File contributed for use on USGenWeb/MOGenWeb Lincoln County Heritage Page by Earleen L. Sebree Hensley, 8 July 2008. Link change or update: 5 Oct 2008
Will and Church Resolution of James T. Gililland
Transcribed and provided by Earleen L. Sebree Hensley, 2008 .
I James T. Gililland of Lincoln County, State of Missouri being of sound mind and disposing memory, and being desirous of disposing of my worldly effects as near as I can. I do make and publish this my last will and testament, forsaking all others.
1st. It is my will and desire that my just debts and funeral expenses be promptly paid.
2nd I hereby will and bequeath to my beloved wife Nancy J. Gililland all my house hold and kitchen furniture also one red cow and my Buggy and Buggy harness and a pair of horses such as she may choose from among my horses, also Two Thousand dollars in money, as follows, any money that may be on hand at my death and any money that may be received from the sale of my personal property, and if there be not enough of this to pay her (Nancy J. Gililland) two thousand dollars, then take the money obtained from the sale of the farm, enough to pay her two thousand dollars.
3rd It is my will and desire that Minnie C. Gililland shall have one spotted milk cow and one hundred dollars in money to equalize her with my other children, who are married and have received of me.
4th It is my will and desire that my Farm and Lot-on Lots in the town of Troy be sold, also my personal property, except as above bequeathed, and after paying two thousand dollars to my wife, N. J. Gililland and Minnie C. Gililland one hundred dollars, the rest is to be equally divided among my children, Mary E. Guthrie, Emma B. Mosley, Leara E. Jones, Minnie C. Gililland and Eva J. Devier.
5th I hereby appoint-Hugh Devier and C. P. Jones my Executors of this my last will and testament.
James T. Gililland (seal)
At the request of James T. Gililland, the testator, we attest the above and foregoing will by subscribing our names hereto as witnesses in the presence of each other this October 1st 1896
B. T. L. Henry (seal)
P. M. Moseley (seal)
H. Humphrics (seal)
The following resolutions, in memory of Jas. T. Gililland, who died Jan. 6, 1897, at his home near Fairview, were recently adopted by Fairview Baptist Chruch, of which deceased had long been a member.
Whereas, The great Creator of the Universe has seen cause to remove from our midst Brother James T. Gililland, be it
Resolved, That in the death of Brother Gililland this church has lost one of its earnest members, whose example was ever calculated to forward the noble cause which he professed.
Resolved, That we deeply symathise with the family of the deceased and especially do we extend comdolence to the bereaved wife, who is called upon to undergo such a sad trial. May she be supported and cheered by the thought her loss is his eternal gain.
Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the church record.
J.M. Howdeshell
R. E. Moseley
H. Humphrey
The subject of the above resolutions was born February 9, 1830 and on March 3, 1859 was married to Miss Nancy J. Powell by Elder R. S. Duncan. To that union were born six daughters, whom were present at their fathers burrial.
Mr. Gililland with his wife united with Fairview Baptist Church in November 1877 and was ever afterwards a faithful member. He was universally esteemed by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
File contributed for use on USGenWeb/MOGenWeb Lincoln County Heritage Page by Earleen L. Sebree Hensley, 8 July 2008. Link change or update: 5 Oct 2008
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