmed.  Thomas was married in Franklin County and enlisted in the Union Army there along with his brothers William and Nathaniel.   Does anyone have any knowledgeof this incident and can they tell me where and when it happened?
Lt. Sye D'Estaing,  David T Detrick  I have a framed photograph of a Lt. Sye D'Estaing, taken in 1867 in St. Louis.  The information is written on the reverse of the photograph. There is is no other identifying information on the photograph. For years I have wanted to try to find out some information about the Lt. with an objective of trying to find living descendents to contact.

ELISHA WELTY "DOC" EAST  Seeking info on Doc East of Lincoln County Missouri who was reportedly shot by Quantrill's raiders and subsequently died from his wounds.  Also seeking information on his brothers RICHARD "DICK" EAST of the 49th Regiment Mo. Infantry, THOMAS B. EAST of the 3rd Cavalry Reg., MSM, and JOHN SELF EAST, who is known to have fought in the war, but unit is unknown (probably one of the above units). All were from Lincoln County, Missouri. Kirby Ross

FARMER David Farmer, I would like to find out the units formed in MACON CO., MO during the war.  My 2nd great-grandfather, Samuel C. FARMER disapeared during the period of the war and I am attempting to determine if and in what unit he served.

Searching for information on Robert Lewis Garrett of Clay Co. MO. s/o John Jackson  & Matilda Emerine Thomasson Garrett . Killed in action Hickory Co. Mo.ca 1864. on the side of the confederacy. Anna Heath
GIDEON,  AndieKC@aol.com    4/9/98  I am looking for information on GIDEONs and TUTTLEs in MO in the Civil War. Also, family legend has it that my gggrandfather and mother were killed by the BALD KNOBBERS, so any info about them would help, too.
GILMORE, PAQUIN Cathy Jackson and Kathy Taylor  To Whom It May Concern, We are looking for two men: Bourbon Gilmore and Francis Paquin (was first company A and later changed to Company E) of Company E 8th Infantry New Madrid Missouri.  The Company E surrendered (March or April) at New Orleans in 1865.  We would like any and all information of these two men.
GLASGOW. John Watts Glasgow and George Wilson Glasgow,  Jack Glasgow    father and son, of Nodaway Co., Mo., rode horseback to SW Missouri where they enlisted in the CSA Cavalry. In 1861. Any info on the two individuals??
William Thomas Gregory  I recently found out that my great grandfather, William Thomas Gregory of Marshall, Saline, Missouri, fought for the Confederacy.  I would like to confirm that.  Do you know of a site that lists names of Confederate soldiers from Missouri.  Also, how would I find out what regiment men from Saline would have been in ?    Dr. Pearson
Grandvill L.Gove is my Great,Great grand uncle. My Fathers father was named Luewellen Grandvill. I understand that he was a hero in the civil war . We posess his sword and scaber and sash,belt buckle and belt. The boys and I would like more information on our relative. Thank you Barbara

DAVID S. HAMBY.  I am seeking any info on David S. Hamby. All I have is  Pvt  F Co  11 Mo Inf  3-30-65 to 1-15-66.  Hometown Potosi. Thanks much. Leslie J. Hamby
Robert Lafayette Halpain Freda Halpain   I am trying to locate Robert Lafayette Halpain  buried in the National Cemetery in Jefferson City, Confederate Soldier.  Died Feb 20, 1866.  Hope you find him, and any information that may be listed there. Thank you
I have a picture of a civil war veteran.  His name is John Hamlin.  He has an officers GAR pin on his chest and a In Memoriam Ribbon  also.  The strange thing to me is that the picture was done by a photographer named Clodfelter from Varsilles, MO.  Could you tell me was there a CW
GAR reunion anywhere in Mo after the war?   Does anyone know about this photographer?  I suspect the picture  was take about 1880-1890. This person I think served in the Union Navy.  He lived in Ohio before the war and I just never figured he lived in Missouri.  But he might have come to  a GAR reunion. Any clues would be helpful about the reunion or the photographer.
Thank You.   Barbara Cole   816 E. 20th   The Dalles, Ore 97058
John Hamlin from Putnam County, DMo2770  5/23/98  My great-grandfather, John Hamlin from Putnam County, joined the U.S. Third Missouri Cavalry (Company I?) on 3/4/62.  He later transferred to the Seventh Missouri Cavalry.  He left the army in April of 1865.  I would like to learn more about the actions of these two cavalries during this time period and see if John's name appears in any army records.   Any help you can provide will be appreciated.
I am searching for a Union Veteran, John M. Harlow who fought for Missouri and eventually settled in Barton Co., Mo. where he died.  Amanda Sefton
CHARLES HARTLEY   Bratt Familie, Bratt Hollow, Perdido, AL, USA CHARLES HARTLEY   looking for a unit this vet may have served in.  lived in Mercer co, MO
Frederick "Fritz" Hase, served in the Civil War; and, I believe, he served with a unit from Missouri.  I am told that he was with Company F, Krekel's Battalion, U.S.R.C. Missouri Infantry.  Does any of this make sense to you?  Is there a particular infantry unit that you can identify from this information?  Thanks. Robert Hase
HARGIS Kathy Moeller    I'm looking for my Great Great Grandfather who served in the Civil War. I don't know if he served for the North or South, but the story goes that he was a Blue Belly. His name was Walter Hargis, and his wife was Mary. They lived in Missouri but I don't know where. I don't know what Company he served in or the time period, but have been told that at some point in the War he was fighting away from home when he deserted his command and went home to see his son get married. I was told the officials came after him,  but I don't know what became of him then.
HAWKINS, FOREST   Susan Hawkins  I have a couple of ancestors who served in the Civil War (Union Army) from Missouri. Alman G. HAWKINS, born in TN but served in company M of the 1st MO Cavalry, and Samuel Junious FOREST who served in company F of Phelps' Regiment (MO). I have tried looking these units up on the Web, but without any success, and also tried the many-volumed official records at my local state university library. Of course, the index was gone! I would like to know if there are any books and/or Web links that may have some information on these units. If anyone has any helpful hints for me on researching these units, I would appreciate it very much. I have also thought to search for some reenactors who are "in" these units, but don't know how to find them. My thought there was that some of these folks may have already done some research themselves on these units. Thanks for your help, in advance!
HAYES Suzan Heil   Looking for info on Freemont Rangers My GG Grandfather John L. Hayes  served in Co B 2 Cav Vols Co I 67th Regt USCT and Co F 60th Regt USCT any info would be great Thank you
Seeking information on HOWELL family from Lincoln County, Missouri.  Believe served in Union Army.  ABRAHAM HOWELL, WARREN HOWELL, and JAMES MADISON HOWELL believed killed in action.  LOGAN HOWELL captured and imprisoned at Andersonville Prison.  All were brothers.  Cousins FRANCIS MARION HOWELL (3rd Cavalry Regiment, MSM) and SAMUEL LIVINGSTONE HOWELL also served. Kirby Ross
HUGH(E)S Peggy Forbes  Thu, 02 Apr 1998 18:54:58 -0500   JAMES HUGH(e)S and JOHN W. HUGHS.  I am looking for information on both.They were father and son (my great great grandfather and great grandfather).  JAMES enlisted in the 1st Regiment Cavalry MSM on May 28, 1862, in Edinburg, Missouri.  John enlisted on July 16, 1863, in Edinburg, Missouri.  John mustered in on October 2, 1863, and mustered out April 7, 1865.  Any information would be appreciated.  Thanks.
 John M. Hurst's  pension says "That he enlisted as a soldier in the state of Arkansas during the war between the States in Company E of the ___ Regiment of Missouri, my brigade was commanded by Lieutenant Whitney."  How do I go about finding out what Regiment he was in and who Lieutenant Whitney was?  Thank you for any help Karen Stevens
WILLIAM H. HARRISON, died Oct. 15, 1864. He is buried in the Little Rock Nat. Cem., Ar. He served in Co. B 7th Mo. Cav. I am interested to know his age at death and his middle name...
.A. Stephenson

ROBERT ISBELLMarian Brown    I am trying to find information on my GrGr Grandfather Robert Isbell. He enlisted in the 7th Cav. Mo. and the muster in roll is dated Bloomfield Missouri Oct 18, 1862. He was a private in Captian James A. Cooper's Company, Clarks Recruits, Missouri Vols. ROBERT ISBELL was taken prisoner and later paroled at WITTSBURG,ARKANSAS May 25th, 1865, Robert had two brothers fight in the war with him. John Isbell and Ezekiel Isbell, Robert also had a son John that joined Oct. 18, 1862 in Stoddard Missouri.I'd like to find more information about these ISBELL'S. Can anyone tell me which battles ROBERT ISBELL and his company fought in ? Where was he captured and what battle was it ? I'd love to know more about his placements during the civil war. Just so I could better understand his family. This ROBERT ISBELL was later murdered in Burneyville, Indian Nation, what is now known as Oklahoma. I have not been able to locate a grave site for him. I would love to hear from anyone that might know how I can obtain information about his company in the civil war or about a pension he might have got. Marian Brown P.O. Box 572, Trenton, Texas 75490

JOINER Gary Joiner  According to the "History of Jasper County, MO", John C. JOINER enlisted in the Federal service in 1863 and served until the end of the war. Does anyone know what unit John C. JOINER may have served. He lived in the area that became Joplin. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks, Gary Joiner,Bentonville, AR
Jordan, John and Anderson Mark   I am not completely sure if these men were in the war, I am trying to find that out. I do know that they died around 1862. Their names were John Jordan born 1839, and his brother Anderson born 1842. These men were from Hickory county, Mo. The city of Hermitage, although at the time of their death the family could have lived elsewhere, not sure. The men were my great, great, uncles. Thanks for any information.

KELLUM Robert Young   Looking for information on my GGgrandfather Nelson Kellum.
Served in the Missouri State Guard (Confederate) Co.E 4th Regiment Infantry. Co. F 1st Missouri Cavalry
KENNERLY BEVERLY BOWHALL  I cannot seem to find out which side the following Reg fought. I have: Co. "F". ist Reg. Mo. Inf. Vol Capt. Kennerly. The soldier enlisted 8/16/1861 in New Madrid, Mo Thank you, Bev
ASA C. KETCHUM  Bob Addleman    ASA C. KETCHUM, served from MO in the Civil War.  He returned from Memphis after the war to Bollinger Co., MO and was one of their first attorney's to practice law there.  The only info I have on his Civil War service is from family letters which stated that he was in the Home Guard, was a colonel, refused pay for serving his county and served in Memphis.  I don't know from which state he served in the Home Guard.  It could have been KY, IN, MO or even TN? He was born in 1821, so he would have been 41 in 1862. He had a daughter born in Memphis in 1862, which supported family tradition that he served in Memphis.  Could he have been a volunteer and had an honorary title of 'colonel?' Any suggestions would be helpful. Bob Addleman Los Angeles
Wesley FBC KeyI am trying to locate the cemetery where Wesley FBC Key is buried.  It is in Springfield, Mo., which would be Greene County.  He served in the Calvary under Major General Price in the battle of Pilot Knob.  He was killed July 20, 1864.Thank you, Dorothy Daniel
KILLIAN, KILLION,  Mike Killian  " I am looking for any info. on operations in Bollinger county. also any info. on Rebs, Guerillas, Federals, or Missouri State Milita members with the names of Killian (Killion) or Bollinger." Thanks,
Maj. Olinver Basham  John King  I am looking for information on a Maj. Olinver Basham who served in the 7th Ark. Cavalry (Sept 27, 1864 at Pilot Knob Mo.) I am needing to find his burial site. He is from Clarksville , AR. Horse and personal effects were returned home. Wife is buried alone here in Clarksville. He enlisted 1861 here and fought at Wilsons Creek, MO. August 10th , 1861 under Capt. J. F. Hill. Company C. 1st Mounted Rifles,
Arkansas Infantry. His Brother-in-law 2nd LT. Thomas King was mortally wounded in the same battle. I need his burial site also. Both men fought in the Mexican War(1846-1847) Any information you could lend would be very
appreciated.  ( P.S. The Name is not misspelled-Olinver)

LEDBETTER My maternal grandfather was born in Barry county, on December 26, 1894. His name was Oscar Ernest Ledbetter. His father's name was James Henderson Ledbetter and his mother was named Barbara Adeline Greenway Ledbetter. I would appreciate any information  about the Ledbetter family.
Alexander Curry Lewis served in the confederacy .......... under Captain McDonald (Missouri).  Any help here?
Becky B.   918/573-3303
Ernst Heinrich Freidrich Lieneke who served in the Civil War from Warren County, Missouri on the Union side.  It is said he was honorably discharged in 1865.  I would love to be able to prove that this is true. Marsha Lieneke Gloe
LINVILLE Melanie Pendleton   Looking for info about the 2nd MO VOL CAV. CO. A my ggg grandfather was Perman H. LINVILLE and served in the Civil War in the  above service.
 James Lord. MoRebRaidR@aol.comI am looking for information about James Lord. He was in the 7th New Jersey Regt. with his brother Thomas. Thomas is buried in Laclade Co., Missouri. Could you give me any help in finding my grt grt's brothers  whereabouts any search engines anything on his whereabouts would be muchly appreciated.
Frederick Whilhelm Lipper  Darrell &Pat Dierks    Am looking for Frederick Whilhelm Lipper--born 12-18-1836 and died 10-6-1886 in Vernon County, Mo.  Served in Civil War but do not know which group.  Married to Charlotte Cordes who moved to western Kansas with her 8 children after her husband's death,  Family lived in or around Nevada or Walker areas.  They were farmers.
LITTLE   Sharon J.Brown   My g.g.Uncle Jonathan (B.or D) LITTLE  served in Co.E.42nd Mo. Inf. and was killed in action at Tullahoma Tn. May 19,1865. I have always been told that they were from Nashville,Tn. but this looks like he was from Missouri. Could you please tell me if I am correct. I am not asking you to do any search for me, just could you tell me if there was such a division.  Thanks.Sharon J.Brown

MARSHALL was from the Poplar Bluff area of Missouri. I think he had a relative, William Marshall, who was from Qulin/Melville, MO area that was in the 4th Regimental Arkansas Volunteers.I would like to know if anyone out there has a muster list and were there any more Marshall's listed in this regiment. I don't know my great great Grandfather's first name, but suspect it is John N/M MARSHALL. I do know that he died in the war in 1864. I don't know if they started out in a Missouri regiment but think that their families were forced into Arkansas by the Union Troups in the SEMO area. If anyone knows about the various units in Southeast MO or if any one has a muster list of the 4th Arkansas volunteers, please reply.
Susan Williams   Moberly, Mo 65270
MAURATH, DENIS John L. Maurath     I'm on a real quest to find the grave of a Civil War ancestor who was killed during Zagonyi's Charge in Springfield, Mo. on Oct. 25, 1861.  His name was Denis MAURATH, and he was a private in Lt. Westerborg's Cavalry Company B, Fremont's Body Guard.  The recruiter couldn't understand Denis' German accent, and so wrote his name down as "Davis MURAT".  I've already checked with local cemeteries in Springfield, the National Cemetery in Springfield, the National Archives in Washington, DC, and other sources, but no luck.  Any suggestions?  I'm also trying to find out more about Fremont's Body Guard, Major Zagonyi, and Lt. Westerborg.
James F. Miner from Iowa.he fought in the 1st regt. m.o.engineers f company or the engieer company of the west.mo.he was also in the Bissel's Engineer ,im looking for info. Francis Farden
 Edward Mayabb born ca 1836, married Derinda Brazil.  Served Union Home Guards - Webster Co., Mo.  Applied for pension 7-31-1890 Christian Co., Mo. I am looking for their gravesites and any other information.Thank You, Kaye Smith
MILLER Susan   My Great Grandfather faught for the Confederate Army during the Civil War.  His name is DeWit(t) Clinton Miller.  He was born in Wythe County Virginia. Could you please tell me about Hunter's Battalion Missouri Infantry?  I have been looking on the Civil War pages.  But had not luck on finding any information. Any information you can give me very much appreciated.
William M. MITCHELL,  Jon Tooley of Billings, Mt. I am searching for information on the following individual and his Civil War unit: William M. Mitchell who served in the following unit: Company 'D' 8th Missouri S. M. Calvary William is buried in Williamson Cemetery Walnut Grove Twp. Greene Co. Mo. I do not have a dob or dod on William. Thank You

O'NEAL Patrick O'Neal    My dad's family was all from Bates Co Mo.  Nine O'Neal boys were soldiers in the Civil War, three killed.  I have some info from old genealogy forms from a deceased aunt, also from Bates.  I also have a "retyped" letter from one soldier (killed 2 weeks after writing letter) to another bro. The letter was supposed to have been printed ina newspaper named "Democrat", that I thought was the Bates Co Democrat.  I've contacted the Mo State Soc & sent them a copy of the letter and retyped copy of the accompanying newspaper article dated Sept 19,1919.  The CW letter was said to have been written Sept 23, 1864 from Oscar A. O'Neal to Brother S.A O'Neal. They have, thus far, been unable to find ANY article in that newspapers archives on that or nearby date. Happy to share my limited info with you & your site. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks,
OSBORN Kadud   I am looking for Richard O.W. Osborn.  He enlisted August 24th 1861 in Co D in the 23rd Missouri Volenteers.  He started out on the March to the Sea with with General Sherman but in action before Atlanta in August 1864 was severely wounded and was not able to engage again in active service.  Mustered out the following November.  Any Information greatley appreciated.  I especially would like to find copy of pictures he is identified in. Thank you.

Anthony Jefferson Prongua  was born in lafayette indiana in 1842. He enlisted in a Missouri regiment . would apreciate any information you have . Thank You  A researcher
PRUNER Shirley Combs
I would like information on Private George Pruner Co. C 2nd. Missouri Volunteers. USA. I beleive he served throught the war. He served under Col Frederick Schaefer.  Can anyone tell me about this Regiment? Was this an all German group?  Can anyone help me out. George was the son of John Pruner & Pheobe Foglesong.  What about other Pruners in the Union or Confederacy?  Thanks LEWIS
ALFORD PETERS Fae Douglas Jacobs   Can anyone tell me what Union Army unit Alford Peters served with.  He was from Barry or Stone Co. Missouri at the time he served.
John Pickern,   Harold Pickern  John Pickern,  Private, w/ Capt. Lafayette Mitchell, Co "C" 15th reg. MO cav., enlisted Aug. 1864 Polk Co.. disch. 1865 at Springfield MO. My name is Harold Pickern, I'm looking for John's parents.

Peter Bingamon Riffe.  Sheila Shultz    He died in Jackson Co., Missouri on February 23, 1897. He was born in Richmond Township, Henrico Co., Virginia on December 28, 1828. He was fought in the Civil War.  He was with the 48th Regiment, Company J, of the Indiana Volunteers.  He enlisted the 22 September 1864.  He was discharged 29 June 1865, in Louisville, Kentucky.Note: Land Surveyor & Dept. Commissioner of Revenue, Relocated Jackson Co., Missouri fall of 1859.He married Sarah Ann Woodville Strickland on June 5, 1862, in Botetourt Co., Virginia.  Sarah Ann Woodville Strickland Riffe died April 28, 1880.
Zachariah Risley,  Billie Shaffer, along with his oldest son Templeton Risley, enlisted in Company C, 12th Missouri Cavalry on Jan. 22, 1862, died at Cape Girardeau on Feb. 18, 1862  of TB or Consumption.  Templeton died about a month later.  I am searching for a death certificate or any other record that might have listed Zachariah's parents names.  Can you help me? Billie Shaffer Clarendon, Tx. Any info will be greatly appreciated.
John Roberts.   Jerry Byers     My wife has a GGfather that served, or was said to have served in CSA Missouri command that was on it's way to do service in the Civil war... one John Roberts.... born in Kentcuky and ran away from home in 1863, due to gun accident, killing family member. It is said that he attached himself to the some corps as a drumer boy as he was to young to bare arms...  After the war he rejoined his mothers family residing in ANdrews County, Missouri... as he married his cousin Bethy CoMBS in 1865 I think it was...  I know that roster do not note age... but I have never seen a roster for flag men or band members... or have I missed something
we don't have any information with which Missouri CSA Corps that he served with, IE whether it did service in the midwest or the other Southern States... in the war...  ANy thoughts or ssistance would be appreciated
DeMarquis Robinett Sheree Robinette   5/14/98  Trying to verify that DeMarquis Robinett of Hartville, MO was captured and died at Andersonville, GA prison. DeMarquis was born in 1827.He was the son of Jesse Roinett Jr. born 1790 in Virginia and Frances Jones born 1791Wilkes County, NC.Thanks Sheree
Theodial Roussin  Tucker   I'm looking for information on Theodial Roussin (esp details of service in
Confederate Army and when he died and what cemetary he's buried in) , born in
1835 in Washington County, probably at Richwoods.  I believe he was a Private
in the 4th Missourin Infantry, CSA.
JACOB B. RUSHER  Joyce Rusher McKinnon - Enlisted in St Louis assigned to Co. "C" 1st Regiment of Missouri Calvary Vol. Enlisted 1 Jan 1862 and has anyone written a history on the Missouri Calvary? PS. Would there be anymore information on JACOB B. RUSHER?
RUTHMEYER Leo J. Boberschmidt. I am looking for any information on the 2nd Missouri Light Artillery, particularly Battery F between late 1861 and the end of 1862. My great, great grandfather, Herman Ruthmeyer, was an artificer with this unit. I have the Official Records CD-ROM and have also looked through an Order Book for this unit at the Univ. of Missouri, St. Louis - Western Historical Manuscript Collection. [Note: I also have copies of material from his pension record]. From what I can best tell, this unit was attached to the District of St. Louis and then the District of Rolla. I believe that Battery F saw duty during this period on the route[s] between Rolla and Houston in Texas County. I would appreciate any information on or references to this unit specifically and on the general activities of the 2nd Missouri Light Artillery
RISLEY Billie Shaffer,   My great-great-grandfather, Zachariah Risley, along with his oldest son Templeton Risley, enlisted in Company C, 12th Missouri Cavalry on Jan. 22, 1862, died at Cape Girardeau on Feb. 18, 1862  of TB or Consumption.  Templeton died about a month later.  I am searching for a death certificate or any other record that might have listed Zachariah's parents names.  Any info will be greatly appreciated.

William Jacob Sanders Keith W. Fletcher
On Jan 11, 1865 on Elk River, near Hillsboro, Tennessee, three Confederate civilian men were executed by men of Co. A, 42nd Missouri US Volunteers, led by Capt Wm H. Lewis of Linn Co., MO. Company A was on scout detail, searching the country-side for contraband & bushwackers, who were wreaking havoc on Federal interests in Southern Middle Tennessee.  Unit history points out these men were "guerillas." One of the 3 killed men, William Jacob Sanders (1818-1865) was my 3rd great grandfather.  I'm trying to validate the my family's story of how my ancestor was gunned down.  Supposedly, my ancestor was accused of harboring a bushwacker, whom I suspect was one John Wiley Purdom, Jr., a former Quantrill Raider.  Anyway the Federals forced the men, Wm, his brother Thomas G. Sanders, and Leroy Moore, a 55yr old farmer-neighbor to wade into a pond whereupon they were shot.  Purdom was later killed a month or so later trying to evade capture, by sneaking out Wm J. Sander's widow's back door. My questions include: 1.  Would you please respond if you know of any member of the 42nd MO who kept a diary of events in Jan-Mar 1865? 2.  Would you please respond if you know whatever became of Capt Lewis, or if you are descended from Capt Lewis? 3.  Was Capt Lewis's middle name Hildreth? 4.  Why would the scouts make the men wade into water and then shoot them?
Loranzo Dow Scott. Pat Scott   I have been looking for my husband's great grandfather: Loranzo Dow Scott. According to verbal family history, he was a Confederate soldier who fought at the Battle of Pea Ridge in 1862, was wounded and captured and died later at a Federal Prison in Iowa. His wife, Melinda received one letter from him. They had a farm in Waynesville, Pulaski County, Missouri. My research indicates his real name was L. (possibly Loranzo) Daniel Scott. He was at his farm in the 1860 Census, but nothing since. Can't find him anywhere. My research also indicates there was no Federal Prison Camp in Iowa during the Civil War or at least not in 1862-63. One family member did slip that his wife Melinda kinda cottenend to the North but then quickly added that that was who she lived around; the Northern troops. (in Arkansas.) There is no record of her in the 1870 census but I did find her graves and the graves of her sons in Arkansas. Nothing on Loranzo;. Any help would be appreciated!!!
SHADWICK or ALLEN Looking for the 43rd EMM Mo Milkitia and any reference to a surname SHADWICK or ALLEN Plus looking for the 10th reg Inf of MO and any reference of same.
Gary D. Barnes
SKAGGS Ida at the top of Texas  There were two Richard Skaggs in Green Co., Mo. during the battle of Wilson Creek.  One live on Wilson Creek at the foot of Bloody Mountain. A Union officer knocked on their door and urged his wife to load the children into a wagon and leave. He told her that a great battle was going to be fought in her front door and it was.  Over l200 Union men were killed on Bloody Mountain.  Her home was used as a hospital.  She carried dressings to the wounded soldiers along the banks of Wilson Creek.  Apparently the other Richard Skaggs was with the Union army.  I an interested in any info.
H. Sladek.  Norma Miller   Can you give us any information on H. Sladek?  He was a officer who served in the Union forces.  He went in in 1861 and left in 1865.  He served in Merrill's Horse and served as Assistant Provost Marshall somewhere south of St. Louis.  This is all verbal history.  Would like to find documentation.  Please advise.  First name might have been Henry or East European equivalent.  Thank you.
I am looking for more information on John Small born ca 1823 married Sarah Wann.  Died 12-11-1892 in Mo.  16th Mo. Volunteers - Springfield, Mo., 6th Prov. Reg. Mo. Militia, 16th Mo. Cavalry, promoted from Capt. to Major 10-31-1863. And James Henry Wann Small ca 1848 (My Dad told the story of how he joined up a 14
to serve with his father above and lied about his age).  Married Susan Elizabeth Patterson.  Was killed 6-28-1899 in Claremore, Ok.  6th Prov. Reg., Mo. Militia, 16th Mo. Cavalry - Co. A.
Bush Smith  William Pennington    My relatives fought the guerilla war on the Missouri-Kansas border with William Quantrill, et al. They are buried at the Smith Cemetery in Raytown, which no longer exists because the owner of the property, removed the headstones so he could construct a building. I'm looking for info on a Bush Smith. She married William "Bloody Bill" Anderson, a lieutenant with Quantrill, during the winter of 1863-64 in Texas.
SMITH, James C., Floyd E. Turner     SMITH, James C., b 31 Jan 1836, Owen Co., KY; d 4 Mar 1899, Arbela, Scotland Co., MO; m(1) 20 Dec 1860, HOLDER, Lucinda, probably Cantril, Van Buren Co., IA;she died 15 Jan 1870; m(2) 30 May 1870, Scotland Co., MO, YEAGER, Cordelia Mary, b 20 Jun 1849, Barbour Co., (W)VA. If someone can supply information on Co.F, 1st Missouri Cavalry, or, point me in the right direction, it would certainly be appreciated.
George W. Spoonamore, I am searching for the burial location of George W. Spoonamore, he served with Col Graves Co, Missouri State Militia I believe. Tom Spoonamore
John J. Stanley, A.R. James I need some info on John J. Stanley, born 30 Aug 1842, Chariton Co., MO. He moved with his parents to Mercer Co., MO abt age of 2. Spent his youth on his father's farm, and received a good common school education. Start of CW he enlisted Co. D, Second Missouri Volunteer Cavalry, known as Merrill's Horse and served four years & three months. He was first a Private and then a Non-commissioned Officer. He wass Junior vice-commander of G.A.R., Capt. Stanley Post # 78. I guess in Mercer Co., MO. He was married 1866 to Sarah E.______? Would you have any info on him?
STRODE, DILL  Clyde Miller   4/9/98  Seeking information (roster, battle details, letters, unit information) for the 71st EMM (Neamiah Dille, Pvt) and the 1st Provisional EMM Cavalry (Lt. John Garret Strode)  Any assitance would be greatly appreciated.  Also I have a photograph (tintype etc) of a young man in waist length Union blue with the only distinquishing detail being M.S.U on his Kepi.  No insignia, buttons indescernible under magnification. The name Grady has been penciled in.  Picture taken in Miami, MO Saline county.  Timeframe unkown.  Any help on M.S.U. would be appreciated.
James A. Sims Cort Sims  Looking for information on James A. Sims and the 1st Regiment of the MSM
Company M Cavalry.  Any help in finding records of him or the company would
be appreciated.

John Targ  Randee Targ   I am seeking information on John Targ, a.k.a. John Targe, a.k.a. John Jake ,  who served in the First Regiment of Missouri, Company B.
TEEPLE Anne   4/9/98 Jacob TEEPLE died aged 60 in a Union prison.  His son Jacob was also imprisoned, but was later released to continue on as Confederate soldier. The family lived in Pulaski Co MO.  The elder Jacob's wife was Nancy, and in addition to son Jacob, there were daughters Margaret, Diana, Nancy and Hannah.  Down the road was an Isaac Teeple family, likely another son, with wife Nancy, and small children Jacob and Polly. Anyone with Teeple contacts in Pulaski is encouraged to contact me.
TUTTLE AndieKC@aol.com    4/9/98  I am looking for information on GIDEONs and TUTTLEs in MO in the Civil War. Also, family legend has it that my gggrandfather and mother were killed by the BALD KNOBBERS, so any info about them would help, too.

WALKER Sharon Allgood I have been searching for 2 brothers that I feel must have died in the Civil War as they just seemed to have disappeared about that time. Daniel Walker born Dec 7, 1836 and West Walker born June 7, 1838 both born in TN. Family moved to Bloomfield, Stoddard co. MO by the 1860 census that area. I don't know if they were Union or Confederate but I can't seem to find out where they would have gone to inlist so I can find out what company they might have been in to start trying to track them down. I have access to an
index of soldiers from both sides but there are so many Walkers I need to narrow the field
Joseph Ware. I have him listed as: Ware, Joseph (Conf), Pvt E, Aug 1861- Feb. 1862. He was from Sandy Woods Twp, Scott Co, MO. Any ideas of where to look? Diane Provost
Noah WEBB      Looking for service history of Noah WEBB of Grand Pass Saline Co MO.  Born
1846 an served in the civil war, unknown which side. A Researcher
Looking for any information concerning Elias WEIR who served in 11th Missouri Infantry, Co. F (Union), invalid pension approved 1870. Barbara Miller
William Allen Buford White, Gene Ray    I am searching for any info on William Allen Buford White, born 4
May 1839 in Mason County, Virginia.  Family legend has it that he served with General Sterling Price in Missouri during the Civil War and was discharged as a colonel.  Can you help verify this?  I would be very grateful! Gene Ray  Atlanta
Berry Wilhite Oral family history says that my gr-gr-grandfather Berry Wilhite, b 1828, left his home in Boone County, MO to fight in the Civil War. Family history was not kind enough to mention whether he ws Blue or Gray, much less what unit. The oral tradition is that he never returned, although some say he died Nov 1864 in Boone County, and that he may have been a P.O.W.  If anyone could offer any info, it would be greatly appreciate it. Sincerely, John Allsup.
CHARLES WILLIAMS, 10/30/98  served in the Civil War - I don't know whether he was a Union or Confederate soldier. He was in the hospital and died during the war -  I think in Arkansas but am not sure.  His wife was ELIZABETH DELL and they had two daughters - Rachel Emeline Williams born 1861 (married Jasper Loveall) and Martha Williams born 1865 (married Charley Payne 1st and W. T. Thornsberry 2nd) in Mountain Home, Arkansas (Marion Co., I think). Later Elizabeth and her daughters went to Missouri.  They opened up a hotel in Joplin, Jasper Co., MO, after getting a pension for Charles' service. Elizabeth married Izon Mangrum (or Mangram) and had a daughter - Luella Rosella Mangrum. Any information will be greatly appreciated or any direction in which I should search. Doris Tartt
James Wood   I am trying to find information about my gggrandfather who served as I understand in the 9th MO Calvary he lived in Nodaway and later moved to Carroll Co Mo.hen enlisted in 1864 and served for 2 yrs any information about him,his unit,battles,and his rank and dates would greatly appreciated.   Lou
There is a marker, placed by D.A.R, on the headstone of my gg grandfather RUBEN WINFREY (1828-1876) in Carroll County,MO. It reads: Corp CO E William's MO CAV I was told this was a Confederate unit. How can I obtain more information about it?? Wanda Pennington Parker

YOUNG Young, Dale & Amy     Sat, 21 Mar 1998  I am trying to find some information on Henry Young who was in Company A, 13 Reg't, of the Missouri Infantry between 1861 and 1862.  Any information on this regiment and Henry Young would be greatly appreciated.

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