File contributed for use on USGenWeb/MOGenWeb Lincoln County Heritage Page by Tina Wells, 2 July 2007. Link change or update: 10 Feb 2008
Will of Coleman Estes
Transcribed from Book of Abstracts (of Lincoln County, MO Will Book A, 1825-1855), p.
145, and provided by Tina Wells, 2007.
ESTES, Coleman – will dated 6 Dec 1838 Wife, Mary Christian Estes, the plantation on which we now reside and personal property, including slaves, and at her death to my son Jacob Oglesby Estes. Remainder of estate divided among my children to wit, Robert Pollard Estes, Susan Ann Thompkins, Mary Jane Gillum, Frances Coleman Estes, Mildred Martin Huskstep, Jacob O. Estes, Martha Ellen Sims Estes and Sarah Pollard Estes. Exr, wife Mary Christian Estes, son Jacob Oglesby Estes and sons-in-law, Charles W. Gillum & John Huskstep. Wit: James Clark, Benj. H. Worlles (Morlles) and Micajah N. Clark. Recorded 1 March 1844 (A:145)
File contributed for use on USGenWeb/MOGenWeb Lincoln County Heritage Page by Tina Wells, 2 July 2007. Link change or update: 10 Feb 2008
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